Chapter 77 Luxury Tour Group

Let Ah Hong accompany Wang Mingquan to play in the capital for two or three days before Sha Zhu put Wang Mingquan on the plane back to Hong Kong Island.

Looking at Wang Mingquan's contented back, Shazhu suddenly sighed unconsciously.

"Brother, sister Liza is gone, don't you feel a little bit reluctant?" Ah Hong looked at the silly Zhu next to him with scrutiny, and said sourly.

"What do you think? But, why do I smell a strong sour smell at the airport! Could it be that a lot of Xishan vinegar has been airlifted from Xishan!?" Sha Zhu deliberately teased.

"Brother, you are necrotic! I'm not jealous! I just see how emotional my brother is!" Ah Hong said angrily.

"Your sister Liza has come home with a lot of rewards this time! She must be satisfied to get the position of wireless chief financial officer! You don't have to be caught between us in the future, and you won't be angry with her!" Sha Zhu said with a wry smile.

"Brother, you think too much! Sister Liza has always been very kind to me! But now you are capable! Helping Sister Liza properly is actually quite good! This way everyone can live in face!" Ah Hong said with a smile.

"That's right! Your sister Liza came here because she saw the popularity of Wranglers all over the world! Mr. Da Jiang from Hong Kong Island called me just now. In two days, there will be a luxury tour group of Hong Kong Island entertainment bigwigs, and they will come to the capital. Yes! This is one wave after another of unexpected visitors!" Sha Zhu said with a wry smile.

"This is probably because people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong!"

"Ah? They organized a group to come to the capital, is there something going on?" Ah Hong asked in surprise.

"What else can it be! Isn't it just seeing the Wrangler's global sales, it's heart-wrenching, and I have an idea!" Sha Zhu said helplessly, "They only saw the Wrangler's global sales of [-] million US dollars, and they didn't even look at me. How much pre-publicity has been paid! And it can’t be copied at all! Even if the next Garland Under the Mountain will be released globally, it will be difficult to reach the height of the Wrangler!”

"In that case, wouldn't it be troublesome for them to come here?" Ah Hong said worriedly.

"Haha, they are like sheep coming to the tiger's mouth. I just took the opportunity of them coming to the capital to get to know them and the entertainment colleagues in the mainland. Since I have come to the capital! How can I do it without leaving some investment!" Silly Zhu suddenly said with a smile.

"Brother, how bad are you! You even work part-time as a business recruiter!" Ah Hong said jokingly.

"In the business circle of Hong Kong Island, these entertainment people have always been the most timid! They are always afraid of wolves and tigers! In the end, too many good opportunities were wasted!" Sha Zhu recalled these Hong Kong islands in his previous life. The performance of the entertainment boss, said with a smile.

"Then I'll see how much investment my brother can get from these stingy and cowardly bosses!" Ah Hong said with a smile.

Sha Zhu called the leaders of several movie theaters in the mainland in advance, and when the Hong Kong Island entertainment bosses got off the plane, they introduced the two parties to each other.

Then arrange for everyone to come to the five-star hotel in the capital together.

"Mr. He is so courageous in his business. While other businessmen are still waiting to see, Mr. He has already built such a big five-star hotel!" Mr. Shao said with emotion as he looked at the five-star hotel in front of him.

"I have no choice. There is only one chance. If you miss it, it is very difficult to have such a good opportunity! Many times, opportunities are wasted in hesitation!" Sha Zhu said meaningfully.

I saw that all the bigwigs in the entertainment industry on Hong Kong Island were very interested.

Shazhu continued to smile and said, "Now there are many opportunities in the mainland market, and the market is huge, but it needs funds to develop! And everyone here is not short of funds. If you enter the mainland now, no matter what industry you choose It can be regarded as occupying the market in advance!"

"Does Mr. He believe that the policy will not change?" A voice suddenly came.

Silly Zhu looked up, and it turned out to be that Long Wu.He smiled and said, "This is Mr. Long Wu, right? We are meeting for the first time, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

"Mr. He, I have long admired your name! The last time Wrangler premiered on Hong Kong Island, I was not able to attend because I was not in Hong Kong Island. I hope Mr. He will not blame you!" Long Wu explained with a smile.

As the saying goes, to explain is to cover up!

Silly Zhu didn't take it to heart, and he was not a favorite of heaven, so there was no need for everyone to revolve around him.

After all, everyone has their own life and pursuit.

Silly Zhu said with a smile, "Mr. Long Wu is polite! My actions are the best answer to Mr. Long Wu's question just now. I will continue to increase investment in the Mainland! Because I have long put my focus on Inland!"

When everyone heard Sha Zhu's words, they looked at each other with different expressions.

"Mr. He, this time your Wrangler can be sold all over the world, which really boosts the prestige of the Chinese people! We came here this time to learn from the experience! I hope Mr. He can give you some advice!" Open the topic and said.

Sha Zhu smiled and said, "Actually, I didn't expect the Wrangler's big sales! I thought it would be a success if it could sell for tens of millions of dollars! I didn't expect the North American region to be so strong. Contributed such a big box office!"

When everyone heard the silly Versailles-style words, they felt quite complicated and jealous.

"First, the Wrangler is just a romance film, which can be easily understood and understood by the beautiful Chinese and people from other regions! Second, before the release of the Wrangler, the Five Star Group has done a lot of publicity, and it has spread all over the world. The movie tickets presented by the five-star noodle shop in the company are a lot of money! Second, the Wrangler has become a hot topic for a while, successfully arousing the curiosity of the beautiful Chinese people, and making them rebellious. They all think that the global release of the Wrangler is a Not knowing how to live or die has fueled the topicality and popularity of the Wranglers." Sha Zhu explained in detail.

"Having said so much, I just want to explain that the success of the Wrangler cannot be replicated! Even our Five Star Group can't do it!" Silly Zhu finally said helplessly.

Everyone here agrees with what Sha Zhu said!
"Mr. He, the five-star noodle shop just introduced the event of giving away movie tickets. I wonder if our movie will be released abroad in the future, can the five-star noodle shop help us?" Long Wu suddenly asked nervously.

Hearing Long Wu's question, other bigwigs on Hong Kong Island looked at Sha Zhu nervously.

As expected of a bigwig in entertainment in Hong Kong Island, he can even tell that the code to his success is five-star noodle restaurant franchises all over the world.

Silly Zhu smiled and said, "I said it in Hong Kong Island before, our Five Star Group has always advocated win-win cooperation! If you need Five Star Group in the future, you can cooperate!"

I am not a philanthropist, and I can't give the five-star group a suitable reward. The five-star noodle restaurant will not work so hard to help promote it!
Hearing Shazhu's affirmative answer, all the entertainment bigwigs present were a little excited.

It's as if their movie is going to be a global hit like Wrangler.

(End of this chapter)

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