Chapter 87 Big Business

Qin Huairu has always been a woman with a weak appearance but a strong heart. What's worse is that she is very scheming, which is terrifying!

Being able to live in a wolf's den like a quadrangle that eats people and doesn't spit out bones is easy. Over the years, no one has ever taken advantage of her, and no one has spoken ill of her.

To be able to do this, in addition to her deep scheming, she clearly sees through everyone in the courtyard, and she knows what they want most.

In the end, on the surface, she founded the nursing home called Happy Home, but in fact, she snatched the property rights of the entire courtyard house and a good reputation for kindness for his son Bang Geng.

Everyone thought that if Qin Huai left the help of Sha Zhu, his life would be worse than death, and he would even do some things that violated morality.

This is impossible, because Qin Huairu's heart is arrogant, she always thinks that she is a high-level player, and everyone in the courtyard is just an npc in the game and pawns in her hands.

As for the uncle, he thinks that Qin Huairu can give him an old age to achieve his own purpose, but in fact he is the one that Qin Huairu uses the most.

This is probably the kind of top product that is sold and counts the money!
Last night when Bang Geng asked, Qin Huairu felt a little annoyed in his heart. Without Silly Zhu, he still needed to live, and he would definitely not feel sorry for himself there.

Xu Damao made an appointment with the second uncle and the third uncle to talk about things at his home, and thought of Bang Geng. Although Bang Geng's family background is not as thick as his and the second uncle's family, after all, mosquito meat is also meat, and it can raise an extra amount of funds. Being yourself is also helpful.

When I came to the middle courtyard, I saw Qin Huairu washing clothes there for many years. Now Qin Huairu was already a middle-aged lady, and she no longer had any charm for Xu Damao.

"Sister Qin, is Bang Geng at home? I'll talk to him about something!" Xu Damao asked loudly.

Qin Huairu looked up at Xu Damao, and said with a smile, "Oh! Bang is in the room! I'll call him out for you!"

After wiping his hands on his apron casually, he went into the room and shouted out the stick.

"Bang Geng, come out quickly! Your uncle calls you something!"

Seeing Bang Geng's confused face, he was about to go out, Qin Huairu hurriedly ordered in a low voice, "Your uncle is too ghostly, please be careful!"

When Bang saw his mother's worried face, he smiled and said, "Mom, don't worry! I'm not a child anymore!"

The second uncle and the third uncle were sitting and waiting at Xu Damao's house, and they were already a little impatient. Seeing the stick behind Xu Damao, the second uncle and the third uncle looked at each other in surprise. The second uncle said without any intention, "We're here to discuss business, why did you bring the stick?"

Seeing the reactions of the second uncle and the third uncle, Xu Damao explained with a smile, "Recently, Bang Geng followed me and made some money, and he is also very capable. You two elders, don't look at people with old eyes!"

Hearing Xu Damao's words, the second uncle and the third uncle were very surprised.

"Bang Geng, come and sit!" Xu Damao greeted Bang Geng to sit down, and then continued, "I called you here today to tell you that there is a big business now, which was contacted by Li Haiwang, Director Li of our rolling mill!

Because the business is too big and there is a lack of funds, then I thought that the second uncle and the third uncle are also very capable, so I came back to ask if you are interested in participating in it! "

Hearing Xu Damao's words, the second and third uncles were very pleasantly surprised, especially when they heard that Li Haiwang, the former director of the rolling mill, was also involved, which meant that the business this time was indeed a big deal.

The third master hurriedly said in surprise, "Da Mao! I watched you grow up since I was a child. If there is such a good thing, you should have thought of your third master long ago! Last time you disagreed with the third master and I participated in your business. You know the third master How sad am I?"

"Hey, Third Master, look at what you said! I had a good business today, didn't I think of you first? As for the last time, it was really not suitable for you to participate in it!" Xu Damao said with a smile.

"The third master knows that you are a caring person, Da Mao! I just don't know what business this time is?" The third master first complimented Xu Damao, and then asked.

Hearing what the third master said, the second uncle and Bang Geng also looked at Xu Damao nervously.

Seeing the anxious faces of the three of them, Xu Damao was very excited. Li Haiwang had always looked down on his own strength, and now he was about to bring in a large sum of money, which would definitely shock Li Haiwang's eyeballs.

But Xu Damao knew that the second uncle had recently made a lot of money by reselling the rebar that was in short supply!
As for the third master, although he has always lived frugally and lived on calculations, and looks petty in the eyes of outsiders, he has always been a wealthy family in a courtyard.

"Boss Li Haiwang Li is in the TV business this time! How about it? Are you interested?" Xu Damao said with a smile.

"What? It turned out to be a TV? Where did Boss Li get the channel!? TVs are in short supply now, and the supply is completely in short supply!" The third master yelled in amazement.

Xu Damao was quite speechless when he heard the words of the third master, and said sarcastically, "Thanks to the third master is still the people's teacher, have you never heard of the principle of letting money not giving way! I just wanted to talk to you about business, you I just wanted to inquire about other people's channels! Is there someone like you?"

Only then did the third master realize how inappropriate what he said just now, and apologized with a embarrassed face, "Da Mao, don't mind! I was also straightforward just now, and I said it without thinking too much!"

Seeing the performance of the third master, Xu Damao thought about getting funds from him, so he said in a relieved tone, "Hey! Actually! I am also curious about the channel of Boss Li Haiwang, but they don't Will tell me! So the third uncle and the second uncle, let's talk about our current business! Stop thinking about it!"

"Da Mao, what you said makes sense!" The second uncle agreed with a smile.

Then the three began to discuss in a low voice, and Bang Geng looked at the three who were discussing in a low voice in front of him with complicated expressions. Hearing what Xu Damao said just now, Bang Geng was actually very moved.

I can also spend a sum of money to participate in it, but thinking of my mother Qin Huairu's reminder to me just now, and thinking of my uncle Xu Damao's usual behavior, I suddenly have some palpitations!
Soon the second uncle and the third uncle left contentedly, and Xu Damao looked at Bang Geng at the side, and asked with a smile, "How about Bang Geng? Do you want to get a share?"

When Bang Geng heard his uncle Xu Damao's question, he quickly put on a wry smile and said, "I'm really moved, and the family has saved some money.

But recently my girlfriend Xiaolan is urging her to get married, and Shazhu doesn't agree to lend me his house, so I can only buy one recently!So for my uncle's business, I am really powerless! "

Hearing Bang Geng's words, Xu Damao was a good person. Knowing that it was Bang, he was more worried about the risk, so he didn't persuade the other party anymore. Xu Damao was also worried that if he behaved too much, he would scare the second and third masters who had already entered the game.

(End of this chapter)

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