I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 112 Zhao Yu's Awe

Chapter 112 Zhao Yu's Awe

"Sister Gu! Brother Zhao!"

After Su Chen nodded to Guo Xiaoshi, he greeted Zhao Yu and Gu Qingya.

Guo Xiaoshi consciously stood behind Su Chen, and was not dissatisfied with Su Chen for not saying hello to her, on the contrary, she was very happy, because only her own people don't need to be polite!

Zhao Yu smiled and nodded in response.

Gu Qingya frowned slightly, feeling a little uncomfortable in her heart, but she couldn't tell why, especially after seeing the smile on Guo Xiaoshi's face.

It's strange to say that at noon, he was very happy when Su Chen called her Sister Gu. After all, Su Chen has a lot of energy, and it is definitely good for her to have a relationship with Su Chen.But after only one afternoon, Gu Qingya suddenly felt that her attitude towards Su Chen had changed, but she didn't know what was different.

Depressed, Gu Qingya nodded to Su Chen, but said nothing.

Su Chen thought that Gu Qingya was still thinking about the matter at noon, so she didn't think much about it.Instead, he looked at Zhao Yu: "Brother Zhao, I made a rash move at your place at noon. It's my younger brother who was abrupt. I'll be the hostess another day. I'll make up for Brother Zhao."

Zhao Yu quickly waved his hands. "Hey? Brother, what you said is that you look down on Brother Zhao. What's the big deal? Do you need to make amends? Speaking of which, I am also responsible for what happened at noon. If you don't blame me for not helping, I will be very happy!"

Now Zhao Yu attaches great importance to Su Chen. Let alone Su Chen's terrifying and mysterious financial resources, just talking about Su Chen's methods at noon is enough to make Zhao Yu fearful and awed.

After beating someone so hard, the other party couldn't detect any injuries. What's even more bizarre is that when the police came to adjust the surveillance in the afternoon, they were surprised to find that the surveillance during that time had happened to be out of order.

Zhao Yu didn't know what the police thought, but Zhao Yu could be sure that this was definitely not an accident.He worked hard to manage this villa. All the facilities in it are of the highest level, especially the monitoring equipment related to security. They are all top-notch in the world. They can guarantee 24-hour monitoring anytime, anywhere, and he They also sent people to watch for 24 hours, especially at this critical moment, it is impossible to make mistakes.

But, at that critical moment, something really went wrong.

Afterwards, Zhao Yu specially asked someone to investigate in detail, and concluded that the monitoring program suddenly failed, and it was a [-]% internal problem. What was even more bizarre was that during that time, the security guard who guarded the monitoring actually fell asleep. You know, these People are all the elites he invited, and under normal circumstances, it is impossible to make this kind of mistake.

But no matter how hard he searched, Zhao Yu couldn't find any clues. In the end, it could only be attributed to the fact that Su Chen's methods were too clever.

That's right, from the very beginning, Zhao Yu believed that this was Su Chen's method, and others had no motive at all. It's a pity that he couldn't find any traces of Su Chen's method, which is the most frightening thing.

Zhao Yu has never heard of this kind of method in his life for so long. Let alone him, he deliberately reported the matter to his family. Everyone in the family even thought that Zhao Yu was teasing them.

How did Su Chen do these things? The Zhao family couldn't find any clues, so Zhao Yu felt a sense of awe towards Su Chen out of thin air.

Seeing Zhao Yu being so polite, Su Chen was taken aback for a moment, and then fell into a daze.

"Hehe, brother Zhao is offended when he said that!"

"Okay, let's stop talking about this, brothers. You've been tired all day, so you must want to go back early? Of course, Brother Zhao isn't trying to drive someone away. You know, I wish you could stay a little longer."

Su Chen knew that Zhao Yu was referring to the emeralds that Su Chen had photographed. Where did Su Pan's rough stones come from? Zhao Yu couldn't hide it from Zhao Yu at all, so Su Chen's ability to see rough stones was naturally known by Zhao Yu.This is another reason why Zhao Yu is in awe of Su Chen.

So obviously, Zhao Yu believed that the rough stones that Su Chen photographed probably contained emeralds.If Su Chen can explain the stone on the spot, it will definitely have a huge publicity effect on his transaction, so if possible, Zhao Yu definitely does not want Su Chen to leave.

But the most important thing now is to get closer to Su Chen, so although Zhao Yu feels distressed, he still tries his best to think of Su Chen.

Although Su Chen was aware of Zhao Yu's purpose, he still felt very useful in his heart.

"Brother Zhao, didn't you say that newcomers have to resolve stones?"

"Bad! It's simple, you leave a good-looking piece, and I'll ask someone to explain it for you. If you want to start a bet, I'll pick it up for you! Of course, this is just a formality. If Brother Su doesn't like it, It’s okay to go straight away!”

"Don't! I'd better leave a stone, the rules still have to be followed!"

Su Chen understood what Zhao Yu meant, which was to let him leave a rough stone that could produce emeralds.It is estimated that he also wanted to verify Su Chen's ability to appreciate stones from the side.

Su Chenyi is a bold person, and he is not afraid of exposing his abilities.Taking the list from Guo Xiaoshi is exactly what I got today.

A 2 kg glass yellow fei, a 60 kg glass red fei, an 8 catties ice floating flower, a 12 catties waxy sun green, 10 kg black jade and a 15 kg ice Kind of Huangfei!
According to Su Chen, Guo Xiaoshi bought all of them back. Although it cost a lot, six stones cost a full 5000 million!But Su Chen felt that the deal was too worthwhile. The emeralds inside the six stones were worth at least one billion!This is still to say the least!

It’s just that one piece of waxy sun green, Su Chen remembered that he gave it to Su Pan, and somehow it was photographed by Guo Xiaoshi again, probably by mistake, after all, Su Chen was not present at the auction, maybe the serial number of the waxy sun green Su Chen forgot to check the box, but Guo Xiaoshi made an offer. Seeing that Guo Xiaoshi made an offer, Su Pan would definitely not compete with Guo Xiaoshi!
But it doesn't matter, anyway, Su Pan has already avenged himself, so it doesn't matter whether he gives this piece of jade or not, just in time, Su Chen left this piece of jade to Zhao Yu.

This is also for Zhao Yu's good, for others, Su Chen is afraid that Zhao Yu's heart will hurt!
Discussed the handover with Zhao Yu, and agreed that Zhao Yu would send someone to send the rough stone to the courtyard tomorrow morning. Su Chen also bought three cutting machines from Zhao Yu, one large, one medium and one small. Zhao Yu readily agreed, but confiscated the money. Su Chen didn't insist either.

After all the discussions were over, Su Chen said goodbye to Zhao Yu.

Gu Qingya didn't speak the whole time, but when she left, she followed Su Chen.

"Miss Gu, are you okay?"

Apart from the villa, there was no one else, so Su Chen took the time to talk to Gu Qingya.

Gu Qingya shook her head, but she kept staring at Su Chen with her cold eyes. There was a mature and glamorous aura exuding from her pretty face, which made Su Chen tremble all over.

"Ahem, Miss Gu, where's your friend?"

"Leaving in the afternoon, he is here to help me identify the rough stone!"

"Uh, what about the people around you?"

"Wait for me in the car!" Gu Qingya frowned slightly, looked at Su Chen, and asked softly, "That's all you want to tell me?"

 Cough cough, well, I am guilty, this chapter is today, uh, it was already updated yesterday, the update failed, let’s continue to work hard during the day today

(End of this chapter)

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