I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 100 A Woman's Mouth

Chapter 100 A Woman's Mouth
In an instant, Su Chen suddenly woke up from the impulsive emotion of a surprise encounter!
Jiemei girls want to steal our second master Guan!

Can this be tolerated?
Su Chen's IQ instantly returned to the high ground!
"No, you think too much!" Su Chen squeezed out a "sincere" smile on his "dumb" face, bared his white teeth, and said with a smile: "That's right, I've always wanted to get a big grinding disc for Grinding soybean milk, but I haven't found a suitable stone, I think this stone is big enough, so it's just right for me!"

The smile on Gu Qingya's face froze instantly.

Use rough jadeite as a millstone?Could there be a worse reason than this?
Gu Qingya took a breath, looked at Su Chen meaningfully, and said, "This rough stone is worth at least 3000 million. Are you going to use a stone worth 3000 million to make a millstone?"

"Is there any problem?" Su Chen said innocently: "I don't buy things based on his price, but whether he can use them. Good things, no matter how expensive they are, I am willing to spend money. No matter how bad things are, I don’t even bother to take a look at the cheapness. Besides, don’t you think that soybean milk ground with stones worth 3000 million yuan might taste better?”

Gu Qingya's expression froze again, and she suddenly realized that she had no way to refute Su Chen.

Thousands of dollars can't buy people happiness. Although this method is very prodigal, but people have money, so they can spend it as they like!
Moreover, Su Chen has a criminal record. In an auction, he spent more than 20 billion yuan to buy a few antiques, and the purpose was only for collection. Isn't this kind of behavior a prodigal?But people feel at ease when they lose.

However, although there are various signs that Su Chen is still prodigal this time, for some reason, Gu Qingya always feels that there is something wrong with it. It is really that Su Chen's excuse is too lame, so lame that no one will believe it if he fools the children.

But unfortunately, my old friend, a famous appraiser, is not sure about this stone. The main reason is that the performance of this stone is too poor. Not only is the texture relatively loose, but after hitting the shell with a small hammer, the sound it makes Stuffy, not crisp enough.The structural layout of the stone skin is also chaotic and not uniform enough.

And most importantly, judging from a window rubbed out by the stone, the performance is very bad. Although the window reveals a piece of light red, if you use a flashlight to shine in, you will find that this piece of light red is only a thin layer. , which are all cotton.

As the old saying goes, it is better to buy a line than to buy a piece, and this is what it means!

In addition, the surface of this rough stone is also very worn. It can be seen that this original stone has been mined for at least five or six years. It is estimated that the price is too expensive, and few people dare to bet on it.

After all, that is 3000 million, which is not a small sum for anyone!

The reason why Gu Qingya signed up was not only because she had an inexplicable affection for this stone, but also because she wanted to take a gamble. The supply of jadeite in the market is getting less and less, and it is getting more and more expensive, especially the top-quality jadeite. It is hard to find.

However, her company has accumulated some funds over the years, but it lacks the best products, so she wanted to take a gamble, but met Su Chen who did not play cards according to common sense, which made her hesitate.

However, out of nowhere came a stubborn temper, Gu Qingya suddenly had the urge to buy some of these rough stones.So Gu Qingya gritted her teeth and said with a smile:
"Mr. Su is very elegant, but I suddenly want to drink soy milk recently, and I also want to make a millstone. I wonder if Mr. Su can give up his love?"

Su Chen's heart sank, but his expression remained calm. "Hehe, it's easy. When I'm done, it's the same if you come to my house to drink soy milk. It's too troublesome to make a millstone, so let me do it!"

"It's okay, I'm not afraid of trouble, just treat it as exercise!"

Su Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, and said softly: "Miss Gu, people don't talk dark words, you want to buy this stone so much, you can't see something, right?"

Gu Qingya stared closely at Su Chen's eyes, and said softly: "Didn't Mr. Su see it too?"

Su Chen's heart tensed up, but he wasn't too nervous. He just came here purely for Jade, not to pick up leaks. Although it's cool to pick up leaks, how can there be double crit rebates?So he is not afraid to bid with others!So no matter whether Gu Qingya saw anything or not, he was not afraid, but if possible, he still didn't want to waste money.

So even though he was nervous, Su Chen remained calm on the surface, made a clear expression, and smiled meaningfully: "Hehe, to be honest, I really didn't see anything before, but now. "

Su Chen said, paused, then withdrew his smile, and said lightly: "Miss Gu, we don't have much time, let's continue to look down. As for the ownership of this stone, we will talk about it later!"

After finishing speaking, Su Chen nodded to Gu Qingya, bid farewell and left.

Looking at Su Chen's back, Gu Qingya frowned tightly. He thought he could get some information from Su Chen, but he didn't expect Su Chen to be more cunning than he imagined. misleading him.

Of course, it is also possible that Su Chen is telling the truth, but Gu Qingya feels that Su Chen gives her the impression that he is definitely not such a real person.

Looking at the boulder in front of her, Gu Qingya was caught in a tangle
"Boss, are you going to fight that big rock with that Miss Gu?"

Guo Xiaoshi took two quick steps, came to Su Chen's side, and asked in a low voice.

"Well! That stone, I am bound to get it!"

"Ah? Boss, Ms. Gu is a beautiful woman! And she has an excellent temperament. It seems that her family background should be the same. She matches you so well. Don't you want to be tempted?"

"Whether you want to be tempted or not, what does it matter if I buy the rough stone?"

"Of course it matters! If you are tempted, you should show your gentlemanly demeanor, give up, and then take the opportunity to ask for contact information. How can you not only rob others hard, but also dig holes for them, you will be lonely like this raw!"

Guo Xiaoshi gave Su Chen popular science in a serious manner, as if she had experienced it.

Su Chen's face was darkened. "Aren't you asking me to be a licking dog? Don't you know that licking a dog will never end well?"

Guo Xiaoshi wrinkled her nose and said, "Oh, this is dog licking. This is a gentleman's demeanor. Boss, you are too extreme!"

"Huh? According to what you mean, there must be many gentleman buildings around you?"

"No way!" Guo Xiaoshi blushed pretty, and then said, "Oh, don't change the subject, tell me quickly, do you like that Miss Gu?"

Su Chen glanced at Guo Xiaoshi, and answered casually. "I just met for the first time, and I don't know each other well. How can I like it or not?"

After finishing speaking, Su Chen continued to look at the stone.

Later, after hearing this, Guo Xiaoshi was inexplicably relieved, but when he thought of his own identity, Guo Xiaoshi felt a little sad again.

(End of this chapter)

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