I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 108 The Aggrieved Yan Quan

Chapter 108 The Aggrieved Yan Quan

Accompanied by the police, Yan Quan and others at the Imperial Capital Union Hospital struggled for more than four hours and finally got the final result.

Then, the most authoritative hospital in the imperial capital gave the results that Yan Quan and the other seven people, except for some sub-healthy ailments caused by irregular life and a little red and swollen throat, did not have any external injuries or internal injuries and congestion, and were completely free of any injuries. Hit marks!

According to the old professor of surgery in the hospital, you are simply messing around and wasting medical resources. Does your body look like you have been beaten at all?With our machine, even the slightest congestion and concussion can be detected, which is equivalent to a bump on the head, or the consequences of being punched. They don't even have such internal injuries on their bodies. You let them What to check?
Where did they hit you?Throat?Is it popular to have your throat shut in fights now?
The old professor was so angry that the policemen present looked embarrassed and looked at Yan Quan and others with unkind eyes.

Isn't this nonsense?Sue someone for beating you without any injuries?This is simply an international joke.

But Yan Quan and others were completely stupid!
They are so stupid!

This is so unscientific!It was true that they were beaten.Although I am used to lying and farting.But this time, they can swear on the ancestral tablets, this time they were really beaten, and the beating was very painful, as evidenced by the swollen throat.

But now the sad reminder is that no one believes what they say.

Even Yan Quan's parents who heard the news didn't believe it.

When they first heard that their child had been beaten, they were really terrified.When Yan Quan and others checked, the eyes of Yan Quan's parents looking at Su Chen were really chilling, the eyes could kill!
But when the results came out, the couple were embarrassed.

Can this be done?

They know all too well what kind of brat their own son is. They have done all sorts of immoral things, and the couple wiped his ass for it. Now they finally have an honest man who doesn’t want to argue with his son. The boy actually wronged people.

It's a false accusation if it's not easy to say!

Fortunately, the children are kind-hearted, always smiling, and don't care about them.So now the couple look at Su Chen with apologetic eyes, if they can't save face, the couple can apologize to Su Chen!
This kid is great!
The couple looked at Su Chen with emotion.

Then take the initiative to undertake the aftermath work of negotiating with the police.

In fact, there is nothing to negotiate, and the police don't want this kind of thing to become a big one. Now that both parties don't pursue it, they must be happy to let this matter go, otherwise it will be bad for everyone.

After sending the police away, the couple carried Yan Quan home with dark faces, cursing as they walked!
Yan Quan was so wronged that he almost cried.

I really almost cried!After living for so long, the eye circles have never been so wronged!

Because of this, Yan Quan's hatred for Su Chen is almost like a vast ocean!

But what Yan Quan didn't realize was that while he hated Su Chen, he had already developed fear of Su Chen in his heart.One is the fear of Su Chen's ruthless appearance when beating someone. Yan Quan felt that he could remember Su Chen's beating eyes for a lifetime.What's more, he was even more wronged by Su Chen's weird method of beating people without getting hurt!He was really afraid of being beaten, and he really didn't want to try it again, and even racked his brains, he couldn't figure it out. What method should Su Chen use to beat someone without causing injury?

This is too unreal, and the more Yan Quan thinks about it, the more frightened he is, it's frightening to think about it!
Cooperating with the Su family in the hospital all afternoon, Su Chen was also tired, mainly because his heart was tired.

He really had a hard time this afternoon. If he hadn't brought some vajra bracelets and Wenwan walnuts with him when he went out, Su Chen would have been insane this afternoon!
This also taught Su Chen a lesson. It is really cool to beat someone, and it is also cool not to bear legal responsibility, but this kind of tossing afterward is not generally uncomfortable, so the consequences of beating someone are too serious, and if you can quarrel in the future, try not to do it!

Su Chen warned himself in his heart!
Let the few people from the family go back by car, and Su Chen drove to Zhao's villa by himself.

There was nothing to say all the way, when we arrived at the villa, it was past six o'clock, the auction of all the materials was over, and the Jieshi party had already started!

Su Chen wondered whether he could buy the gambling materials he asked Guo Xiaoshi to buy later.

There are actually quite a lot of emerald materials in the materials on the third floor, but most of them are very ordinary in texture. Su Chen picked out two top-quality pieces, one is ink jade with a large water head and weighs 10 kilograms, and the other is ice jade. In terms of water head, this piece of yellow fei is not as good as the one on the first floor of No. 001, but this piece is much heavier than that one. It weighs 15 kilograms. The value of such a heavy yellow fei is incalculable .

Su Chen only wanted these two pieces of jadeite, other Su Chen didn't like them.

Before Su Chen left, he specifically told Guo Xiaoshi that no matter how much it cost, he had to buy it, and it didn't matter if he lost money.After all, the current top-grade jadeite raw stone is a good thing that money can't buy.

However, Su Chen believed that as long as Guo Xiaoshi dared to bid, he would not be able to pay back. As far as the value of these two pieces of jadeite is concerned, each piece would cost tens of millions, or even over [-] million!How much is a piece of raw jadeite full of material?
However, Su Chen was also a little emotional, and he didn't know whether it was his luck, or whether Zhao Yu had used the wealth he had accumulated for many years this time. The top grade red jadeite!This is simply unbelievable, and no one believes it when it is said.

Su Chen entered the villa full of thoughts, and found that the atmosphere inside was very good, the lights were shining, the dance music was booming, and the atmosphere was quite warm.

But Su Chen felt a little noisy, maybe just like what Guo Xiaoshi and Su Pan said, he is just old and stubborn, he doesn't like young people's things, but he is obsessed with things of the older generation, and even makes friends who are 30 years old Upwards, there is no youthful vigor at all.

However, Su Chen felt that this was good for him. Although he lacked some excitement, he was better at being peaceful, stable, and healthy. As for the excitement, it was enough to hit someone occasionally to vent his anger, and forget about the rest!
Frowning and scanning around, Su Chen finally found the Jieshi area behind the DJ stage.

This is a separate hall. The hall is full of learning stone machines. The sound insulation effect of this room is very good, and the dance music outside cannot be heard in the hall.But it's not much better here than outside.

More than a dozen calculus machines work together, the sound is much harsher than dance music, but Su Chen listens very comfortably.This voice is within the range of his acceptance.

Taking a glance, Su Chen found Guo Xiaoshi and Gu Qingya in the crowd. There was no way, the two beauties were like a little bit of red among the grass, they stood out from the crowd!
Su Chen quietly walked behind the two women, looked inside, and found that the one who solved the stone was actually Su Pan, and the opposite was also a young man. At the moment, the two were making bets, and they were blushing and neck-deep from arguing!
 Emma, ​​I’ve been renting a house for the past few days, but it’s too difficult to rent this house without an intermediary. I’ve been running around for a whole day today, and my legs are slack. I came back tonight and tried my best. A chapter.

  I also know that the latest update is extremely unstable, but I still count what I say. I tried my best to make up the chapters I signed before, and I guaranteed two chapters a day.During this period, the author is really short on time and busy. I hope everyone will understand. When I stabilize, I promise to pay back all the debts.The main reason is that I have to look for a house tomorrow, I have to get up early, and I don’t dare to stay up late. I can almost settle down tomorrow, and then I will move, and it will be easy after the move.

(End of this chapter)

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