Chapter 89
As soon as Bang Geng walked out of the hotel gate, he was even more frightened when he was shocked by the oncoming cool wind.

He is quite satisfied with his current job.So I was really worried that my behavior today would make You Fengxia angry, and then told Xu Damao to fire herself again.

As soon as he got home, Bang felt the uncomfortable sticky feeling on his body, so he said to his mother, Qin Huairu, "Mom, find out a set of my clean clothes, and I'll go to the bathtub to take a bath!"

Just now at the hotel, because I was excited for a while, and because I didn't have any experience with men and women, I was embarrassed directly.

Qin Huairu didn't feel any strange feeling, but took out a set of clean clothes and handed it to Bang Geng without asking.

At the beginning of the new year, the weather in the capital is quite cold, so I can take a bath in the bathtub more comfortably, recalling my impulsive behavior in the hotel just now, thinking that You Fengxia didn't seem to notice her behavior, maybe I should Maybe it's safe.

Whenever I think of You Fengxia, I still unconsciously imagine You Fengxia's charming figure in my mind.

At this moment, Bang Geng is eager to have some relationship with You Fengxia, wondering if she can fancy him.

Bang Geng also thought that You Fengxia was in contact with big bosses like Li Haiwang every day. If she licked her face and moved closer, You Fengxia probably wouldn't look at her directly.

Why!forget it!Live your own little life with peace of mind, stop thinking about unrealistic things, Bang Geng thought in his heart.

Whether it is to participate in the big business done by Xu Damao and Li Haiwang, or get involved in the top beauties like You Fengxia, it is an extravagant wish for me now!
Qin Huairu saw his son Bangeng who came back, smiled and took the dirty clothes from Bangeng's hand.

"Bang Geng, you go to bed first! You have to get up early tomorrow, in case your uncle has something urgent, you won't be able to rest well!" Qin Huairu urged.

"Okay, I'm really tired!" Bang said weakly.

Seeing his son Bang more obediently going to rest, Qin Huairu felt very happy. Bang in front of him was all he could rely on. He was so promising now, and it was also his pride as a mother.

Seeing that Qin Huairu picked up the stick to change the dirty clothes and was about to go to the yard to wash them, Jia Zhang hurriedly dissuaded him, saying, "Huairu! Let's wash the clothes for the stick tomorrow! Don't be in a hurry, you can do it too soon." rest early!"

"No, mom, it's even bigger now. I'm going to get married soon. Not to mention how well you dress, at least keep it clean! Besides, the water in the courtyard is troublesome. Everyone competes for water during the day. If it is always occupied by our house Other neighbors will complain about washing clothes!" Qin Huairu explained.

When Jia Zhang heard Qin Huairu's concerns, she said disapprovingly, "Huairu! It's wrong for you to think that way, our courtyard house wants to be louder than anyone else, and whoever is right is right!

Besides, we have been neighbors for many years, who would dare to bully our orphans and widows!Listen to me, wash it tomorrow, let me see who dares to compete with our family for water use! "

Hearing her mother-in-law Jia Zhang's words, Qin Huairu did not refute, but shook her head quite speechlessly, and then went to the yard to wash the clothes.

Inadvertently, Qin Huairu saw the dirty things on Bang Geng's underwear and thought of his son's abnormal situation today. As a mother, Qin Huairu knew that the marriage between Bang Geng and his girlfriend Xiaolan could not be delayed any longer.

Thinking of this, Qin Huairu no longer thought about washing clothes, but wiped his hands on the apron, then untied the apron and walked towards the uncle's house.

It's not too late, the uncle hasn't slept yet.

Seeing Qin Huairu approaching, the uncle quickly said with a smile, "Huairu, is there anything you can do?"

"Master, it's better to get married and not have a house!" Qin Huairu said embarrassingly.

"Hey! I'm also worried about this matter! Why are you saying that Shazhu is so selfish and doesn't think about others at all! I can see that I, this uncle, can't control Shazhu now!" The uncle was angry and Said helplessly.

"I also went to Yushui a few days ago, and I wanted Yushui to persuade Shazhu to help our family.

However, there has been no reply from Yushui in the past few days. I don't think Shazhu has given Yushui any face!Most likely rejected too! "Qin Huairu said with a wry smile.

"Yes! I'm looking at Shazhu's house, so let's not think about it for the time being!" the old man said helplessly.

"I know, so I plan to buy a house for Bang Geng, but then I will get married. If I buy a house with all the money, I will have no money for the marriage! What do you think about this?" Qin Huairu explained with a wry smile .

Hearing Qin Huairu's words, the uncle was also very helpless. No matter whether this Xiaolan came from the countryside or not, the dowry money would not be small, and the money for banquets and new items at home were all inseparable from money.

"Now all my pension is with you, and there's nothing I can do!" said the old man helplessly.

"I know, Grandpa, that's what I think! How about you give up your house to Bang Geng to get married first! Then build you a house next to our house, what do you think?" Qin Huairu stared at the uncle nervously, and then explained.

"You know that I've always been very opposed to building earthquake shelters like the second and third uncles! Now you let me." The elder said speechlessly.

"I know that my uncle has always been disgusted with this kind of random construction, so we have not followed suit for so many years!
However, the situation is completely different now. Shazhu is unwilling to help our family. If we don’t build another house, our family will really not be able to get through this difficulty! "Qin Huairu said with a sad face.

"This" uncle is very tangled.

I have always advertised myself as a moral model, and I have always opposed the selfish behavior of the second and third uncles who build and build randomly, but I didn't expect that I would be forced to build randomly in the end!

But seeing the distress on Qin Huairu's face, and thinking that his pension problems will all fall on Qin Huairu's body in the future, he could only resign himself to his fate and agree to Qin Huairu's request.

"Okay! Look at the arrangement! I agree to give up the house to Bang Geng!" the uncle finally agreed.

Hearing the uncle's promise, Qin Huairu wept with joy, and said gratefully, "I knew that in this courtyard, the one who treats our family the best is the uncle! Don't worry, I will definitely ask you to be filial to me. ! You will be Bang Geng’s dear grandfather from now on!”

Qin Huairu returned home contentedly, and quickly told Jia Zhang the good news.

Hearing Qin Huairu's words, Jia Zhangshi was also very excited, and said happily, "Huairu, you have worked hard! If it weren't for your method today, we don't know how long the awesome marriage will be delayed!"

"Well! In fact, all of this should be thanks to the selfless dedication of the uncle. I am going to let Bang recognize him as a godfather! Mom, what do you think?" Qin Huairu suddenly suggested.

Jia Zhang, who was still happy just now, heard Qin Huairu's proposal, and immediately turned ugly and said, "It's not good! It's absolutely impossible for Bang to recognize him as Yi Zhonghai's grandfather! As long as he keeps putting Hand over the pension to Bang Geng, and you can also consider asking Bang Geng to help him in retirement! As for recognizing relatives, don't even think about it!"

Hearing her mother-in-law's words, Qin Huairu was also very tangled and at a loss. After all, letting Bang recognize the uncle as a godfather is currently the best way to repay.

Bang Geng, who was lying on the bed and didn't fall asleep, heard the conversation between his mother and grandma, and immediately got up and said to Qin Huairu, "I also don't agree to recognize the grandpa as a godfather! I can't do anything to be sorry for the ancestors of the Jia family." Asshole thing."

Hearing Bang Geng's refusal, Qin Huai completely gave up on this proposal. It seems that he can only try to treat the uncle better in the future. I hope that the uncle will not pay too much attention to the matter of recognizing relatives.

(End of this chapter)

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