I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 106 This is unscientific!

Chapter 106 This is unscientific!
Tiger into the flock!

It's really a tiger entering the herd!
Seven people beat Su Chen to one, but Su Chen knocked them all down in less than a minute.

But Su Chen played differently.Except for Yan Quan, Su Chen hit the six people very hard, basically using a telescopic stick to knock them unconscious.But these few are lucky, after all, they won't feel pain after being knocked out with a stick, and they won't be hurt when they wake up!
When it was Yan Quan's turn at last, Su Chen put down the stretch stick.

Seeing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time, they all thought that Su Chen was still reasonable and knew how to show mercy to Yan Quan.

However, as soon as they had this idea, they were slapped in the face the next moment.

I saw that Su Chen went up and kicked Yan Quan to the ground first, then directly bullied him, using both hands and feet, and beat Yan Quan to death.

Su Chen's actions looked quite violent, as if he didn't care about Yan Quan's life or death at all, and even bumped Yan Quan's head against the wall several times, which was frightening to watch.

Don't even think about it, just listening to Yan Quan's screams like killing a pig, you can know how much pain he has!

Yan Quan's screams echoed throughout the second floor of the villa.

The others were all silent, and the timid ones were already trembling all over. They were afraid that Su Chen would harm Chi Yu, so they vented their anger, after all, they talked about Su Chen a lot just now.

At the beginning, Zhao Yu planned to do neither. After all, he didn't want to provoke Su Chen and Yan Quan.But as Su Chen's movements became more and more ruthless, he couldn't stand up anymore.

If Yan Quan was only injured on his side, it had nothing to do with him, at most he would be scolded.But if Yan Quan was seriously injured or even died here, then he must be jointly and severally responsible.

And looking at the fierceness on Su Chen's face, Zhao Yu felt that even if he stopped now, Yan Quan would be seriously injured if he didn't die.

"Su Chen, it's okay, I can't fight any more!"

Zhao Yu called the security guards in the villa and was about to step forward to persuade them to fight, but was blocked by Gao Qing.

"Brother Chen is doing business, you don't want to disturb me!"

Seeing this, Zhao Yu's scalp almost exploded with anger.

"Are you stupid? Your master is about to kill someone, you don't stop your master, you stop me? Step aside quickly, you want to die, don't implicate me!"

Guo Xiaoshi and Gu Qingya were also frightened by Su Chen's ruthlessness. Although Yan Quan was very happy to be beaten, they didn't want anything to happen to Su Chen.

"Brother Gao, let Brother Zhao go in, you can't let the boss fight anymore!"

"That's right! Mr. Gao, Xiao Su will really kill someone if he keeps fighting!"

The two women stepped forward to persuade them.

Gao Qing hesitated, feeling very conflicted in his heart.

Fortunately, at this moment, Su Chen was out of breath and knocked Yan Quan unconscious with a punch.Then turned around calmly and walked over.

"Okay, Lao Gao, I'm fine!" Su Chen nodded to Gao Qing, and then smiled at Zhao Yu. "Brother Zhao, hehe, don't be nervous, don't worry, I know what to do, nothing will happen."

Zhao Yu was about to cry!

Your uncle!Everyone is lying on the ground, you tell me nothing will happen?This is called nothing can happen?

"Brother Su! Hey! It's alright, don't say anything, you go now, and find connections if you can. You must do it as soon as possible. Brother Zhao can only help you so much!"

Seeing that Zhao Yu could still help him at this time, Su Chen felt more fond of Zhao Yu in his heart.But Su Chen actually knows better, Zhao Yu is helping himself again, obviously, this time Zhao Yu has passively stood in the same boat with him, so helping Su Chen is helping him Zhao Yu, the stronger Su Chen is, Zhao Yu himself will be safer.

Su Chen patted Zhao Yu's shoulder and said with a smile, "I can't go anymore, the police will be here in a while!"

"What?" Zhao Yu's expression changed drastically. "Called the police? Who reported it?"

"I reported it!"


Zhao Yu looked at Su Chen, his eyes almost popped out!
What the hell. I took the initiative to call the police after beating someone. Zhao Yu is so old, and he has never seen such an arrogant person!

"Okay, Brother Zhao, there's not much time left, I want to go upstairs to see all the details, and I have to participate in the second auction!"

"What do you say?"

Zhao Yu was completely speechless this time.

What time is it?You still want to bet on stones?

Apart from other things, Zhao Yu was convinced by Su Chen from the bottom of his heart just because of his courage.

"Forget it, you can do whatever you want! Anyway, I can't stop you!"

Su Chen smiled. "I still need Brother Zhao's help!"

"you say!"

"Help me watch over these people, don't let others take the opportunity to do something wrong, and let them get hurt again!"

Su Chen can only guarantee that his actions will not harm these people!But there is no guarantee that others will take the opportunity to start.

For this kind of thing, let alone a serious injury, even if someone cut Yan Quan with a knife at this time, Su Chen would have to bear the blame and be jointly and severally responsible.

Therefore, Su Chen must ensure that these people will not have any secondary injuries before the results of the injury test come out!
Zhao Yu gave Su Chen an angry look. "It's up to you to say? Don't worry, I guarantee that even a fly will not get within one meter of Yan Quan!"

"Thank you!"

As Su Chen said, he asked Gao Qing to watch here, and then he took the two girls upstairs.

After going upstairs, Su Chen directly opened the sky eye, time is running out, he needs to pick out the best jadeite on the third floor as soon as possible!
From behind, Gu Qingya hurriedly followed, and as soon as she went upstairs, she couldn't wait to say: "Xiao Su, you have caused a big disaster this time, the Yan family is really powerful, it's not as simple as you imagined!"

Su Chen didn't turn his head back and said: "Sister Gu, don't worry, I will never underestimate any opponent, even if the Yan family's power spreads all over the world, no matter how powerful his family is, I will be fine!"

Gu Qingya frowned. "Why are you so sure?"

Su Chen chuckled. "Sister Gu, no matter how arrogant they are, they won't ignore the law, will they?"

Gu Qingya was speechless. "Is this what you rely on? You know, you are the one who hit people this time. Even if there are many people on the other side, they are the ones who get hurt in the end. No matter how you break the law, you are the one who broke the law. Even ordinary people can report you. What's more, the Yan family?"

"I hit someone, but the law doesn't stipulate that hitting someone with my hands is a violation of the law. The premise of the crime of intentional injury is that the person being beaten must have injuries!"

Gu Qingya was stunned, she didn't understand. "What do you mean?"

Su Chen walked forward quickly, and said: "My meaning is very clear. Although I beat someone, those few people didn't have any injuries. I can guarantee that if they go for an injury test now, they will be covered with blood. None!"

"This is impossible!"

Gu Qingya shook her head in disbelief, they had witnessed how ruthless Su Chen's attack was just now.

"Sister Gu, I was very aggressive just now, but did you see a trace of blood on any of them?"


When Gu Qingya heard this, she was stunned!
Su Chen didn't say anything, he hadn't found out yet, it seemed that after Yan Quan and the others were beaten, there were no injuries on their bodies, not even bruises.

Thinking of this, Gu Qingya was in a mess!

impossible!This is not logical!
Not to mention her, even Guo Xiaoshi was dumbfounded!A pair of big eyes blinked and blinked, the eyes were full of confusion, and the expression seemed to be adding and subtracting within ten but couldn't figure it out.

(End of this chapter)

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