I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 1 Ten Thousand Orders

Chapter 1 Million Orders
"Hi, this is the mineral water you asked for, please keep it!"

"give it to me!"

"Then can I trouble my brother to give it five stars?"



Blocked by the heavy iron door, the loud closing sound scattered Su Chen's enthusiasm.

Su Chen touched his nose and shrugged his shoulders. As an errand boy, he has seen too many such self-willed single masters, and he has long been used to it.

Su Chen is very good at regulating his emotions, he seldom gets angry because of these trivial matters, and only keeps them in his heart.

What he was even more curious about was that this single owner was one of the few lazy people he had ever seen, who spent 15 yuan just to get him a bucket of 7 yuan mineral water.

I really don't know if the owner of this order has too much money to spend or is physically disabled.

How lazy is this person?

Well, as an errand boy, Su Chen needs these lazy type of "food and clothing parents", but as a sullen and angry youth, Su Chen really despises such "lower body lazy paralyzed" teenagers.

Live lifeless!

he! tui!
Of course, Su Chen just slandered in his heart. With a monthly salary of less than [-], he is not qualified to talk about the life of the rich. Maybe the life of the rich is so lazy and luxurious.

Looking back at the dilapidated old community where the single owner lives, Su Chen secretly wondered, maybe the rich are very low-key?

Shrugging his shoulders, Su Chen rode his electric scooter home. Running errands was different from delivering food. It would be very busy when it was time to deliver food, but it was not punctual to receive orders when running errands. Can't wait for an order.

So Su Chen also writes novels part-time, emmmmm, the level is average, the kind of full-time.

Su Chen lives near Fangzhuang, the imperial capital. It is a place where Beijing drifters like to get together. The rent is extremely expensive, 1500 in January, the area is not big, one bedroom and one bathroom. I found a job and started an errand business. I have been in the imperial capital for three months, and I will pay the next quarter's rent in a few days.

Back then, I was full of confidence, thinking that I could live independently in the imperial capital.He has indeed done it, and he can indeed live on a salary of less than [-] a month, but that's all.His current salary can only solve his three meals a day and housing problems.

Girlfriend. I can't even think about it!
On the way home, Su Chen suddenly felt in a trance. He hurriedly parked the car on the side of the road, squatted on the ground and slowed down for a while. Before he could recover, he heard a cold voice coming from his mind. mechanical sound.

"Ding! It is detected that the host is in good physical condition and suitable for binding!"

"Ding, the binding is complete, and the novice task will be released."

"Today's task: complete an errand order;
Task reward: 100 million in cash!A lottery ticket!
Mission bug: Temporary lucky skill halo, has been activated.Aging: 24 hours.

Mission failure: no penalty. "


Su Chen was stunned for a while.


As a web author, he is too familiar with this term.

Su Chen was immediately excited.Is he finally going to be favored by God?

Su Chen licked his lips, subconsciously calling the system in his heart.

Then an outdated looking blue virtual light curtain came into Su Chen's eyes.

The light curtain is very simple, with only task displays on it.

But the moment he saw the light curtain, Su Chen heaved a sigh of relief.

The system is real!It's not his hallucination!

Su Chen looked at the task in a silly manner, and when he saw it, Su Chen's pupils dilated instantly!
Completing an errand order, there is a reward of 100 million?
Fuck, that's 100 million!With 100 million, how many barbecues can you eat?

With 100 million, you don’t order food when you eat hot pot, you just order meat, it’s amazing!
Of course, more importantly, with 100 million, it seems that I don't need to live in the rental house of about [-] square meters.

As soon as he saw the word 100 million, Su Chen's heart twitched excitedly.

Only when you really start to make money independently, you will understand how much wealth 100 million is.

That is a watershed between the poor and the bottom rich.

Stepping forward, the future is boundless.If you can't make it through, you can only count on the next generation.

What's even more frightening is that many people in the post-90s generation don't even have the money to get married, so how can we talk about the next generation?
Su Chen slapped his big mouth hard!

I'm afraid you're not dreaming, are you?
The loud slap attracts passers-by to look at it frequently!
Su Chen didn't care at all, covering his numb and painful face, his eyes were narrowed with joy.

Now I can be sure!

He's really going to get rich.

In an instant, Su Chen's energy and energy were directly replenished, and his whole body was refreshed.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Suddenly, the phone in Su Chen's pocket rang.

Taking out his phone and looking at it, Su Chen was delighted.

He was wondering where to pick up the order, but he didn't expect the order to arrive as soon as it was said.

If this person is lucky, picking up any stone on the side of the road may yield top-quality emeralds.

The order task is not very wonderful, but it is a bit difficult.

It is actually going to cook a meal at the home of the single owner, and the craftsmanship is not lower than the level of ordinary restaurants.

Su Chen scratched his head, he can cook, but it is only at the level of home cooking, I don't know if he can meet the requirements of the single owner.

But who cares, there is no order now, so I have to accept it first, and I have to try to complete the order no matter what. He no longer looks down on the [-] yuan errand fee for the order.

What he wants is the 100 million!

Su Chen took the order with the fastest hand speed, then turned around, jumped into the car with the most handsome posture, and was ready to go!
As a result, the thigh was lifted too low and kicked on the back seat of the electric car.

"Oh! Damn!"

Su Mu hugged his legs, breathed out the fragrance, and drew circles on the spot in pain, dumbfounded by himself.

The Violet Community is located near Beijing University, not far from Su Chen's location, only 10 minutes.

At the gate of the community, Su Chen called Shan Zhu, and after the guard confirmed, Su Chen was able to enter.

The Violet Community is considered a semi-old community, with relatively retro architectural features, but the environmental facilities are very good. The housing prices here are estimated to start at [-] flat.Su Chen didn't even dare to think about it before.

Now, looking at the luxurious facilities around, Su Chen couldn't help swallowing, his eyes gleaming with inexplicable excitement.

Unit Three, 601.

Su Chen found Master Shan's house according to the address, and rang the doorbell.

After a while, someone opened the door.

Su Chen looked up and was stunned for a second.

Shanzhu is actually a beautiful woman, and she is also a stunning beauty.

Reality is not fiction, and beautiful women cannot be seen everywhere.

Su Chen has been running errands for three months, and he has only seen less than a dozen beauties who are considered good-looking, and the rest are ordinary-looking people.

But this single master is definitely the most beautiful woman Su Chen has seen in the past three months.

Long hair like a cloud waterfall, fair and supple skin, exquisite and perfect facial features, slim figure, and a cool and fairy-like temperament all over her body, everything is so perfect.

After being stunned for a second, Su Chen came back to his senses.Although he admired beauties, he also knew that no evil should be seen, so he greeted the beauties a little shyly.

"Hello, I'm the errand boy. Is it your order for errands?"

Su Chen took out his mobile phone and gestured to the beauty Shanzhu.

The beauty Shanzhu first glanced at Su Chen.

Su Chen's appearance is not very handsome, but he can be regarded as handsome, and he is very attractive, especially his facial features are very well-proportioned, his eyes are piercing, and when he looks at people, his eyes are focused and clear. Although his takeaway uniform is a bit old, it is very clean. No smell at all.

The beauty single owner looked at Su Chen, then looked at the order in Su Chen's mobile phone. After confirming, she nodded and turned sideways and said, "It's an errand order from me. Please come in, please!"

"Hey, you're welcome!"

Su Chen was polite and at the same time heaved a sigh of relief.

For no reason, Su Chen, who is considered an old driver in the errand-running world, was a little nervous, as if he was about to face an exam!
After all, that is the ultimate beauty. Ahh! 100 million!
(End of this chapter)

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