Chapter 92 Temporary Workers

Sha Zhu and A Hong returned to Hong Kong Island, and took A Hong's parents, younger siblings and the whole family to the capital.

But after feeling the weather in the capital, Ah Hong's family was really uncomfortable.

Ah Hong's mother looked embarrassed, and explained to her son-in-law Sha Zhu, "Zhu Zi, we have always lived in the south, and it is true that we are not used to the weather in the capital, so I discussed it with Ah Hong's father. , I plan to return to Hong Kong Island to live in a few days."

Hearing A Hong's mother's words, Sha Zhu and A Hong looked at each other with such expressions, and then said with a smile, "A Hong and I have thought of this a long time ago! After all, you have lived in Hong Kong Island for so many years. , relatives and friends are all in Hong Kong Island.

It is indeed a little uncomfortable to come to the capital suddenly like this now!
I discussed with Ah Hong, or I invest in a garment factory in Hong Kong Island, and then let Ah Hong's father run it, so that we can rest assured when you go back to Hong Kong Island!What do you guys think? "

Hearing silly Zhu's plan, Ah Hong's father quickly refused, "Zhuzi, don't do this!
We have been together for so many years, you should know that I am an ordinary person who is easy to get rich.

Now that your career is successful, and Ah Hong has such a stable and good job, our family is no longer the kind of hard-working life before.

So I plan to keep this small clothing store open, as long as I can pass the time! "

Hearing what A Hong's father said, Sha Zhu agreed very much, but still looked at his wife A Hong beside him and said, "A Hong, what do you think?"

Ah Hong thought for a while, and then said, "Since my father likes an ordinary life, let's do it according to their ideas! In fact, this is also very good!"

"Okay, since Ah Hong also agrees! So let's do this, you guys spend a few more days in the capital, and then go back to Hong Kong Island!
Anyway, the transportation is convenient now, if you miss us, you can come to see us in Beijing, or we can go to Hong Kong Island to see you if we spare time. "Silly Zhu said with a smile.

Hearing Shazhu's words, Ah Hong's parents looked at each other with a smile and breathed a sigh of relief. They were really worried that their son-in-law would be angry because of this. Ah Hong's mother thought of the children again, and then said, "What about the two children? Why don't we take it back to Hong Kong Island?"

"No, Ah Hong and I have discussed it! Let the two of them stay in the capital, stay with us as parents, and we can take care of the children ourselves!" Silly Zhu took a look at Ah Hong, and then explained with a smile.

"You are usually so busy at work, and there are many things at Ah Hong's work unit. How can you have time to take care of your children?" Ah Hong's mother asked suspiciously.

"Ah Hong's unit has a lot of things at the end of the year, and I didn't expect her to join the preparation team for the Spring Festival Gala, so you all mistakenly think that she is busy!
In fact, under normal circumstances, she doesn't have many things to do in her unit, and she can go to and from get off work normally and rest on holidays!
As for me, the current five-star group has already been on the right track and hired so many employees.If it still needs to be like before, when I first started my business in Hong Kong Island, I was so busy, it would be impossible!
So I can be a full-time dad! "Shazhu explained with a smile.

"Ah? Really? Can you really bear the crying of a child?" Ah Hong's parents looked at each other in surprise and said in disbelief.

"Now that the children are two or three years old, the hardest time to take care of them has passed, and now they are the cutest time! I think they are easy to take care of now!
It is the greatest enjoyment to be able to be with my children and wives and watch them grow up healthily!

After all, I have worked so hard to earn so much money just to enjoy life! "Sha Zhu heard the worry of Ah Hong's parents, smiled happily, and then explained.

Hearing what Shazhu said, Ah Hong's parents thought about it, and it was true!It is most suitable for children to grow up beside their parents!Thinking of this, the two of them really felt relieved.

With nothing to worry about, Ah Hong's parents started playing in the capital with peace of mind.

In the next few days, Ah Hong's parents took Ah Hong's younger siblings to Tiananmen Square to watch the flag raising, visited the Palace Museum, boarded the Great Wall, and visited the Ming Tombs and other scenic spots. After a lap, I returned to Hong Kong Island with unfinished business.

After seeing off Ah Hong's parents and younger siblings, Sha Zhu started the happy life of his dad.

After the new year, due to the concentration of young people getting married more, although the current life is still generally difficult, most of the children get married and simply arrange a few tables at home, and it is over.

But there are still wealthy families who don't care about money and like to hold wedding banquets in big hotels.

And the five-star hotels in Beijing have become the first choice of these wealthy families. As a result, the employees of the five-star hotels can't keep up with the pace, and the five-star managers who have no choice but to recruit some temporary workers.

Huaihua looked nervously at the busy scene of the five-star hotel in front of her, and said to her sister, Xiaodang, "Sister, you said that we secretly quit our jobs in the factory without telling our mother and grandma, Then come to a five-star hotel as a temporary worker, is it really good?"

"Didn't you hear what the manager said just now? If you perform well, you can be hired for a long time!
Besides, in our factory, it is very difficult to pay wages, why are you still nostalgic for it?
When we perform well, we can stay in the five-star hotel, and then with our relationship with the silly uncle, we will definitely be promoted to the manager soon! "Xiao Dang said imaginatively.

Huaihua is also very eager for the fantasies of her sister Xiaodang.

Mother Qin Huairu and grandma Jia Zhangshi are too partial to their elder brother Bang Geng, and they don't bother to ask about their own and elder sister's affairs. As long as they hand over their wages to mother on time, whether they will be hungry outside, mother or grandma will not bother. of.

So Xiaodang and Huaihua desire success more than ordinary people, and desire money more than ordinary people, and the five-star hotel in front of them is all their hopes.

Sister Xiaodang is right. Nowadays, people are always flattering the high and depressing the low. If I and my sister Xiaodang were working in a five-star hotel, and inadvertently let my colleagues and superiors know about their relationship with the boss Shazhu, I and my sister would definitely Received various privileges.

"Besides, if you look at the guests who come and go to five-star hotels, which one is not from a wealthy family? If we can get in touch with a rich man, then fall in love, and finally marry a wealthy family, will we still look at other people's faces in the future?
At that time, whether it is our mother, grandma, or even my brother, Bang Geng will beg us! "Xiao Dang continued to dream excitedly about the day when he would marry into a wealthy family and live a happy life.

Hearing the words of her sister Xiaodang, Huaihua did not agree again, but looked at her sister Xiaodang in horror, and said in disbelief, "Sister, are you crazy? We just need to work hard in the five-star hotel , and then become a manager, isn’t it very satisfying! Why do you want to marry into some rich family!? Don’t think about it, can you?”

Xiao Dang sneered at the words of his sister Huaihua, and said disdainfully, "You are only good enough. If you become a manager, you should still work for others! I think only when you marry into a wealthy family and become a boss's wife can you be considered a real man." success!"

Xiao Dang at this moment completely forgot that what I longed for the most not long ago was to be able to enter a five-star hotel as a manager and I was very satisfied.

But now I and my sister have not become managers, but are just temporary workers, but they are not satisfied with being managers, but fantasize about marrying a wealthy family and becoming young mistresses.

Some people's desires are like a bottomless pit. When they are never satisfied, they always look at the height of the mountain!
(End of this chapter)

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