Chapter 78

The Hong Kong Island entertainment tour group left with satisfaction after getting Shazhu's reply.

Looking at their satisfied expressions, it seems that Hong Kong Island films will soon be available in North America to collect money.

For the excitement of Hong Kong entertainment bosses, Sha Zhu did not speak out to pour cold water on them. The success of the Wrangler cannot be replicated. They just took advantage of their own arrogance and caught the beautiful people by surprise!

Today's beautiful Chinese people, after seeing the final box office of the Wrangler, have already reacted belatedly.

The Wrangler movie is just like oriental food. The beautiful Chinese first tasted a novelty with a novelty-hunting mentality. If they then build a lot of Chinese restaurants in the beautiful country and sell authentic Chinese food, the beautiful Chinese will not be able to accept it. of.

It's a pity that these Hong Kong Island entertainment tycoons didn't understand this truth, maybe they did, but they were fascinated by the Wrangler's $[-] million box office.

As for the mainland film tycoons summoned by Shazhu, they have also reached some cooperation with Hong Kong Island entertainment tycoons in film production, and they all returned to their jobs full of joy.

Looking at the excited director Wu of the Shanghai Film Studio, Sha Zhu hurriedly got up and made a cup of tea for him, and said with a smile, "Director Wu, it seems that the Shanghai Film Studio has achieved a good harvest this time!?"

"Thanks to Mr. He, the Hong Kong Island tour group came to the capital this time, and we still think of our inland film studios, otherwise we would not have received these investments!" Director Wu said with a grateful expression.

"Hehe, Director Wu is very polite! We are all a family, it's good that you can gain something this time!" Silly Zhu said with a smile.

"Mr. He, do you think our next wreath under the mountain will not be as successful as the Wrangler?" Director Wu asked unwillingly, remembering what Shazhu said yesterday.

Recently, it is really a highlight moment for Director Wu and Modu Cinemas. I don’t know if such a great achievement will be unprecedented. Anyway, it is certain that there is no one before.

With this success, I want to continue to replicate this success.

Seeing Director Wu looking at himself with anticipation, Sha Zhu sighed and said, "The success of the Wrangler is really impossible to replicate! After all, it is difficult for oriental cuisine to adapt to the stomachs of beautiful Chinese people. We must have this for ourselves. Awareness."

Hearing what Sha Zhu said, Director Wu seemed a little unwilling and said, "Hey! What a pity!"

"Let's open up a little bit. Hong Kong Island's filming technology and concepts are very advanced. There are many things that are worth learning from the mainland film industry. Just take advantage of this cooperation opportunity and learn a lot!" Sha Zhu changed the topic.

"Mr. He is right. Sometimes it is meaningless to think about things. It is better to do the current thing well!" Director Wu said with a smile after he figured it out.

"I'm here this time to bid farewell to Mr. He! I'm going back to Modu Film Studio tomorrow!"

"Oh! Director Wu is going back so soon!? Don't you stay in the capital for a few more days?" Silly Zhu said politely.

"No! There's still a lot of things waiting for me at Modu Film Studio!" Director Wu said with a smile.

"That's it! Director Wu should know some merchants in Shanghai, right? Can you help me contact a piece of land in Pudong? I plan to build a new five-star hotel in Pudong, Shanghai in a few years!" Silly Zhu asked Said.

Silly Zhu has been thinking about building a five-star hotel in Shanghai in the future, so he wants to get a piece of land in advance and put it in his own hands, but he has been suffering because it has nothing to do with it, and he is embarrassed to trouble the big leader all the time. Factory manager, you should be able to help yourself.

Hearing what Sha Zhu said, Director Wu smiled and said, "That's it? It's too simple! Just leave it to me! I can reply to you within three days at most!"

Now Pudong has not been greatly developed, and I still have a chance. After the foreign predators have entered the mainland, it will be impossible or very difficult to obtain land!
And if I invest in advance, I don't know whether it will lead to the early development of Pudong, which is uncertain.

Silly Zhu also knew that Modu Film Studio had a lot of energy, so he said with a smile that he had no doubts about Director Wu's words, "Then I will trouble Director Wu!"

"It's just a small matter. Mr. He needs help, but it's my honor, old Wu!" Director Wu said with a smile.

Modu Film Studio has a lot of energy, but it is not willing to help with everything.

The Mr. He in front of him is a very easy to get along with partner, he is not greedy, and has strong energy and resources. If he can continue to maintain a good relationship, Director Wu and Shanghai Film Studio will of course be very happy.

"Ah Hong, how is your CCTV doing recently? Is the work coming to an end?" Silly Zhu asked A Hong in front of him with a smile.

"Well, I'm just waiting for the Spring Festival Gala! I'm really excited!" Ah Hong said nervously.

"Hehe, it's the first Spring Festival Gala after all! There are not a few excited CCTV staff at this time! Are you resting tomorrow?" Silly Zhu said.

"Well! Tomorrow I will rest!" Ah Hong said with a smile.

"Then you can put the car in the five-star hotel! Today I will take you home by bicycle!" Silly Zhu said with a smile.

Hearing Sha Zhu's proposal, Ah Hong said happily, "Okay! Brother!"

At this time, it was just getting dark in the evening, and Sha Zhu was riding a bicycle with Ah Hong in the back seat, enjoying the night in the capital.

"Ah Hong, we won't go home to cook today, elder brother will take you to eat the famous braised stew in the capital!" Sha Zhu suggested.

"Louzhu? I've heard of it, but I haven't tasted it yet! It's good to try it today!" Ah Hong said with a smile while sitting on the back seat of the bicycle, with her arms around Shazhu's waist.

"When I was in the capital, I used to eat Luzhu a lot! I have been in Hong Kong Island for the past few years, and I really haven't eaten it! Now that I think about it, I really want to eat it!" Sha Zhu explained.

"Ah Hong, do you know? Many restaurants now belong to public-private joint ventures, and signs saying that you must not beat customers without reason are posted in the store to remind the waiters of their behavior." Silly Zhu suddenly said with a smile.

"Ah? No way! The guest is God! There is no reason to beat God!" Ah Hong said in disbelief.

"Hehe, it's true that guests are God, but the problem is that most people in the mainland don't believe in God! The current waiters don't have any sense of service!" Sha Zhu explained with a smile, "Otherwise, the business of our five-star hotel will be so good, no It's just the service!"

"That's right! Then if we go to a restaurant to eat stewed food, will we be beaten?" Ah Hong said worriedly.

"Haha, no! Just to remind you in advance, if you see the waiter in the restaurant later, don't feel uncomfortable! Be prepared!" Sha Zhu explained with a smile.

"Brother, why did this happen? Don't lie to me with the nonsense that mainlanders don't believe in God! I don't believe it!" Ah Hong asked curiously.

"Hehe, the reason is that the waiters are all provided with iron rice bowls guaranteed by droughts and floods! It doesn't matter if they are good or not! Anyway, the country and the collective will raise them! Of course, there will be no sense of service!" Shazhu explained.

"Ah? It turns out that generous welfare benefits will also become a double-edged sword!" Ah Hong said in disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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