Chapter 111

The sound of friction between the cutting machine saw blade and the stone constantly stimulated everyone's nerves.

The hearts of the people also continued to be tense with the sound of the cutting machine, and some melon-eaters who watched too deeply even held their breath.

Su Pan cut the knife in a serious manner, but if you observe carefully, you can see that a thin layer of sweat has appeared on Su Pan's hands and face. This time Su Pan is already sore and limp from nervousness.

On the other hand, Fatty Yu is very calm. Fatty Yu has an extraordinary insight into rough jadeite. Fatty Yu’s grandfather loves to gamble on stones. Said, don't look at Fatty Yu as young, but he is definitely a master in jadeite rough identification skills.

Putting a stone in front of him, he can basically tell whether there is a possibility of emerald in it.

Regarding the stone Su Pan, he was [-]% sure that there was no jade in it.He seldom failed in the identification of rough jadeite. Although there were accidents before, he didn't believe that Su Pan had such unnatural luck.

Su Pan didn't know much about raw stones, he just simply believed in Su Chen.

Therefore, rather than saying that he is confident, it is not that he is passively brainwashing himself.

"Chi Chi Chi Chi—."

With a crisp sound, the remaining rough stone was divided into two again.

The master next to him was very discerning, and hurriedly handed over a bucket of water. Su Pan took a deep breath, scooped up a ladle of water, and poured it directly on the cut surface of the stone!
Everyone came forward curiously again.

However, upon seeing this, many people gasped in surprise.

"Huh? This is... I got it together, and it turned out green!"

"It's green! It's green!"

"It's really green, and Su Pan actually won? This is unbelievable!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's lively, this scene is really a good show!"

"Fatty Yu actually missed, it's not easy!"

"I have to say, Su Pan's luck is really against the sky!"

At the beginning, when someone said it was green, Fatty Yu still sneered and dismissed it.He had absolute confidence in his own judgment, thinking that everyone was making fun of him.

But as more and more people said that, even Fatty Yu was a little confused when he was confident.

Knowing that Su Pan reacted.

Looking at the small green dots in the gray and white interface, Su Pan only felt that the surprise came too suddenly, which made him a little unresponsive.

It took a while for Su Pan to react, blinking, Su Pan only felt a surge of surprise hit his head, and grinned involuntarily.

At first it was just laughter, but after a while, the guy couldn't control it, and started laughing loudly.

"Hahaha! The bet has gone up, and the bet has really gone up! I won! Hahaha!"

Fatty Yu on the side heard this.Unable to bear it any longer, he hastily bypassed the machine, came to the front of the machine, and placed his eyes on the section of the rough stone. Seeing this, Fatty Yu's brain suddenly buzzed.

Fatty Yu can clearly see the piece of green in the middle of the ashes. Although the color is just an anthracite, it is green after all, and the emerald color is very positive, and the water head is not bad. It can be regarded as a medium emerald. Looking at the cross section, you can take it out There will be no less jade, it is definitely a bet!

But Fatty Yu couldn't figure it out, how could there be jadeite in the rough stone with this performance?

Suddenly, Fatty Yu remembered a sentence that his grandfather said, betting on emerald stones, two points bet, seven points life, only one point odds.

And the success rate of this point still needs to rely on years of experience in stone gambling, and various analysis and judgments on the rough stones to obtain.

That's why there is a saying that there is one sword in heaven and one sword in hell when gambling on stones.

In the past, Fatty Yu didn't believe it, because since he integrated all kinds of knowledge about rough stone appraisal, he seldom missed it, so he gradually gained a kind of confidence in betting on stones.

For Fatty Yu, this miss may not be a bad thing.

Gradually recovering from his absence, Fatty Yu stared at the stone for a long time, then slowly stood up, his eyes were clear.

"Zha Pan, you won. In the next six months, I will go from extravagance to frugality!"

Fatty Yu took off all the accessories on his body, top-quality gemstone rings, watches, imperial green jadeite pendants, etc., in addition to pure leather handbags, luxury car keys, in short, all valuable things were given to him attendant.

"I will change my clothes tomorrow, don't worry, I, Fatty Yu, am willing to admit defeat and keep my word!"

Su Pan saw that Fatty Yu was so trustworthy, the smug smile on his face gradually disappeared, looked at Fatty Yu, and said solemnly: "Okay! I thought you would renege on your debt, but I didn't expect you to be a man! In this case, I unilaterally declare that you and My grievances have been wiped out from now on, I thought you were annoying at first, but now, I suddenly feel that you, a fat man, are a bit pleasing to the eye, if you don't mind? Go out and have a drink together!"

Su Pan smiled and held out his hand.

Fatty Yu looked at Su Pan's outstretched hand with an unnatural expression!
"Zha Pan, how can you show some face? You want to turn hostility into friendship after winning a game? You don't care about it, but I still care about it. If you cheat me so much, I will get my revenge sooner or later!" Fatty Yu said viciously, Then his expression changed, and he said with a smile: "But drinking is a good suggestion. I remember that your drinking capacity seems to be average, right? If I don't pour you down tonight, I will be fat in vain! Old Zhao, this stone will help me Cut it out, and ship the ingredients to my house, I’m sorry, I’ll treat you to dinner later! Barbecue at a street stall, I’ll be out of money within half a year!"

After finishing speaking, Fatty Yu turned and left!

"What? Isn't that my rock?"

"Fuck off, it's mine now! You're so cheap, you're a good boy!"

"Hey! Why are you going?"

Fatty Yu turned around in doubt. "Isn't it drinking?"

"Damn, it's rare for me to be affectionate once, and you can't shake my hand. If it spreads in the future, it will be a good story. Maybe it will be famous in history!"

Fatty Yu looked at Su Pan with contempt. "Leave a name in history? Just you? Thinking too much? Don't mention leaving a name in history, you don't even have the qualifications to be infamous for thousands of years. Just shake hands, I don't like physical contact with men!"

"Damn! You fat man, your mouth is still so cheap, hey, don't you go in such a hurry? Slow down, I have a good place, I'll take you there!"

The protagonist is gone!The crowd of onlookers also dispersed.

But everyone was satisfied with this melon, and it was full of twists and turns. This is another good gossip, and there will be no material to brag about on the wine table in the future.

The crowd dispersed, Su Chen in the corner had no cover, and was recognized by Guo Xiaoshi in an instant!
"Boss? When did you come back?"

When Guo Xiaoshi saw Su Chen, she ran over with a look of surprise.

Everyone else was attracted by Guo Xiaoshi's voice, including Gu Qingya and Zhao Yu. When they saw Su Chen, they hurried to get close!

(End of this chapter)

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