Chapter 91 Entry
Bang Geng didn't go home all night, and Qin Huairu suffered all night in fear. This kind of absenteeism has never happened again in these years. There is a night out.

Jia Zhang looked at Qin Huairu who was fidgeting, and even though she was worried about her grandson, she still persuaded Qin Huairu helplessly, "Huairu! Don't worry too much! You are not a child anymore! You'll take care of yourself out there!"

"Mom, you don't know! It's because he's grown up! I'm more worried. There are too many temptations outside, and I'm worried that he will learn to be bad!" Qin Huairu thought of his son's abnormal behavior these days, and sighed. He took a breath and said worriedly.

Hearing Qin Huairu's worry, Jia Zhang also felt a little bad, but still said with a forced smile, "Hehe, you must be thinking too much! Our family is more sensible, and we never let the family worry about it. You're a bad boy! You're getting married soon, so stop thinking about it!"

Hearing her mother-in-law Jia Zhang talking about getting married, Qin Huairu felt a little relieved, yes!This is about to get married, and soon the son will be accompanied by someone, and he will not be fooled by the temptation outside!I must be worrying too much!

Thinking of his son Bang Geng's marriage, today he has to urge the workers to finish the small house as soon as possible, let the old man vacate the house as soon as possible, and let Bang Geng get married earlier, so that he can feel at ease earlier.

At this time, Bang Geng was at You Fengxia's house, staring at the stunning enchantress in front of him with bewildered eyes.

Sensing Bang's more aggressive gaze, You Fengxia said in a teasing tone, "Does it look good?"

When Bang heard You Fengxia's question, he swallowed unconsciously again, and said with a golden light in his eyes, "It's beautiful! It's so beautiful!"

"You were so crazy last night, and you were so excited early in the morning?" You Fengxia said with a smile, thinking of the crazy performance of Bang Geng last night, which made herself very satisfied.

"Hey, my sister is so beautiful, I will never have enough!" Bang said with a smirk.

Hearing what Bang Geng said, You Fengxia asked, "Since you say I am beautiful, let me ask you, is it me or your girlfriend who is more beautiful?"

For You Fengxia's words, Bang Geng suddenly lost his brain and didn't know how to answer for a while, but after thinking about the comparison between the two, You Fengxia is still more coquettish and charming, while Xiaolan can only be regarded as a little girl from the countryside. Tu Niu, it's impossible to say how beautiful she is!
"Of course my sister is much prettier! How can that little country girl compare to you!" Bang said with a smile, still staring at You Fengxia's body with more perverted eyes.

Seeing Bang Geng's fascination with her body and his answer, You Fengxia was very satisfied, and regained her confidence in her beauty, and said with a smile, "Then if I let you marry me, would you be willing?"

When Bang Geng heard You Fengxia's words, his eyes widened in surprise, and he said tongue-tiedly, "Can I really marry you? Are you willing to marry me?"

"Of course I can! Otherwise, I'm here to tease you when I have nothing to do? In fact, it's not that you married me, it should be said that I married you!" You Fengxia said with a smile.

"What?" Bang was even more confused, how could a woman marry a man, don't all men marry their wives!

"It means that I want you to join our You family and be our You family's door-to-door son-in-law! Can you do it?" You Fengxia explained with a smile.

"I" was even more surprised and didn't know how to answer, because I never thought about the possibility of getting married.

"Don't worry, don't rush to answer me! I have plenty of time and patience!

As long as you agree to marry, I can give you money, wealth and status!
Aren't you always jealous of He Yuzhu's success now?With the help of our You family, it is very simple to surpass He Yuzhu!

If you don't believe me, look at King Li Hai and your uncle Xu Damao. The reason why they compliment me is because they need the help of our You family!Think about it! "You Fengxia said with a smile.

After speaking, he got up, put on his clothes and left the room, leaving only Bang Geng still thinking about what You Fengxia said just now.

Finally, the time at the end of the year was busy. The first Spring Festival Gala was a success, and Ah Hong was also awarded by the leader.

"Brother, the Spring Festival Gala is over! I won't be too busy in the future, let's go back to Hong Kong Island to pick up our parents and children to the capital!?" Ah Hong said looking at her man.

Silly Zhu looked at Ah Hong in front of him, and said with a smile, "Okay, I'll let someone buy two air tickets to Hong Kong Island the day after tomorrow! We will see our two little babies soon!"

"Yeah! I really miss them both!" Ah Hong also said with a smile, "I don't know if they still know me as a mother!"

"It's natural for children to be close to their mothers, so don't worry! Besides, you went back to watch the Wrangler's premiere on Hong Kong Island last time. Children have memories!" Sha Zhu said with a smile.

"You said that if my parents come to the capital, what if they don't get used to it?" Ah Hong suddenly asked worriedly.

"This is a problem. I planned to invest in a garment factory for your father in the suburbs of Beijing. The business is absolutely booming! There are things to do so that your father will not be bored.

But if they are really not used to the weather and life in the capital, they can go back to Hong Kong Island or Dongguang!
Anyway, we don't need to run around for three meals a day, there are many choices! "Silly Zhu thought for a while, and then said.

"But if they don't get used to it and have to go back to Hong Kong Island or Dongguang, what will happen to the children? Don't our family still have to live in two places!?" Ah Hong said worriedly.

"Little fool, the current Five Star Group is on the right track.

Your sister Liza did a great job too!I have considered letting her join the five-star group to take charge of the five-star film industry!

At the same time, I also consider letting Teacher Ran Qiu and Ye Ran work in the Five Star Group, and Lou Xiaoe has grown up now.

With so many people helping us, there are very few things that really need my help!So, I can be a full-time dad! "Shazhu explained with a smile.

Hearing Sha Zhu's answer, Ah Hong's eyes widened in surprise, and she said in disbelief, "No way! Can you take care of the child?"

"You underestimate me too! Your husband is an all-around model!" Silly Zhu said with a smile.

"You really can?" Ah Hong still looked at the man in front of her suspiciously, and then said.

"It's okay, wait until I try it out for a few days, and you'll know after the assessment!" Sha Zhu said quite speechlessly.

Hearing what Sha Zhu said, Ah Hong was relieved.Then he smiled and said, "That's right! But I am a very strict examiner! You can't pass the test easily!"

"Haha, let me show you what it means to pass five levels and kill six generals!" Silly Zhu said confidently, not at all afraid of Ah Hong's about to make things difficult for her.

(End of this chapter)

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