I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 97 Emerald Rough Stone

Chapter 97 Emerald Rough Stone (Fourth Change)

"Crack! Everyone is here? Then let's not waste time! Everyone here knows my handsome face, so I won't introduce myself!"

At about ten o'clock, Zhao Yu boarded a low platform near the center of the hall and began to speak!
"Ha ha!"


"Old Zhao, take a look at your wrinkled face before you speak!"

The people here are basically Zhao Yu's friends, no matter how close they are, at least they are familiar with each other, so many people joke about Zhao Yu.

Of course, these people are joking, no malicious intentions.So Zhao Yu wasn't angry either, he was familiar with this scene.

"It's almost enough! If you don't give me face like this, I still have new friends today!"

"new friend?"

Everyone turned their eyes to Su Chen in an instant, and it was obvious that Su Chen had the most vivid face here.Moreover, Su Chen's low-key arrogance left a deep impression on everyone.

"Okay, let me introduce to you, Su Chen, the chairman of the future technology company, is a newcomer in the circle, welcome!"

Su Chen stood up at the right time, nodded to everyone, and said, "Hello, my name is Su Chen!"

With just one sentence, he returned to his original position after speaking, and sat back down again.

The scene fell silent for an instant.

It was the first time they had seen such an arrogant newcomer!
Su Pan, who was not far away from Su Chen, saw Su Chen's behavior, and secretly said it was not good.He knew the temperament of these second generations, and they valued face the most. Su Chen did this, obviously not giving them face.

Su Pan looked around, and sure enough, the expressions on everyone's faces were not very good, some were angry, some were indifferent, some were contemptuous, some were disdainful, everything was there. Very concerned.

Su Pan was afraid that Su Chen would be targeted, and was about to come out to explain, but someone reacted faster than him.

Zhao Yu knew it was going to be bad as soon as Su Chen said it, so he hurriedly changed the subject.

"Ahem, well, Brother Su has such a personality, everyone don't mind. It just so happens that the time is up, so don't delay, as the old rules, everyone should go upstairs to choose materials first!"

Fortunately, Zhao Yu's words are very useful, most of them are quality people, and they will not make trouble because of this, so many people didn't say anything even though they felt uncomfortable, and went directly upstairs to choose materials. Can't wait.

There were also a few bad-tempered ones who wanted to say some sarcastic remarks, but they were held back by Zhao Yu's words. After Zhao Yu finished speaking, they couldn't talk anymore. Anything else would be like not giving Zhao Yu face, and it was provocative. They didn't dare not give Zhao Yu face, so they could only hold back the words that came to their mouths, then glared fiercely in Su Chen's direction, and then walked upstairs.

"Boss, you seem to have provoked everyone's anger!"

Guo Xiaoshi stuck out her tongue and said.

"Old Su, what's wrong with you? Why did you suddenly become confused?"

Su Pan hurried over with a puzzled expression on his face.Li Lin and her little sisters followed behind him. The little girls looked at Su Chen directly, but most of their eyes were curious.

Su Chen stuffed the cake in his hand into his mouth, then clapped his hands calmly.

"I'm not in a hurry, what are you in a hurry for? I'm here to buy jade, not to make them happy. Does it have anything to do with me if they're happy or not?"

Su Pan was taken aback for a moment, and then said with a bitter face, "But didn't you offend a lot of people like this?"

Su Chen shook his head. "Just because of this, people who hate me, do you think I will be afraid of them? In life, you will always be disturbed by some flies, mosquitoes and dogs. You can't hide from them. The best way is to hide them when they show up." Shoot them to death, once and for all! Therefore, the person who should be worried is not me!"

After speaking, Su Chen turned around and went upstairs.

Just kidding, how many brain-dead second generations would Su, the upstart, the favored person of the system boss, the lucky one favored by heaven, Chen be afraid of?
In the back, Li Lin pulled Pan Pan and asked curiously: "Hey, Zha Pan, what is your friend's background? It's so annoying!"

"Hush! Don't talk nonsense, let me tell you, he is a big boss, a super rich boss!"

"Cut, it's like someone's family is poor!" Li Lin curled her lips!

"Okay! I admit that your family is as rich as an enemy, can't you? Just give me some face and don't add fuel to the fire!"

"Look at your virtue, how could I become your fiancée, what a misfortune in life!"

"You think I want to?"

"What do you say?"

"Ahem, what, I'm going upstairs first!"

"Zha Pan, stop there, do you believe that I will strip you naked and play your dick a hundred times?"


On the first floor, Zhao Yu stayed until the end, but his gaze stayed on Su Chen, and he naturally heard what Su Chen said.

"This Su Chen is really not simple? Where did it come from?"


A girl with a hot figure and a beautiful face came over!

"Xiao Mei, pay more attention to this Su Chen later!"


Su Chen strolled up to the second floor. As soon as he came up, he saw all kinds of rough jadeite materials densely placed on the long table on the second floor, and his spirit was shocked.

Su Chen actually knows about jade. He has master-level literary and antique appreciation skills, which includes jade and jade, so he is no stranger to jade.

However, he only knows about emerald appreciation, but not much about gambling stones.

Gambling stones is also a profound knowledge, he needs to have a sufficient understanding of rough jadeite.

A senior jadeite rough appraiser can tell at a glance the source of a piece of wool, the type of shell, the characteristics of its python, pine flower, whether there are cracks, etc. These are important confidences in the identification of jadeite rough.

However, no matter how experienced an appraiser is, he can't guarantee that his judgment is foolproof. Betting on emerald stones is all about guts, luck and experience.And the first two are even more important than experience.

Therefore, there has always been a saying that there is one sword in heaven and one sword in hell.

Betting on stones is betting on stones, but playing on excitement.It is precisely because of this that this stone gambling and trading party can attract so many second generations.

However, betting on stones is similar to shopping at antique stalls. It’s all about picking up leaks, but in fact, most of them are pits, and those who can pick up leaks are only a few of the few people.

After Su Chen went upstairs, he didn't go inside, but went directly to the nearest rough emerald stone and stood still.

This is a rough stone the size of a football, weighing about seven or eight catties. A window has been opened on the stone, but no green is seen, but the performance of the stone is very good. This is a semi-blocking material.

But what Su Chen cares about is not these, what he cares about is whether the sky eye is useful for the rough jadeite.

Pretending to observe the original stone, Su Chen took a deep breath, meditated in his heart, and opened his eyes.

The next moment, a projected light curtain appeared in front of Su Chen. When Su Chen saw it, he was very excited!
(End of this chapter)

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