Chapter 88 Temptation
After Bang Geng left Xu Damao's house, he suddenly regretted it. He shouldn't have rejected Xu Damao so hastily, at least he had to go home and discuss it with his mother.

Seeing Bang Geng's annoyed look, Qin Huai knew that his son was confused, so he asked with concern, "Bang Geng, what's the matter? Why did your uncle Xu Damao call you over?"

"Oh! My uncle has a business in his hand, and the funds are not enough. He asked me if I want to participate in a share! I refused!" Bang Geng explained.

Hearing Bang Geng's words, Jia Zhang who was next to him also smiled and said, "Bang Geng did the right thing! You can't agree to this kind of thing. Don't look at Sha Zhu and Xu Damao dancing happily now. Maybe one day the policy will change. , the worst is Shazhu and the others! You see how good our life is now, I am already very content! You should also be content!"

When Qin Huairu heard her mother-in-law's words, she also agreed with her and said, "Bang Geng, what your grandma said makes sense! Now that you have a high salary and you have a partner! You should live a down-to-earth life and don't need to envy other people's lives! "

"Well! Mom, grandma, I understand what you're talking about! I won't think about it!" Bang Qiang said with a smile.

"By the way, I just saw the third master come out of the backyard happily, is he also talking about things with your uncle?" Qin Huairu asked curiously, thinking about what he saw just now.

"Yes! The second uncle and the third uncle are both involved in my uncle Xu Damao's business!" Bang Geng explained.

Lou Xiao'e looked nervously at Shazhu who came back, and said in a complaining tone, "Sizhu, you said that you are such a big boss, and you don't drive around, but you want to ride a broken bicycle, so you don't worry about making mistakes."

"Hehe, I see you are so anxious! The matter is done, and the big leader said that the imitation production line is very simple!" Silly Zhu looked at the anxious Lou Xiao'e, and said with a smile.

"Really? Silly Zhu, you are amazing!" Lou Xiao'e said happily.

"Haha, what a big deal. As for making our Mr. Lou so happy?!" Silly Zhu said in disbelief.

"You don't know, it's really uncomfortable to be coerced by others! Now you don't have to look at Xiaozizi's face anymore!" Lou Xiaoe said happily.

Lou Xiao'e's joy, silly Zhu can understand, Chinese people have always been afraid of other people's coercion, that's why they have the most complete industrial categories in the world, but they are still coerced and choked by others in later generations, sometimes they are really helpless.

So the current silly Zhu hopes to do as much as possible as much as possible, and only hopes that this world will be a better place.

Xu Damao's character likes to show off. Just after getting the funds from the second and third masters, he immediately ran to Li Haiwang and found the treasure.

Seeing the huge amount of money that Xu Damao took out and put on the dining table, Li Haiwang and You Fengxia looked at each other in surprise, and Li Haiwang praised, "Yes! Xu Damao, he got so much money so quickly! It seems that I underestimated you before!"

"That's right, Boss Li doesn't know my strength! It's very easy to get these funds! So if Boss Li has any good business in the future, he must think of me!" Xu Damao heard Li Haiwang's praise He and You Fengxia's alluring gaze made him feel at ease, and he immediately boasted proudly.

Hearing Xu Damao's self-praise, Li Haiwang and You Fengxia looked at each other, sneered in an imperceptible way, and continued to compliment, "Damao will have a few more drinks later, so we can celebrate!"

"Boss Li is right! We won't go home until we're drunk!" Xu Damao immediately said happily.

Xu Damao was able to get such a large amount of money, Li Haiwang really did not expect it. He had heard that Liu Haizhong had recently made a lot of money by selling rebar. It seems that this Liu Haizhong is not only an official fan, but also some energy.

This business is something I and You Fengxia thought of after a long time of consideration. It is absolutely guaranteed to make a profit without any risk. The more people who can enter, the better. As for who will make money in the end, Li Haiwang and You Fengxia Fengxia wouldn't say it clearly.

The three of Xu Damao and Li Haiwang were drunk again, and it took a lot of effort to drag the three of them into the car.

For the scene in front of him, Bang Geng has become accustomed to it recently. The time Xu Damao and Li Haiwang made an appointment to drink, they were not drunk.

At this time, Rod felt that he was not like a driver, but a nanny who surrounded Xu Damao and waited on him.

Xu Damao and Li Haiwang, who were placed in the back seat, still yelled "Don't get drunk, don't return" and "Brothers". Seeing this, they almost kowtowed.

For the two drunks in the back seat, even though they were his parents, Bang Geng didn't want to take a second look.

In fact, all my interest was in You Fengxia, the co-pilot. At this time, You Fengxia looked more charming than usual when she was drunk.

The black glass stockings that You Fengxia is wearing now, her fair skin that is flushed after drinking, and the smell of perfume in the car interior all attract the fledgling stick.

If You Fengxia is a temptation to Xu Damao, then it is a fatal blow to the current Bang Geng.

It was more difficult for Bang to control himself not to look at You Fengxia next to him, but he still fantasized about various pictures in his mind as if possessed by a demon, swallowing his saliva unconsciously.

In the end, Rod endured the suffering along the way even more painfully, and brought the three of them to the hotel they often come to.

The waiter at the hotel saw the car he knew coming, opened the door quickly, and helped Xu Damao and Li Haiwang into the hotel. Another waiter was about to help You Fengxia, the co-pilot, when Bang Geng hurriedly stopped him and said, "She doesn't need you. Help, let me do it!"

After finishing speaking, Bang Geng trembled with inexplicable excitement, went to the co-pilot and helped the soft and boneless You Fengxia.

At this moment, Bang felt that he had reached the pinnacle of his life and realized the joy of being a man.

Both Xu Damao and Li Haiwang are regular guests of this hotel, and Bang Geng didn't need to worry about the two big men who were taken away by the waiter, but took You Fengxia to the room she had reserved long ago with ease.

Putting You Fengxia, who was soft and boneless, on the bed, breathing the smell of perfume in the air, looking at You Fengxia's extremely seductive face, Bang Geng was completely delusional at this moment. Xia kissed her lips.

Bang left You Fengxia's mouth more contentedly, and soon came to his senses, and became a little scared again, quickly covered You Fengxia with the quilt, and quickly fled the room.

Feeling that Rod escaped from her room like a frightened rabbit, You Fengxia opened her eyes and looked out the door, and said contemptuously, "What a coward."

Then You Fengxia covered her head and fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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