I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 101 The way to get along with friends

Chapter 101 The way to get along with friends
After shopping for about half an hour, Su Chen looked at all the rough jadeite.The harvest is neither too much nor too little.

In addition to the previous glass-species yellow jadeite, ice-species floating flowers, waxy-species sungreen and later the super-large top-quality red jadeite, Su Chen found another piece of ice-species sungreen, which was only the size of a fist, and two pieces of average color. The anthracite and oily green seeds are not of high value. Fortunately, they are not small, both weighing more than ten catties, so you will definitely not lose money if you buy them.

But Su Chen himself doesn't intend to ask for it anymore. He came to buy jade, one is to spend money, and the other is to buy some top-quality materials for carving. His carving skills are not limited to carving walnuts, but include everything that can be carved As for the material, emerald is naturally among them, so he only wants the best quality.

After watching Jade, Su Chen took Guo Xiaoshi and Gao Qing downstairs.All gambling wool will not open until around three o'clock, and there are still several hours, Su Chen does not intend to wait on it.

At the stairs, the sharp-eyed Su Pan saw Su Chen going downstairs, and hurriedly dragged Li Lin to follow.

"Hey! Old Su, wait for me!"

Su Pan hurried forward and caught up with Su Chen. Li Lin took a step back and chatted with Guo Xiaoshi behind him.Women get along very quickly. After a while, Guo Xiaoshi and Li Lin were chatting and laughing, but they didn't know how much sincerity was in their smiles.

In front, Su Pan and Su Chen were muttering together.

"Old Su, why are you walking so fast?"

"It's you who walk slowly!"

"Okay! What do you say, but what about the ingredients you told me?"

"038, 156, 358, the three materials should all be green, but the water head may not be very good!"

"Hahaha! I know you, old Su, are good enough! It doesn't matter if the water is bad, as long as you can guarantee the bet goes up!"

"Look at your treacherous smile, what's the matter? Want revenge at night?"

"Hey, little conflict, little conflict!"

"It's no wonder I believe you! What's wrong with you kid? You're with Li Lin, so what about Chu Miao? I remember you two were inseparable a few days ago! And if I remember correctly, you Have you been chasing him for two years? Are you giving up now?"

"Chu Miao? Are you talking about her? Damn! You're overthinking it. I've been chasing her for two years, but it's just for fun now and then, and we don't have any points now!"

Su Chen frowned instantly, and looked at Su Pan with an unkind expression. "So you are stepping on two boats now? Still playing with other people's feelings?"

Seeing that Su Chen was in a bad mood, Su Pan hurriedly said, "Oh, you're overthinking, it's bad! You don't know Chu Miao well, she's actually not a fuel-efficient lamp, and there are a bunch of little puppies outside. We both know each other's situation, and we just take what we need!"

Su Chen calmed down a little, and asked, "Is what you said true?"

"Nonsense! Xiaoshi is your secretary, can I tell you this lie?"

When Su Chen heard this, he nodded. "That's why I misunderstood you, I apologize to you!"

Su Pan looked terrified. "Huh? So polite to me? Damn, you won't blackmail me, will you?"

Su Chen couldn't laugh or cry. "Fuck off, what's worth extorting from your dozens of catties of meat?"

"That's right, you're so rich, you really don't need my three melons and two dates!" Su Pan said, then suddenly turned to look at Su Chen. "Old Su, look at your seriousness just now, don't tell me you are a dedicated lover!"

Su Chen glanced behind Guo Xiaoshi and Li Lin, and saw that the two women were quite far away.I looked at Su Pan's expression again, and knew that Su Pan was serious, and it was also a response to Su Chen's turning against him. Don't look at Su Pan's usual laughing and joking, in fact, he is very principled in doing things, and he is not big-hearted, so he was scolded I will definitely fight back.

It's just because Su Chen is not someone else, so he laughed and laughed to ease the atmosphere before fighting back, also to leave a buffer for both of them.

This is the case between friends, sometimes it is often because of a look or a word that they can break up with each other. The reason is that self-esteem and machismo are at work.Therefore, when getting along with friends, we must also pay attention to some methods.

In this regard, Su Pan is better than him. Just now Su Chen was indeed a little straightforward.

Su Chen realized later, knowing that Su Pan was angry, so he didn't deal with it casually, but replied seriously: "I won't hide our relationship from you, I admit, I am also a scumbag, let me treat you well." I should not be able to be single-minded in a relationship. But before I do anything to someone, I will clearly tell her that I am a playful scumbag. I can't be single-minded in my relationship, but I can do it without lying to her. Moreover, I will try my best to be responsible for every relationship!"

After listening to it, Su Pan was amused. "I just said, you are so handsome and rich, it's a pity not to be a scumbag!"

"Go! The scumbag is just my excuse. I think I can still be called a lover in terms of character!"


"What do you mean by laughing like that? Hey? By the way, does Li Lin know anything about Chu Miao?"

"Nonsense, what do you think? If I let her know, wouldn't I be dead?"

"What are you going to do?"

Su Pan made a bitter face. "I don't know, I want to resist, but look at my thin body, I can't do it at all!"

Su Chen looked at Su Pan sympathetically. "Good luck!"

"Forget it, I'd better report the price of the few pieces of emerald you mentioned first, and forget about it later!" With that said, Su Pan took out his mobile phone and was about to call someone to help sign up.

The three pieces of material that Su Chen gave Su Pan were glutinous sungreen, oily green and dried green. Although Su Chen didn't like these three pieces, they were definitely not worth it, and they won't lose money if they were photographed!
"Mr. Su?"

Su Chen and the others went to the first floor, and as soon as they found a place to sit down, they bumped into an acquaintance.

"Miss Gu?"

Su Chen looked up, and found that the person who came was Gu Qingya, and he was alone. "Why is it just you? Where's your friend?"

Gu Qingya smiled gently. "My friend is watching from above. I don't know anything about rough jadeite. He saw that I was too bored, so he let me come down. He was watching from above! Where is Mr. Su? Why did you come down so early?"

Su Chen shrugged. "I'm about the same as Ms. Gu. I don't know much about rough jadeite. After looking around, I found a few pieces that were pleasing to the eye. I just signed up and came down!"

Gu Qingya looked at Su Chen with clear eyes, and said softly: "Mr. Su really knows how to joke, you don't look like someone who doesn't understand jade."

Su Chen's eyes moved slightly, after thinking for a while, he suddenly chuckled, and said, "Miss Gu, I'm a real person, and I prefer to be straightforward. If Miss Gu has something to say, it's better to be straightforward!"

Gu Qingya was taken aback for a moment, a little surprised, she didn't expect Su Chen to be so direct.Fortunately, Gu Qingya is also well-informed and has seen everyone. After a moment of stunned, she reacted: "It's okay, but is Mr. Su planning to talk to me here?"

(End of this chapter)

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