Chapter 99 Heartbeat (Sixth)

"Hehe! I'm not in a hurry, why are you in a hurry? Just because you can't trust your boss?"

"It's not that I can't believe it!" Guo Xiaoshi sniffed. "The main reason is that you didn't read carefully and just signed up randomly. How can you make me believe you?"

"Who told you that betting on stones has to rely on careful analysis?"

Guo Xiaoshi was puzzled: "Then what?"

"Feeling! Man and the universe are one, feeling! Do you understand?"

"Huh?" Guo Xiaoshi raised a question mark on her forehead.

Su Chen was speechless. "Just watch "Wulin Biography" if you don't understand, it's a pity, it's a big burden for me to be blind!"

Guo Xiaoshi stared at her eyes, completely dumbfounded.

"Brother Gao, do you know what the boss is talking about?"

Gao Qing shrugged and said, "Didn't Brother Chen say that? Let you go back and watch "Wulin Biography"!"

Guo Xiaoshi: "."

Tsk tsk, is it my luck or the high quality of the material, the probability of this emerald is too high, right?

Su Chen was puzzled. He looked at more than 30 stones just now, and there were actually three with high-quality jadeite in them. In addition to the first piece of top-quality yellow jadeite, there was also an eight-jin ice-species floating flower jadeite and a twelve-pound jadeite. The heavy waxy sun-green jadeite, these two pieces of material are very transparent in color and structure, and there are not many cracks. They are both mid-to-high-end products, and they are sold for at least tens of millions!
But the base prices of these two pieces of material are not high, one is 20, and the other is 50. Compared with the price of the emerald inside, the base price is a fraction.

But Su Chen just thinks about it, don't care about him so much, let's talk about getting the jadeite, as the jadeite rough stones are getting less and less, the raw materials of the top-quality jadeite are getting rarer and rarer, now you can earn a piece if you get one!
Looking forward to more than [-] yuan, they are all waste stones. Even if there is green heavy water, it is very bad, and they are all cracked. Su Chen doesn't like it at all.

Su Chen didn't remember how much he looked at, until he came to an irregular rectangular boulder one meter high and half a meter square, Su Chen stopped, and the whole person was dumbfounded, looking at the data on the sky eye .

"Species: Emerald rough
Analysis: It contains glass-like cockscomb red jadeite, pure color, high transparency, fine structure, very little cotton
Weight: about 60kg
Rating: super best

Specific internal structure anatomy diagram:"

I drop God!

Su Chen trembled all over!

More than 100 catties of top grade red jadeite, how much can this be sold for?
As the saying goes, ten thousand jade is easy to get, but one jade is hard to find. Red and yellow jade are more difficult to form than other colors of jade, so the price is also more expensive.

Now the price of red jadeite is about several million per catty, and this rough stone contains nearly 120 catties. If converted, wouldn't it be worth about one billion yuan?

Of course, rare things are more expensive. If such a large piece of red jadeite is sold at one time, the price may be lower, but it is not much lower.

What's more, Su Chen never planned to sell it from the beginning to the end.

Before he bought a bottle of red rabbit horse ornaments at the Xinghe Auction, it happened that Guan Gong was missing, but now, with this fast red jadeite, Su Chen can have a complete Chitu Guan Gong portrait!

Take it!It must be taken, no matter how much money is spent.

Su Chen didn't even look at the price, and directly wrote his name on the registration form.

However, as soon as he finished writing, he was about to get up when he felt a gust of fragrant wind hit his face. Su Chen turned his head and saw an unbelievably beautiful side face.

Su Chen hurriedly got up and made room for the beauty.

"Thank you!"

The beauty said to Su Chen generously, then bent down gracefully and wrote her name on the list.

After Su Chen got up, he couldn't help but look at this beauty who suddenly appeared.

The woman is about 27 or [-] years old, and her figure is extremely hot, especially when she wears a discreet casual outfit, which shows her perfect figure to the fullest, making people feel dry.

On the top, this woman has a pretty face and fair skin, especially with a faint charm between her eyebrows and eyes, especially when her face is cold or smiling, every look is very attractive.

The woman exudes a mature atmosphere all over her body, her manners are elegant and generous, and her temperament is excellent.

When Su Chen came in, he was surrounded by beauties. It stands to reason that he has experienced various experiences. In terms of maturity and charm, Liu Yun is no worse than the woman in front of him.

But for some reason, seeing the woman in front of him, Su Chen suddenly felt his heart pounding.

"Hello, are you Su Chen? Nice to meet you!"

Su Chen was wondering how to speak, but he didn't expect the other party to speak first, and extended his hand to Su Chen.

Su Chen was a little "shy" laughing, stretched out his hand and said, "Nice to meet you too, your name"

Su Chen hurriedly glanced at the name on the registration form, and then continued: "Gu Qingya? Good name!"

"Oh?" Gu Qingya raised her eyebrows and asked with a light smile, "Can you tell me what's good about it?"

"Huh? Well, it's a good thing." Su Chen held back for a while, and then finally got the hang of it, and started talking nonsense. "Well, the eyebrows are black, the autumn water cuts the pupils, the look is bright, fresh and elegant! Ms. Gu's eyebrows are charming and bright, but her temperament is cold and elegant. She lives up to her name and lives up to her name!"

After Gu Qingya listened, a flash of figure flashed in her eyes, she looked at Su Chen fixedly, and smiled lightly: "Mr. Su is very talented, many people have praised my name, and I have asked countless times, but only Su Chen The explanation is the best, Mr. Qingya! Thank you, Mr. Su, for explaining the name!"

"Miss Gu is being polite, I'm talking nonsense too, don't take it seriously!"

Su Chen secretly wiped off his sweat, what the hell, if he hadn't pumped up a lot of skills in the morning, his buddies would lose face today.

"By the way, according to Miss Gu, have you heard of me before?"

"Of course!" Gu Qingya nodded. "Galaxy Auction, throwing 20 billion, Mr. Su's reputation has already shaken the entire imperial capital."

Su Chen frowned, then sighed. "I knew I would have let others bid for me. I really don't want to bid for this name. Huh? No? Although I spent more than 20 billion yuan, a lot of money was spent by others for me. How do you know?" I spent it?"

Gu Qingya smiled and said: "Mr. Su, there are some things that can be kept secret for a while, but can't be kept forever, and some things are easy to guess and easy to verify!"

Su Chen touched his nose.

Well!He thought his routine was perfect, and his feelings had already been exposed.

Touching his nose, Su Chen decisively changed the subject. "Miss Gu also took a fancy to this rough stone?"

Gu Qingya nodded, then shook her head again. "To tell you the truth, Mr. Su, I don't know much about rough jadeite, but my friend is an expert in this field, and he suggested that I buy this piece of raw jade. What about Mr. Su? Could it be that you also fancy this material?"

 My goodness, all my debts are finally paid off, it feels so good to be debt free!Hahaha
(End of this chapter)

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