Chapter 110 Raising
Su Pan is a person who is sometimes rational and sometimes impulsive.Especially when facing friends, it is easy to trigger one's own loyalty attribute.

So even though Fatty Yu said that he felt uneasy, when he thought of Su Chen, Su Pan decided to believe Su Chen, because he felt that Su Chen would not harm him, and he was not the kind of unreliable person. There is no problem with the original stone, so he must choose to believe in Su Chen.

"Zha Lang, then it's settled, you just choose this rough stone, right?"

Su Pan picked up his second stone. This is the rule of the party. If Su Pan has already bet against the original stone, he will definitely choose to bet up, and Fatty Yu will naturally choose to bet down.

The rules are very simple, the original stone belongs to Su Pan, so the content of the bet is determined by Su Pan, which is unfair to Fatty Yu, after all, Su Pan is not that kind of extravagant person.Therefore, the rules also compensated Fatty Yu. He can choose any of the rough stones that Su Pan obtained from the auction today to interpret the stone. This allows Fatty Yu to take the initiative in the bet. Winning or losing depends on his luck and ability.

This kind of rule can't say who suffers, but it can solve many problems!
Seeing that Su Pan agreed, Fatty Yu sneered. "You really don't want to give up until you reach the Yellow River. If that's the case, then don't write ink, and explain the stone!"

"Then solve it!"

Su Supan gestured to Master Jieshi who had been waiting by the side, indicating that it was time to start.

The second stone is super big, weighing nearly [-] kilograms. For such a large stone, a small stone breaker cannot be used, and a large stone breaker is needed!
Others crowded around excitedly. After waiting for so long, the stone was finally resolved. Every time this time came, many spectators would be attracted. In fact, many people came to the party just to see the stone. This kind of knife heaven, one knife hell , and the game with gambling is really attractive to the people who eat melons.

Guo Xiaoshi and Gu Qingya were also watching. After all, because of Su Chen's relationship, Su Pan was considered their acquaintance, and it was only right for them to help support the scene.Furthermore, both of them were very curious about the stone solution this time, especially since they knew that this stone was chosen by Su Chen for Su Pan, so the meaning was even more different.

Master Jie Shi and Su Pan discussed for a long time how to use the knife.

This stone is roughly irregular and long and rectangular. Su Pan doesn't understand these things. In addition, there are no obvious features on the surface of this stone. Cut a part of it with a knife and see the effect.

Seeing this, Fatty Yu said impatiently: "Is this still a matter of research? A stone that is doomed to bet, and it takes so much effort? If you want me to say, you just cut the stone in half with a horizontal knife, and the result is clear at a glance!"

Su Pan glared at Fatty Yu with his small eyes. "It's easy for you to say, if there is jade in it and the structure of the jade is destroyed, you will bear the loss?"

Fatty Yu curled his lips in disdain. "What a big deal, if there is real jade in it, I will pay for any loss!"

"You can't bear to pay me back? What if there is a glass kind of imperial green in it?"

"Glass Emperor Green?" Fatty Yu suddenly laughed. "Are you afraid that you haven't woken up? If there is Emperor Green in here, I will see you again in the future, and I will call you Grandpa!"

Su Pan's eyes lit up. "This is acceptable!"

"And what if there isn't one?"

"If you don't have it, you don't have it!"

Fatty Yu sneered. "You scumbag, you only have this little courage, stop talking nonsense and cut stones!"

Su Pan stopped talking nonsense and nodded to Master Jieshi.

Zhao Yu hired all the stone-removing masters. They were only responsible for resolving the stones. Everything was up to the employer, what the employer said, and how they cut it.

Also at this time, Zhao Yu came late, but he was in a good mood, probably because he was relieved to know about the hospital's injury test, so he was free to watch the show.


The ear-piercing sound of cutting stones sounded suddenly, and after a while, the huge rough stone was split into two.

Everyone stretched their necks and looked in, each full of curiosity.

Master Jieshi put down the machine, hurriedly took a bucket of water, and poured it on the stone to rinse.

"Hey! I saw it, I saw it, wow! It's white! It's broken!"

"What? Broken? Boss Yu really guessed it right?"

"As expected of the boss Yu, the only seedling of the Yu family, this vision is really amazing!"

When Fatty Yu saw the result, he was not surprised at all, nor was he very proud. This fat man was able to control his emotions very well.

"How about it? Zha Pan? Are you willing to accept the bet?"

Su Pan looked at the original lime-white section, frowned, and heard Fatty Yu's words, a wave of anger welled up in his heart for no reason. Instead of being depressed, he turned impulsively and said, "Where is this? There is the other half." Well, and until all the original stones are completely unraveled, everything is unknown!"

"Then what do you really want? This is obviously a waste rock. No matter how hard you persist, you won't be able to change the result. It will only waste everyone's time!"

Some onlookers nodded in cooperation. Now that things have happened, most people agree with Fatty Yu's judgment. Some people have already left early, thinking that this is a foregone conclusion. The hall is so big, and this is not the only place where the stone can be solved. Some people I have already left early to watch the fun elsewhere.

After Su Pan heard the words, he looked at the expressions of the people around him, and suddenly he said, "Hmph! As long as the stone is not completely untied, everything is unknown. Since you judge yourself so Sure, do you dare raise?"

"You still dare to raise? Are you crazy?" Fatty Yu frowned. Although he was annoyed by Supan, he didn't really want to cheat Supan. "Zha Pan, it's almost over. A man is a man. If you lose, you have to admit it. There's no point in supporting a hero!"

Su Pan shook his head stubbornly when he heard the words. "Don't say these are useless, just say dare you?"

Fatty Yu is not a good tempered man either, he originally wanted to persuade Su Pan, but now seeing Su Pan behave like this, he is also angry. "Heh! Good words are hard to persuade a ghost who seeks death, tell me, what bets are you going to place!"

"It's very simple, I want to add two more months to the betting time!"

Fatty Yu slapped the table and shouted, "I'm following. I'll be older than you for three months, a total of half a year. Do you dare to come?"

"Why don't you dare?" Su Pan said, then turned around and snatched the handle of the knife from Master Jieshi. "This time I will solve it myself!"

Su Pan asked the master to help, and moved the original stone. This time, he planned to cut the remaining two-thirds of the original stone from the middle!
Fatty Yu gave Su Pan a blank look.

"Do you think you are the goddess of luck and her second uncle? This is a waste rock, no one can solve it."

Su Chen was in the corner, wearing sunglasses, smacking his lips.

Su Pan's decisiveness surprised him, but the fat man's behavior surprised him even more. He thought that someone who could make Su Pan gnash his teeth like this was not a good person, but looking at it now, it seems that this fat man is not as good as he thought. Unbearable, on the contrary, he admired the fat man a little bit.

It's a pity that the fat man is doomed to lose this time.

Through the eyes of the sky, Su Chen learned that if Su Pan's knife went down, he should see Lu!

 Sorry for being late, what I owed yesterday will be updated tomorrow, ah no, it should be paid back during the day today!
(End of this chapter)

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