Chapter 102 Gu Sucheng

It was almost noon, so Su Chen invited Gu Qingya to have lunch.

Lunch is served in the villa, and the specifications are very high. According to Su Pan, there are both Chinese and Western chefs here, and the craftsmanship is extremely superb.

Su Chen and Gu Qingya made a table alone, there was no other purpose, the main purpose was to talk about things.

Su Chen has no prejudice against Western food, and his own cooking skills include Western food.Among the skills he has obtained so far, except for the special distinction of Chinese medicine, there is no regional distinction in other skills.

Gu Qingya ordered western food, so Su Chen wanted a western food set meal.

Steak, Dessert, Mushroom Soup
The style is very complete, and the taste. According to Su Chen's standard, it can only be rated as 7 points, but for others, it is already considered delicious.

Su Chen isn't picky either. In life, there's no need to enjoy the best of everything. Sometimes the best is the most enjoyable.

"Miss Gu, what can I say now?"

Although it is a villa, there are many private rooms around the first floor, and the sound insulation effect is very good. It has always been specially provided for people in need like Xiang Su Chen and Gu Qingya.

Apart from Su Chen and Gu Qingya, there were only Guo Xiaoshi and Gao Qing in the room, so Gu Qingya thought about it and said:

"Mr. Su, I would like to take the liberty to ask, what do you think about the rough stone No. 100? Is it inevitable?"

Su Chen was a little surprised, he didn't expect Gu Qingya to be so direct.

"Of course! To tell you the truth, Miss Gu, I've always been obsessed with getting what I like, no matter how much money I spend!"

After listening to Gu Qingya, her expression was a little bitter. "Hey! I guessed it! Mr. Su can spend more than 20 billion yuan to buy a few antiques, so naturally he doesn't care about tens of millions!"

"So? What does Miss Gu want to say?"

Gu Qingya let out a sigh, struggled a little with her eyes, and said, "To be honest, Mr. Su, I am in the jewelry business. In recent years, the supply of top-quality jadeite has become increasingly scarce, and the jewelry stores under my company have been in short supply. So in fact, I came here this time to see if I could buy some top-quality jadeite. Boss Zhao’s rough stones were hoarded a few years or even a few years ago, and the probability of getting top-quality jadeite is very high.

But I watched it for more than half an hour just now, but there was nothing that tempted me, except for the Big Mac No. 100.Mr. Su may not know, although I don't understand raw jadeite, but I have a special feeling for the best jadeite. Of course, this feeling is very mysterious and inaccurate, but I am willing to believe in myself.

Therefore, I think there must be top-quality jadeite in the No. 100 rough stone. "

Su Chen was shocked, and looked at Gu Qingya in secret surprise.

Hey, this woman doesn't have special abilities, does she?Feel so accurate?

Su Chen ate a piece of beef calmly, and then asked puzzledly: "So? Why did Ms. Gu tell me such important information? Since you believe in yourself so much, why didn't you bid with me?"

Gu Qingya shook her head. "If it were someone else, I would definitely give it a try. I have little savings over the years. I want to fight for my savings and courage. I won't lose to others. But there is no way. If the competition is Mr. Su, you, I have no choice but to back down, based on Mr. Su's performance at the Xinghe Auction, I feel that if I bid with you, my chances of winning are no more than [-]%!"

Su Chen clicked his tongue secretly, and looked at Gu Qingya again with admiration.This woman's powers of observation, ability to analyze problems, and decisiveness in dealing with things are very unusual. She deserves to start a company. As far as this ability in handling things is concerned, Su Chen is absolutely inferior.

To be honest, it means that Su Chen has the boss of the system to take care of him. Otherwise, depending on Su Chen's character, unless he is a technical worker, it is basically impossible for him to make a fortune.

Su Chen's character is too fucked up, he can be called a straight man at best, but his EQ is low at worst.

Of course, it’s not that Su Chen doesn’t know what emotional intelligence is. When he was asking for a living, he didn’t hurt himself a lot, but now that he has something to rely on, he naturally doesn’t need to hurt his character anymore. I like simple and crude.

"Miss Gu, what you said is a bit convoluted. I am a straightforward person. If you want to speak directly, just say it!"

Gu Qingya couldn't laugh or cry about Su Chen's straight temper, but her impression of Su Chen has improved a lot. She is used to staying in the workplace and seeing intrigues. Occasionally, when she meets Su Chen with a straight temper, she really has a kind of surprise in front of her eyes. Bright feeling.

"Then I won't play around, Mr. Su, Qingya knows that she can't compete with Mr. Su, so I will give up this bidding, lest Mr. Su waste money on me!"

Su Chen nodded noncommittally. "Then I'll thank Miss Gu first, but I'm afraid there are conditions for giving up so simply?"

Gu Qingya nodded, then shook her head again. "It can't be said to be a condition. No matter what Mr. Su decides, Qingya will not bid. Compared with jadeite, I hope to make Mr. Su as a friend."

After hearing this, Su Chen finally let out a sigh of relief, and said helplessly, "Okay, you won. Miss Gu, I know what you mean, so let's do it! I promise you, if the top-quality emerald is found in that stone, I will give it to you." The excess jade will be sold to you at the market price!"

Gu Qingya was a little surprised at first, she didn't expect Su Chen to guess his ultimate goal, she thought Su Chen was an upright local tyrant, but now it seems that she was wrong.

But these are not important, the important thing is that Su Chen agreed to sell jade, so Gu Qingya's goal today will be achieved. As long as there is a source of top-quality jade, the company will not only be able to restore its reputation, but also use it to vigorously promote it. Improve the company's image, if it works well, maybe you can get a business card for the company, anyway, there are many benefits.

"Mr. Su, Qingya, thank you very much!"

Su Chen shook his head. "You're welcome, didn't you say it? If you want to make me a friend, I only give or sell my things to my friends. It's useless for others to give you more money. As my friend, you don't need to tell me Thanks."

Gu Qingya was startled, then smiled sweetly. "Then since we are friends, Mr. Su still calls me Miss Gu?"

"Haha, then I'll call you Sister Gu from now on, you don't have to be polite, just call me Xiaosu or Xiaochen!"

"That's a good thing, to have a younger brother like you, it's my sister's advantage!"

Su Chen pursed his lips and shrugged, then took out his phone. "Come on, sister, add a WeChat?"

Gu Qingya looked at Su Chen with a smile, picked up the phone, and agreed softly. "good!"

After talking about the matter, Gu Qingya breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time her appetite opened up. She was still eating gracefully, but at a much faster speed. She still said this to Su Chen, and within a short while, a large piece of steak was eaten by her. After eating it cleanly, with such an appetite, Su Chen secretly marveled at it.

 emmmmm, I still owe one, tomorrow, uh, no, make it up during the day today
(End of this chapter)

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