Chapter 98

"Species: Emerald rough
Analysis: It contains glass yellow fei, which is pure in color, high in transparency, delicate in structure, and very little cotton.
Weight: about 2kg
Evaluation: Excellent

Specific internal structure anatomy diagram:"

I'm a darling!
Su Chen has been numb from the shock of Tianyan's coquettish operation.

Su Chen is not surprised that he dissected the original interior of jadeite so clearly, but even having an internal dissection diagram is a bit too much.

You are the eye of heaven!What a fantastic skill, how can it be used like a scanning machine?
If it goes on like this, just change it to a scanning eye!This is obviously choking!
Of course, it should not be said, the skill of Tianyan is really strong, it is simply a simple artifact.

However, the strongest is Su Chen's invincible luck. The first piece of primitive came across the best jadeite. This luck is too invincible.Su Chen is so invincible that he is too embarrassed to miss it!

This is not betting on stones, this is simply picking up money!
Su Chen looked at the price of this rough stone, and it was actually marked as 2000 yuan, but this piece of material would be worth at least [-] million yuan. That seller is even more crazy.

Without hesitation, Su Chen directly filled in his name under the emerald form.

After all, it is not a serious jadeite rough trade, so the trading rules here are also different.

This is a semi-blocking area, and the rule is to use the registration bidding method.That is to say, if you are optimistic about which rough stone, you can write your name under the original stone, and after [-]:[-] p.m., there will be staff to sort it out. If there is only one name under the rough stone, then this person can directly sell it at the reserve price To buy the rough stone, if there are multiple applicants, then an auction will be adopted. Three people will compete to bid, and the one with the highest price will win. Those who have not registered before the deadline will not be eligible to bid!

This saves a lot of auction time!

"No, you signed up for the first piece of material?"

As soon as Su Pan came up, he saw Su Chen filling out the form, with a dazed expression on his face.

Su Chen shrugged. "I said, I'm here to spend money!"

Su Pan was speechless.

"Then you spent your money too hastily? Don't forget, there is a party at night? You bought rough stones blindly, what do you do at night? You are a newcomer, you have to unlock all the rough stones in public!"

Su Chen pursed his lips when he heard the words, and then said to Su Pan, "Do you believe me when I say there are top-grade jadeites in it?"

"I don't believe it!" Su Pan shook his head decisively.

"Do you know rough jadeite?"

"I don't understand!" Su Pan shook his head again.

"Then what are you talking to me here?"

Su Pan's eyes lit up. "You mean you understand?"

"you guess?"

When Su Pan heard this, his heart paused.Based on his understanding of Su Chen, Su Chen is by no means a random person, there must be a reason for him to act.Moreover, Su Chen knows so much about antiques and Wenwan, so it's normal for him to know jade at the same time.

That is to say, inside the first rough stone.
Su Pan rolled his eyes and wrote down his name on the registration form.

Su Chen looked back and frowned. "Are you sure you want to bid with me? Are you sure you can beat me? Are you sure you're not cheating me?"

When Su Pan heard this, he immediately understood that he was really cheating Su Chen by signing up.

Now Su Pan was depressed. He didn't understand these things before, so he rarely made a move. Now he finally met someone who understood, but he couldn't sign up to bid, so he was depressed.

With a bitter face, Su Pan crossed out his name.

Seeing this, Su Chen smiled slightly. "Okay, don't be depressed, I'll pick a few stones for you in a while, and then you can bid for it yourself!"

"Really? Damn, old Su, you're still good enough to be a buddy! Well, go and do your own work and don't bother you, just call me when you see it."

Su Chen nodded, and looked at the second rough stone.

On the other side, Su Pan was dragged to the corner by Li Lin.

"Zha Pan, you want to listen to that Su Chen and participate in the stone betting?"

Li Lin raised the wall with one hand and asked domineeringly.

Su Pan kept standing at attention, and said with a serious expression, "Hmm!"

Li Lin was in a hurry. "My God, I don't allow you to gamble with stones. Isn't this a prodigal?"

"No!" Su Pan shook his head resolutely and said, "If I gambled by myself, I might be a prodigal, but it doesn't matter if I follow Su Chen, Linlin, you believe me, Lao Su is very reliable in Wenwan and antiques. Spectrum."

"Fart! How old is he? What can he understand? Have you been brainwashed by him? Su Pan, it seems that I have to wake you up!"

"Don't! No, I said aunt, it's my money, even if you lose your family, you lose my family. Why are you so anxious?"

"Fart! I'm going to be your fiancée so soon, and your money will be mine in the future, so I have a share of the money you spend now, can I not worry about it?"

"No! Are you thinking too far? We are not married yet!"

When Li Lin heard this, anger appeared on her face, she grabbed Zhu Pan's collar, and asked in a cold voice, "What do you mean? Do you want to regret the marriage?"

"No, I was wrong! It's not Linlin! Alright! I listen to you for everything else, but this time you really listen to me. Believe me, I can't read people wrong!"

Seeing that Su Pan's expression was extremely serious, Li Lin's expression softened, she let go of Su Pan's collar, and helped Su Pan tidy up her clothes, and said softly: "My mother often said that life is a couple's business. No one can act arbitrarily. So I believe you this time, and I hope you don't let me down. If you are right, I will listen to you about this issue in the future, and I will take the initiative to help you make friends with Su Chen. But If you are wrong, then you must guarantee that this is the last time you bet on stones, and if there is a second time, I will chop off your hand!"

Su Pan shivered all over, but his heart was warm.He suddenly discovered that Li Lin is strong, but it doesn't seem so unreasonable to behave in the world. With these words, Su Pan's impression of Li Lin instantly increased to a higher level.In addition, he found that Li Lin, who was not angry, was actually really beautiful.

"Okay! I'll listen to you!"

"Then it's settled. You can do whatever you want today, and I'll take you as the master! But, you are not allowed to hook up with other girls. Let me tell you Zha Pan. If you dare to be unfaithful to me and have other thoughts, be careful." Lifeblood!"

Su Pan suddenly felt his lower body go cold, and his face turned into a chrysanthemum from crying.Su Pan suddenly felt that his future was dark!
Here, Su Chen has completely opened his eyes to identify the rough emerald stones one by one, having a great time playing.

That's right, Su Chen's eyesight is just playing with this gambling stone, taking the reference answers to take the exam, what is it if it's not playing?
"Boss, you've already filled in three names. Are you reliable? You'll be relieving stones tonight!"

Guo Xiaoshi looked at Su Chen's excited appearance, her pretty face was full of worry.

(End of this chapter)

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