Chapter 2 Master Cooking

Following the beauty, she entered the house wearing shoe covers.

The house is a standard apartment type. At a rough glance, there are two bedrooms, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom, about [-] square meters.

However, the decoration is very delicate, full of life atmosphere everywhere, it looks like it has lived for a long time.

Su Chen was walking and watching, but before he reached the kitchen, he heard a soft voice from the sofa in the living room.

"Xiao Ning? Who's here?"

From the voice, one could tell that the speaker was a mature woman, with a voice that was three-point lazy, three-point charming and somewhat calm.

This kind of voice temperament is definitely not something that little girls can possess.

When Su Chen heard the sound and looked over, he couldn't help being taken aback again.

She turned out to be another beautiful woman!

Su Chen turned around and saw a beautiful woman with long hair and shawl lying on her side on the sofa.

The beauty's facial features are slightly charming, her skin is fair and flawless, especially her pair of phoenix eyes, the movement of her eyes is very touching.

The beauty was wearing denim shorts and white short-sleeved upper body. She had a pair of round legs resting on a low stool. One foot looked red and swollen, as if she had been injured.

"Oh, sister Yun, it's the errand runner. In your current situation, you can't cook, and I can't. I can only try the legendary omnipotent errand runner."

Liu Yun frowned slightly, she didn't like to let strange men into her home, and even less like strange men to touch the things in the house, she had a slight obsession with cleanliness.

It's just that today's situation is special, because of a coincidence, her teacher is going to Beijing University to repair a cultural relic today, and it happens that she knows some cooking skills, so she thought of inviting the teacher to have a meal at home.

But I didn't expect to be startled by a speeding car when I came back, sprained my feet in panic, and now I dare not move at all, let alone cook.

The most important thing is that her teacher doesn't like extravagance and waste, and she doesn't like to eat in restaurants. She always feels that the food in restaurants is not clean, so ordering takeaway is not acceptable.

She was still worrying about what to do for lunch just now, but she didn't expect her best friend Tang Wanning to call the running errand brother for her.

Liu Yun struggled to sit up and looked Su Chen up and down.

I found that although Su Chen was wearing ordinary clothes, he was very clean. He was clean from the inside to the outside. He nodded in satisfaction with Su Chen. The first impression was very good.

After thinking for a moment, Liu Yun asked Su Chen, "Can you cook?"

Su Chen was a little nervous at first, after all, no one could be calm when facing two stunning beauties.

However, being stimulated by Liu Yun's cold gaze, he calmed down instead.

Su Chen's attitude towards life is very particular about fairness. If others are enthusiastic about him, he will definitely return enthusiasm.If others treat him coldly, then he will definitely not give the other party any good face.

Facing Liu Yun's scrutinizing gaze, Su Chen said lightly, "I understand a little bit!"

Liu Yun was slightly taken aback.

As a teacher, few students dare to look her in the eye and answer questions.Su Chen's attitude surprised her a little.

"Okay, then you can cook me a table of dishes according to the menu I wrote. But I have a few requirements, I hope you don't move things that shouldn't be touched, and you can't taste the dishes, the ingredients must be washed, I have some slight cleanliness, I hope you can understand!"

Su Chen frowned slightly, and immediately nodded seriously.

Although Liu Yun had many requests, her tone of voice was still polite, and these were normal requests from customers, so he had no reason to refuse.

"Don't worry, I will try my best."

As Su Chen said, he entered the kitchen, put on the apron and disposable gloves that Tang Wanning had prepared for him, and then began to check the menu and check the ingredients.

On the other side, Tang Wanning came to Liu Yun's side and said with a low smile, "Hey, sister Yun, I think this little brother is not bad!"

Liu Yun frowned, her feet were still in pain and she had been enduring it. "Whether it's good or not depends on her performance. You can help me secretly watch him order. I don't want to change all the kitchen utensils after cooking a meal."

Tang Wanning couldn't laugh or cry at Liu Yun's obsession with cleanliness, but she obediently agreed.Although she and Liu Yun are seven or eight years apart from each other, they are good best friends. They have lived together for two years, and their relationship with each other even surpasses that of real sisters.

But seeing Liu Yun in so much pain, Tang Wanning was a little worried.

"Sister Yun, you are in such severe pain, why don't we go to the hospital."

Liu Yun shook her head. "You know, this restoration of cultural relics is a rare opportunity for me, and I can't miss it. It's just a sprain, and it's not like I haven't sprained it before, just apply some medicine!"

Tang Wanning was a little worried and wanted to persuade her again, but seeing Liu Yun's firm expression, she didn't say anything more.

Turning her head, Tang Wanning looked at Su Chen
While the two women were talking, Su Chen was in a daze.

He just took out a knife and looked at it, and got an unexpected surprise.

"Ding! It is detected that the host is cooking, trigger a temporary luck skill aura, and reward the host with master-level cooking skills!"


Su Chen was stunned for a few seconds before reacting.

If it wasn't for the system reminder, he almost forgot about this mission bug.

He didn't care at all at first, he didn't hear that mission bugs would be offered as gifts when the mission was released, and he didn't need it at all.

Is he a person who needs to rely on mission bugs to pass the level?

To do the task, you must have the attitude of doing the task.

This was his previous thought, so when the system released the task, he directly ignored it.

But now, he instantly triggered the law of true fragrance.

Master cooking skills!This task bug is really too sweet.

Su Chen only felt a shock all over his body, and his mind was absent for a moment. When he woke up again, he felt that everything in front of him had changed.

Originally, he was still a little unfamiliar with cooking, and he even had to look up some steps online.

But now, when he saw the kitchen knife, it was as if Dugu Qiubai saw the iron sword, knowing every move clearly.Seeing the menu is like Zhang Wuji seeing the Nine Suns Magic Art and learning it without a teacher.

Su Chen seemed to have been opened up to Ren Du's second channel in an instant. Picking up the kitchen knife, Su Chen gradually became more and more confident, and a wonderful self-confidence gradually emerged from Su Chen's body.

Gradually, the very rhythmic sound of kitchen knives cutting vegetables came from the kitchen.

Tang Wanning was still a little curious about Su Chen, so she was very willing to keep an eye on Su Chen.

But after a while, her marking gradually turned into surprise.Liu Yun, who accidentally glanced at Su Chen, also gradually forgot the pain in her feet, and looked at the kitchen a little absent-mindedly.

The two women saw that although Su Chen in the kitchen was cooking, his every move was like poetry, full of unique charm, like a cooking show, although the movements were very simple, they could bring joy to the soul. shocked.

This is the grandmaster attitude.

It is also a technique, some people try their best, but it still makes people feel dull.And for some people, it seems that just a simple action of cutting vegetables can make people feel heartbroken.

The transition from ordinary skill level to master level is actually the sublimation of spirit and spirit. This kind of sublimation can not only affect the technology itself, but also affect the people around watching or studying.

Any craftsmanship, done to the extreme, can bring people a kind of spiritual baptism.

(End of this chapter)

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