Chapter 74 Final Box Office

All the major media in the world went crazy, and the history of world film was completely rewritten at this moment, and it was rewritten by an authentic oriental Chinese film.

Every film critic's eyes widened in astonishment, watching the unbelievable scene that was happening.

In fact, when they heard that this Chinese-language film was going to be released globally, everyone paid attention to it with the mentality of watching a joke.

Unexpectedly, it was this kind of joke-like attention that fueled the reputation of the Wrangler and made more people curious.

People who paid attention to this magical film didn't care about the movie ticket, so they used the way of going directly to the movie theater to watch it to solve their curiosity.

Everyone entered the movie theater with a curiosity-seeking mentality and the purpose of criticism. When they came out, they were confused and their views on marriage collapsed. This kind of contradictory inconsistency made more people enter the movie theater.

Martin is a contributing film critic for The New York Times.

My professional quality allows me to evaluate every film fairly.

Some time ago, Martin found strangely that the media from all over the world were reporting the same film at the same time.

Out of curiosity, Martin deliberately went to find out the specific situation. It turned out that this is an oriental Chinese film called The Wrangler, and it is also a romance film!What's even more amazing is that this film is going to be released worldwide!

Could it be that the investor of this film is mentally ill, has too much money, and wants to squander it recklessly? !This world is too crazy!
It is really an international joke to show a Chinese romance movie in a beautiful country. Does anyone believe in love in a beautiful country?A society where money is paramount advocates the aesthetics of violence!Rather than the so-called love!So this so-called "Wrangler" is doomed to fail in the beautiful country.

However, the vigorous publicity and overwhelming reports from the outside world made Martin more and more unable to control his curiosity.

It can be seen that the investors of the Wrangler have spent a lot of effort on publicity.However, if it is said that this wealthy and stupid investor has also captured the big media from all over the world, Martin will absolutely not believe it, because this is simply not something that can be done with money.

At least the New York Times is not something that nouveau riche can get their hands on!
However, what is strange is that the New York Times is also reporting on this oriental romance film called Wrangler.

Really unable to suppress his inner curiosity, Martin finally decided to go to the cinema to watch this miraculous film that appeared inexplicably.

When he came to the cinema, he saw the audience walking out of the cinema excitedly expressing their feelings about watching the movie. Looking at the oriental faces on horses on the promotional posters, Martin walked into the cinema without hesitation.

Two hours later, Martin walked out of the movie theater with a complicated expression, even a little lost.

The beautiful country is a country with a high divorce rate, and Martin was not immune to three unfortunate marriages.

However, after watching the Wrangler, Martin realized that his so-called marriages were not love, let alone real marriages.

what is that?right!It is desire!Just lust for the opposite sex!

It is a pity that the preservation period of desire is short, so a new marriage is required to satisfy one's desire, and a vicious circle is gradually formed, resulting in the inability to obtain a true marriage of love.

At this moment, Martin realized that the beautiful Chinese had failed in his marriage!
With complicated feelings in mind, Martin returned to his residence, picked up a pen, and wrote a film review of The Wrangler.

"At this moment, Martin's heart is very complicated! The overwhelming publicity of the Wrangler has made me dizzy recently!

A country that is deserted by entertainment actually wants to show a purely Chinese romance movie in the beautiful country, and even the whole world.

When I heard the news, I felt like the world was going crazy!This is an act of provocation against the entertainment supreme!I decided to go to the cinema and watch it with a critical eye, and then give this film a good beating!
However, after I saw this Wrangler, I was shocked, and I was also confused!It completely overturned my 39-year view of the world and marriage!I know what love is at this moment! ?What is marriage! ? "

"The opening of the movie is an unfamiliar piece of music, which goes straight to my soul! After I got home, I checked the information and found out that this piece of music is called Chilechuan! It's a very strange name, but it's what Martin remembered. !

Then there is the refreshing oriental grassland scenery!It's like an oil painting, which makes me mesmerized!At this moment, I am fascinated!The appearance of the heroine made me see a pure and flawless face!The love and marriage views of the hero and heroine made me realize that my previous marriages were all failures, and none of them were the result of love!But just a combination of desires!I am confused!Then came the epiphany!

This is a classic film that cleanses the soul!It has magical oriental magic, which can purify every turbid soul!So, I give it a [-]:[-]! "

Soon, Martin's Wrangler film review was published in the New York Times. After seeing this film review written by Martin, the beautiful Chinese went to the cinema to watch the Wrangler again and again.

The world's media is crazy, and every day they publish new statistics on the Wrangler's box office.

Finally, when the Wrangler was painted, the global box office finally reached a terrifying $[-] million.

You know it's only 82 years now!
At this moment, the world media is really crazy!A magical oriental Chinese romance hit a crazy $[-] million.

When the news was sent back to China, Shazhu was so happy that he wanted to shout that his hard work during this time was not in vain, and he finally succeeded!

Looking at his wife in front of him, Shazhu said excitedly, "Ah Hong, the Wrangler has been drawn worldwide! The box office has reached [-] million US dollars! Haha, be happy! My love!"

"What? [-] million? Or US dollars?" A Hong was stunned when she heard the news from Sha Zhu.

The heads of mainland theater chains have been holding meetings and discussing non-stop since The Wrangler was released simultaneously in global regions outside of China.

The result of the meeting is nothing more than increasing the number of films for the Wrangler.

There are also some leaders who proposed to exchange the film production of the Wrangler with that of the Shaolin Temple, leaving only [-]% for the Shaolin Temple!

Of course, there are also proposals to completely cancel the filming of Shaolin Temple, and movie theaters across the country will show the Wrangler together. As for Shaolin Temple, let the projection teams from all over the country go to the countryside to show it!

As soon as the third conclusion came out, the heads widened their eyes in surprise, as if to say, "Are you crazy?"

In this way, after meeting after meeting, there was no final result.

Until today, the news that the Wrangler's global box office reached [-] million US dollars was sent back to China, and the leaders could no longer sit still.

They all agreed to the full-line Tongying Wrangler, and no one said that the full-line Tongying Wrangler is too crazy!
As for the film Shaolin Temple, let’s send it to the countryside!
(End of this chapter)

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