Chapter 73 The Fiery Wrangler
A "brick car" drove up, and as soon as the camera turned, three young girls with disheveled faces appeared.

The two girls mischievously lifted the red cloth covering the other girl's head, just like picking up the bride's red hijab during the bridal chamber, revealing the innocent face of the heroine Zhong Chuhong who is also disheveled.

The audience who watched Zhong Chuhong's Feng Chengcheng in Shanghai and Qiao Huang Rong in The Legend of the Condor Heroes were all amazed. No one thought that Zhong Chuhong would actually perform in the Wrangler, with such a pure and simple effect.

Seeing her appearance, Ah Hong excitedly glanced at Sha Zhu next to her. Sha Zhu was also surprised by Ah Hong's acting skills, and silently extended a thumbs up to Ah Hong, "The acting skills are awesome!"

But Sha Zhu was even more surprised that the one who lifted the red cloth off Ah Hong's head turned out to be Cong Shan.

My God, this Cong Shan is too persistent!
Just when everyone in the movie theater was amazed at Zhong Chuhong's acting skills, the camera turned again and came to the famous scene of the Wrangler, "Old Xu, do you want a wife or not!"

Soon the audience in the cinema was immersed in the plot of the Wrangler.

The fresh and refined love has refreshed the audience's view of marriage. Every audience present sighed in their hearts, this is love, this is marriage!
When it appeared on the screen that Zhong Chuhong was taking off the adobe, Sha Zhu looked at Ah Hong in surprise.

"To be honest, I really didn't expect that this part of your scene was shot so naturally!" Sha Zhu said in admiration.

"This scene is the most difficult one I have ever filmed! For this scene, the crew specially hired a local elder sister to help me, and taught me for several days, and finally I learned it!" Ah Honghong Said in a low voice.

"Thank you! My Ah Hong! Your acting skills have really made a breakthrough!" Silly Zhu said comfortingly with a smile.

Soon the movie came to the end. Xu Jingyou took out a large bag of five-star instant noodles that he had prepared, handed it to his son Xu Lingjun, and said, "Take it and eat it on the road! It's very convenient! Just soak it in boiling water and it will be gone soon." Can eat! I will come back to see you again, my son!"

The movie ended, and many audience members in the cinema stood up and applauded to celebrate!

"It's great! This drama has refreshed my three views!"

"I love this movie too! It's so refreshing and mesmerizing!"

Hearing everyone's praise, Sha Zhu and Ah Hong looked at each other, knowing that they were stable again this time!
Mr. Shao and Ms. Fang looked at each other complicatedly, and they admired Shazhu at the moment.

This time, he not only made a sensational advertisement for his five-star group, but also made a classic film.

Mr. Shao's professionalism told himself that this Wrangler was released worldwide, which is considered a big hit!

At this time, in the distant and beautiful country of New York.

Jack came out crying, and Joseph beside him was quite speechless, "Jack! You are really speechless! This movie is great! But why are you so moved?"

"Joseph, I have experienced eight failed marriages, until this moment I realized what true love and marriage are!
do you know?How miserable am I now?Joseph, tell me, are you willing to accompany me for the rest of my life? "Jack said to Joseph beside him, crying bitterly.

"Oh! My God! You're a lunatic! Do you know what you're talking about?" Joseph scolded Jack furiously, and then left angrily.

Looking at the back of Joseph leaving, Jack cried even more painfully!
"Joseph, do you want to leave me too? Aren't you my Xiuzhi?" Jack said painfully.

Hearing Jack's painful cry, Joseph's leaving figure suddenly paused, turned around and hugged the crying Jack, and said softly, "Lingjun, don't cry! I'm your Xiuzhi!"

Fuso Tokyo, a couple in love, walked out of the movie theater.

The girl said emotionally, "The shepherd is so touching! The folk customs there are so simple! When we have time, let's go to Chilechuan Ranch for a trip?!"

The boy smiled and said, "Of course! Next spring we will go horseback riding on the prairie of Chilechuan!"

"No, you have to take me to watch it again tomorrow, it's so beautiful!" the girl said suddenly.

"Not only do I want to see it, but I also want to introduce our friends to see it. We must let them see what is love! What is marriage!" The girl suddenly remembered something and said.

The boy still smiled and said, "This Wrangler is a classic, and more people should really watch it!"

From this day on, almost everyone in the world is talking about this Wrangler.

Everyone is discussing this magical movie at the same time.

Hong Kong Island.

"A Ke, have you heard? A mainland movie was released on Hong Kong Island recently! I heard it's very good! Let's go see it someday?" A Ruan said to A Ke, her female companion beside her.

"Mainland movies? Are they still good-looking? Are you kidding me? What good-looking movies can be made in the Mainland?!" Ake said in disbelief.

"Really! I heard it's really good-looking! I know what you mean, after all, the mainland is relatively a desert of entertainment! Actually, I can't believe it! It's really unbelievable!" A Ruan said in the same shocked tone.

"Really? You didn't lie to me!" Ake said still puzzled.

"It's true! It's the first movie to be screened in Hong Kong Island. Not only that, but it's said that it will be screened simultaneously all over the world! It seems that this movie is also being broadcast in a beautiful country far away!" Ah Ruan explained.

"In that case, let's go and see it tomorrow! Let's see what makes this movie so special." A Ke finally decided.

The same words appear in different places around the world.

The Wrangler has magically exploded all over the world.

No one expected that a Chinese-language romance film from the East would land in theaters all over the world so strongly.

In the impression of people all over the world, the East is mysterious and monotonous. I did not expect such a classic film to be made.

Five-star noodle restaurants all over the world still vigorously promote Wrangler, and movie tickets are still given away to customers.

"Ma'am, this Wrangler is a popular love movie recently, I hope you and your husband will like it!" The waiter still smiled and gave movie tickets to the guests of the five-star noodle restaurant.

"Thank you for the gift from Five Star Noodle Shop, my husband and I like it very much!" the lady said with a smile.

"Your happiness is the honor of our five-star noodle restaurant!" the waiter said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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