I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 95 Special Rules for Calculation

Chapter 95 Special Rules for Calculation (Second)
"Old Su, it's almost time!"

With an Akita in his arms, Su Pan knocked on the door and entered the study.

"Understood, let's go now!" Su Chen also talked about spending money, anyway, he didn't quite understand, as long as he asked for it, as for how to do it, it was Wen Liangdong's business, Wen Liangdong had 96 points of expertise The skill points are great, although these things are troublesome, Su Chen believes that Wen Liangdong can solve them.

"Hey! Don't say it, you two are quite connected!"

Su Chen looked at Su Pan and Qiu Tian and asked curiously.

"Get out! You and him are the only ones in love! Am I just that ugly?"

Su Chen and Guo Xiaoshi nodded together, and Akita in Su Pan's arms even nodded along.

Su Pan suddenly suspected that he was alive, and his thin face twitched in grievance.

"I'll go! What kind of car is this?"

At the entrance of Longkou Hutong, Su Pan looked at a "long car" driven by Gao Qing with a dazed expression on his face.

"Super extended version G500, what's so surprising? Don't tell me you haven't seen it!"

As Su Chen said, he opened the door and got into the car with Guo Xiaoshi, followed by Su Pan.

"I've definitely seen it before, but it's the first time to sit. What about our king? Why don't you drive the king? Why do you drive this long guy?"

Su Chen explained: "The king's interior space is small, but this interior space is large. Aren't you going to buy stones today? This can be used as a truck!"

Su Pan shut down in an instant, and after a while, he smacked his lips and said speechlessly, "Using the extended version of the luxury car as a truck, you are awesome!"

"Otherwise? It's a pity that such a long car can't carry goods!"

Su Pan squeezed out a smile. "you're right!"

Looking at Su Pan's expression, Guo Xiaoshi smiled with poverty, and couldn't help laughing, but for some reason, she wanted to laugh but couldn't.

"Okay, let me tell you first, what is the trading method of this stone gambling fair?"

"The way of trading is very simple. It's all the old rules. Buying when you know what you know, buying what you know when you know what's not, there's nothing to talk about. What matters is what happens later."

"Jieshi?" Su Chen was puzzled, what should we pay attention to? "What do you say? Is there anything special?"

"Of course!" Su Pan chuckled. "After all, it is a party, so naturally there must be a game theme.

The party is mainly divided into two parts. The trading time is from [-]:[-] am to [-]:[-] pm, and the official party time is after [-]:[-] pm, and there is a requirement that anyone who buys rough stones at the fair must participate in the evening the party.As for the theme of the party, it is Jie Shi!

After the party starts, everyone who bought the rough stone can unlock their own stone, and then other people can bet, betting up or down, and the owner of the rough stone is automatically considered to be betting up!In addition, there is a rule that new members who join the party must unlock all the rough stones they bought unless other members do not want to gamble! "

Su Chen frowned slightly. "What kind of broken rules? And, don't tell me you don't know that gambling is illegal!"

Su Pan pouted. "I didn't talk about gambling. Anyone who can participate in this party is not short of money, so basically don't gamble. This is also a rule!"

"What do you bet if you don't gamble?"

"Ever played truth or dare?"

"Nonsense, what do you say?"

"Then this bet is similar to truth or dare. Every time before a stone is solved, you need to draw a bet. These bets are all kinds of strange things, such as doing push-ups in public, drinking 3, 5, 7 bottles of wine in a row, singing in public, singing in public, etc. Call to confess your love, etc. After the bet is settled, everyone can bet, buy up or buy down, and then the loser will realize the bet.”

After Su Chen heard this, his eyelids opened slightly, and he said in surprise, "This rule is quite interesting!"

"Of course, this rule is very popular. There are even many people who settle personal grievances in this party. They make bets with each other, buy up or down respectively, and complete the bet afterwards. Entanglement!"

Su Chen rubbed his hands, thoughtfully.

From Su Pan's mouth, Su Chen can deduce that the owner behind this party must not be simple, not to mention anything else, he can gather most of the second generations in the capital into his own circle, and then play around according to his own rules, Just relying on this point, it is not something ordinary people can do.

"How? Do you dare to go now?"

Su Pan looked at Su Chen jokingly.

Su Chen gave Su Pan a blank look. "It's almost here, is it still useful for you to tell me this?"

Su Pan touched his nose in embarrassment. "Hehe, don't worry, you hope brother I still have some face in the capital, at worst, you can buy a piece of bright material, with me around, no one will bully you!"

"You?" Su Chen looked Su Pan up and down. "You just believe me!"

"Hey! You still don't believe it? You'll know in a while!"

The car drove directly into a super luxurious villa, where the party was held.

The extended version of the Mercedes-Benz G500 attracted the attention of many people as soon as it entered the arena. It’s not that this car is so expensive, but that few people drive this kind of car to a party. It feels like wearing a suit and formal attire to a bar and nightclub. Skin always gives people a feeling of being out of place.

"I just said don't drive this car, look, show your eyes? How about driving a king? Guaranteed to explode an eyeball!"

"Why do you need so many eyeballs? Barbecue?"

"Pfft! Do you want to say it so disgustingly?"

Su Chen ignored Su Pan, took Guo Xiaoshi and Gao Qing except for the parking space, and Su Pan followed closely.

As soon as he entered the door of the villa, someone greeted him.

The visitor was dressed in casual formal attire, with a tall and straight figure, a square face, bright eyes and a kind face, which made people feel good at first glance.

"This person is the big boss behind the party, his name is Zhao Yu, and he is considered the number one figure in Forty-Nine City!" Su Pan explained in a low voice in Su Chen's ear, and then waited for Zhao Yu to come around, stretched out his hand and said hello: " Old Zhao, I have brought you a new customer, you have to thank me later!"

Zhao Yu lightly tapped Su Pan's shoulder, and said with a helpless smile, "Hehe, you, you can't just be generous. Well, I'll pick you a good ornament later, okay?"

Su Pan grinned and grinned. "Okay, I know that you are interesting, Old Zhao! Come on, let me introduce you, this is my friend, Su Chen, the chairman of the future technology company!"

When Zhao Yu heard this, his eyes lit up instantly. He looked at Su Chen, stretched out his hand, and asked in surprise, "Is it Mr. Su who spent nearly 20 billion at the Galaxy Auction House?"

Su Chen raised his brows lightly, stepped forward and shook hands with Zhao Yu, and said, "Even Boss Zhao knows about me? Boss Zhao laughed at me!"

(End of this chapter)

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