I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 96 The Arrogant Newcomer

Chapter 96 The Arrogant Newcomer (Part [-])
"Hahaha, this is not a trivial matter. Spending two billion yuan in one go, this is not the courage that ordinary people can have!"

"This is no courage. I don't object to you saying that I am a prodigal!"

"Hey! You can't say that. Even if you are a prodigal, many people don't have such courage! And I don't think you are a prodigal. Anyone who collects antiques has a national complex, which is worthy of admiration!"

Su Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. "Boss Zhao, I think we will become friends!"

"That's my honor. Well, we're all friends now, so don't call me Boss Zhao. I'm a few years older than you. If you don't mind, just call me Brother Zhao!"

"Brother Zhao!"

"Hahaha!" Zhao Yu smiled happily. "Okay! Let me just say that I feel very happy today, so I should be here! By the way, who are these two?"

"Oh! This is my secretary Guo Xiaoshi, and that is my friend Gao Qing!"

Zhao Yu sized up the two of them, and knew their identities.But he didn't hold back, and shook hands with the two of them to say hello.

"I said Brother Zhao, let's go in and talk if we have anything to say?"

Zhao Yu slapped his forehead. "Look at me, I was negligent, let's go for a walk, let's talk in the room, it just so happens that the trade fair is about to start."

"By the way!" Zhao Yu suddenly remembered something, turned to Su Pan and said, "Xiao Pan, I forgot to tell you, Li Lin is here too, and I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Who?" Su Pan suddenly exclaimed, his voice broke!

Su Chen was taken aback, and Guo Xiaoshi and Gao Qing were also taken aback.

Zhao Yu said with black lines all over his head, "What are you calling? You scared me!"

"No!" Su Pan was so nervous that he pulled Zhao Yu's arm and said, "Brother Zhao, you are my own brother, why didn't you tell me that Li Lin was here?"

Zhao Yu looked puzzled. "What's wrong with her? Isn't she your fiancee?"

"Fart! That's just a verbal engagement, we're not engaged yet!"

"And then? What do you want to say?" Zhao Yu still didn't understand!

Su Pan frowned. "Brother Zhao, you forgot. Last time he hit me with a car, he blamed me afterwards and kept picking on me. It's not like you don't know how scary that tigress is. It's too late for me to hide from her now. So what, Zhao Brother, Lao Su, there is still water in my house, I will go home first, you guys play slowly!"

Before Su Pan finished speaking, he was about to leave.

However, as soon as he turned around, he heard a loud shout from inside the villa.

"Zha Pan! Where are you going?"

"Zha Pan?" Su Chen almost spit out a mouthful of water, this address is quite "kind".

Looking back, I saw a stylishly dressed girl walking out. The girl was young and had a good figure, but the makeup on her face was heavy, her eyes were dark circles, and there was a faint evil spirit between her eyebrows. It's not easy to mess with.

Hearing this voice, Su Pan trembled all over and shivered for a while, then forced a smile on his face, turned around stiffly, and said with a dry smile: "Hehe, isn't this Linlin? You're here too, I There is something at home, I have to go back!"

After speaking, Su Pan turned around and ran again.

"Try taking another step?"

The foot that Su Pan had just raised froze in the air for an instant, and he didn't dare to step out.

Then I saw Li Lin, who ran out a few steps, Su Chen only felt a gust of fragrant wind blowing by, and then regained his senses again, and saw that Li Lin had already grabbed Su Pan's ear, and rudely moved Su Pan towards her. Pull in the villa!

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts! Ouch, aunt, can I not leave? Take it easy, your ears are going to fall off."

Hearing Su Pan's screams, Su Chen (luckily) smacked his lips in (lucky) face (disaster) and endured (misfortune), and said, "What's the matter?"

Zhao Yu was also stunned. "I don't know, but it seems that these two people must have a story!"

After finishing speaking, the two looked at each other and smiled, the smiles were full of gossip!
But at the back, Guo Xiaoshi's expression was a little strange, as if he hesitated to speak.

Following the end of Su Pan's screams, Su Chen and Zhao Yu entered the villa.

Once inside, I feel suddenly enlightened.

After entering the house, there is an oversized living room. The whole living room is decorated like a bar. There are delicious food and wine everywhere. The decoration of the living room is also extremely luxurious, with carved beams and painted buildings everywhere, full of local tyrant style. When you are in it, you will instantly feel like you are intoxicated with money. .

At the moment, there are three to four hundred people gathered in the living room, more than half of them are young people, and there are some middle-aged and elderly people. They are not ordinary people in terms of temperament. They should be jadeite rough appraisers invited by the second generation themselves.

In a corner, Su Chen found Su Pan. At this moment, Su Pan was standing next to Li Lin with an aggrieved face, surrounded by women. Su Pan was leaning against the wall with a fake smile on his face, looking aggrieved daughter in law.

"Brother Su, I want everyone to introduce you!" Zhao Yu said.

"Don't worry, we'll get to know each other later in the evening anyway!"

Zhao Yu understood Su Chen's meaning after hearing the words, nodded, and said goodbye to Su Chen.

In the hall, many people saw Su Chen and Zhao Yu coming in together, and knew that he was a newcomer, but few people cared about it. Every trade fair in this circle would have newcomers join, and the general rule is that newcomers take the initiative Make friends with them, after all, they are old people, the veterans of this circle, how can the veterans get to know new people?
Normally, when a newcomer joins, they will take the initiative to make friends with everyone and try to get acquainted.

But they didn't expect that the newcomer Su Chen had an unusual temper!
Su Chen brought Guo Xiaoshi and Gao Qing to a dining table, and ate and drank on his own, regardless of other people's gazes. He probably would not have time for lunch when he got busy, so he had to take this opportunity to fill his stomach quickly.

"Boss, the people here are not simple!" Guo Xiaoshi ate a piece of cake, and then whispered to Su Chen like a kitten.

Gao Qing was munching on bread while habitually observing his surroundings vigilantly. It looked like he was looking for surveillance and the best escape exit.

Su Chen scanned the people in the hall, and found that he didn't recognize anyone.

"Is there anyone you know here?"

"Yes!" Guo Xiaoshi nodded, and then gave it to Su Chen. "Boss, look at that one. He is the chairman of Tianyuan Investment Company. His family is in the energy business. He is super rich! That one, I saw him on TV. He seems to be very famous in the entertainment industry. The antique identification program is said to be a rich second generation."

Su Chen looked at Guo Xiaoshi in surprise. "Okay, do you know so many people?"

"That's it!" Guo Xiaoshi proudly raised her head. "However, I also study business administration. I must know about these big bosses in the imperial capital."

"Well! Not bad, worthy of praise!"

"Hee hee, boss, don't you want to make some friends?"

"No! What annoys me the most is socializing, and I don't know each other. Isn't it awkward to stand together and have an awkward chat?"

(End of this chapter)

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