I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 107 Best Trial Cases

Chapter 107 Best Trial Cases
Because there is not much material in the whole book, Su Chen only spent two to three minutes to read it all.After all, with the eyes of the sky, Su Chen's efficiency in viewing rough jadeite is equivalent to electronic scanning!

At this moment, the sound of a police car sounded outside.

Su Chen hurriedly told Guo Xiaoshi the brand name of the wool he was looking forward to, and asked her to stay later and remember to take pictures, and then took the two girls downstairs.

After going downstairs, the police had already gone up to the second floor and put the scene under martial law. Yan Quan and the others also woke up. They gathered together and saw Su Chen coming down, their eyes were so angry that they could spew fire, but they didn't dare to talk to Su Chen. Chen looked at each other.

"Who called the police?"

The police captain leading the team asked.

"Me! It's me who called the police! My name is Su Chen!" Su Chen stood up and said.

The police captain looked at Su Chen, nodded and said, "Mr. Su, right? Then please tell me what happened."

"It's very simple to enter, that is, the person named Yan Quan had a dirty mouth and drank alcohol. He wanted to touch my secretary, but I stopped him. By the way, I helped him sober up. The seven of them, I'm alone, so it's a fight!"

The police captain was also stunned after hearing this. He had called the police so many times, and it was the first time he encountered two people fighting each other who took the initiative to call the police, and the group who seemed to have the upper hand called the police.

"So you guys are gathering to fight?" the police captain confirmed.

"It doesn't count, at most it's a friendly exchange!" Su Chen changed the term.

The police captain was noncommittal, then looked at Yan Quan and asked, "Mr. Yan, is what this Mr. Su said true?"

"Basically true!" Although Yan Quan has a bad temper, he has a very good attitude towards the police captain.In fact, in this day and age, unless someone has a brain, a fool will be arrogant in front of the police captain, which is purely to make himself uncomfortable.

The captain of the police nodded, a little speechless. It was the first time he handled the case so easily, and he didn't need to investigate. He admitted it himself, and he said it more clearly than he asked.

"That's it, then you go back to the police station with me first!"

"Wait!" Su Chen stopped him.

The police captain was puzzled. "Mr. Su, is there a problem?"

"That's right, the mutual assault should be divided into seriousness and seriousness. If neither of us was injured, it should be regarded as a civil dispute, not a criminal case, right?"

The police captain nodded upon hearing this.That's for sure, the two of them were not injured, the captain of the police will usually let the two parties have a private relationship, even if both parties are unwilling to reconcile, it is at most a detention, which does not constitute a criminal offense, and if they want to be detained, both parties must be detained. No one can please!
What Su Chen wanted was this sentence, so he nodded and said calmly: "The police officer, the current situation is like this, we both fight each other friendly for a while, and I don't intend to pursue the other party's problems here. But I believe , Mr. Yan must hold me accountable, right?"

Su Chen said, looking at Yan Quan.

Yan Quan gritted his teeth and said: "Nonsense! Su, let me tell you, I will definitely not finish this matter with you, and I will definitely fight you to the end."

Hearing this, the captain of the police captain frowned slightly. Before he came, he knew that there were no ordinary people in this villa. Looking at the clothes of Yan Quan and Su Chen, the captain of the police keenly felt that this matter was absolutely It's not as simple as he thought.

Sure enough, at this time a young policeman from the police team came to the police captain and whispered to him about the situation of Su Chen and Yan Quan.

When the captain of the police heard this, his brain buzzed immediately.

Dude, there is no easy one on either side.He has heard of Yan Quan, a super second generation, but he has just been transferred, and this is the first time he has seen him.

As for Su Chen, it is not simple from the investigation situation. Although he had no identity and background before, he unexpectedly had an overseas relative out of thin air, and inherited a large amount of overseas inheritance out of thin air. The exact amount is not clear, but from Su Chen Judging from the attitude of daring to spend tens of billions at will, this amount of money is indispensable, and it must exceed tens of billions!
One is the super second generation of the imperial capital, and the other is a young millionaire with tens of billions or even hundreds of billions, neither one is easy to mess with!
The captain of the police felt a pain in the skull.

Su Che took the opportunity to say: "Officer, you are clear about the matter. Yan Quan wants to hold me accountable, but the premise is that he must be injured by me. If they are not injured, then they will not be able to hold me accountable." Bar?"

The police captain nodded.In any case, it is certainly right to enforce the law impartially.

On the other side, Yan Quan's face changed. They knew their bodies well. Now they didn't feel any discomfort, as if they had never been beaten. They were lucky before, thinking that they were in good health, but now they heard Su After Chen finished speaking, they suddenly had a bad feeling.

Sure enough, the corners of Su Chen's mouth curled up, and he smiled and said: "Then I request, take a few people to the hospital for an examination immediately, and in the process, you must ensure that he will not receive any secondary injuries, and I request, yes Their current physical condition will be initially checked and photographed, in short, I need to get their most accurate injury report!"

"This is no problem!" The police captain nodded in agreement.

Su Chen's request was completely reasonable and legal, and the police captain had no reason to refuse.

So the next thing is simple, the police began to conduct a preliminary inspection of Yan Quan and several people, and took photos as evidence.

Yan Quan and the others had a bad premonition in their hearts, but they had to cooperate. At this time, they had reason, but once they refused to cooperate, the reason would become unreasonable.

As for their bodies, they didn't believe that Su Chen's attack was so ruthless that they didn't leave any injuries on them. They felt that they probably suffered internal injuries, and they didn't need to be seriously injured. As long as it was a minor injury, Yan Quan was confident Get Su Chen in for a while.

So Yan Quan and others hesitated for a while and actively cooperated.

Seeing this, the police captain also breathed a sigh of relief.But he felt extremely awkward in his heart.

When did the second-generation fights become so easy to handle?Both sides are rational, but they are actually very cooperative, and even Su Chen is more thoughtful than them. The case has progressed to this point, and the people involved don't feel anything. The police captain feels a little guilty!

Abnormal, this case is too abnormal!

After a while, after several people checked here, the group got into the police car and went straight to the hospital.

Su Chen didn't bring anyone with him.

Leave Gao Qing to accompany Guo Xiaoshi, Guo Xiaoshi will continue to complete the rest of the auction, it is not safe to be alone.

Gao Qing saw Su Chen's hand out, and didn't refuse, but called his family and sent a few people from home to the hospital to meet Su Chen.It's true that Su Chen has skills, but it's definitely right to have more people who can run errands, at least they can pass on a message!
The police car came roaring, roaring away.

But this incident completely broke out in the circle. After all, there were so many spectators and a lot of second-generation people at the scene, it was impossible to hide this incident.

Zhao Yu looked solemn, and called home.

There was chaos in the villa.

But after a while, Zhao Yu finally stabilized the scene, the party continued, and the auction continued.However, the atmosphere at the scene is no longer as good as before.

(End of this chapter)

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