Chapter 113 Big Boss 666
Regarding Gu Qingya's soul torture, Su Chen instinctively wanted to reply, so what else do you want to hear?

Fortunately, he was quite emotionally intelligent, and he choked back those words abruptly.

Touching the tip of his nose, Su Chen'en made a long sound and said, "Sister Gu, do you have time tomorrow?"

Gu Qingya raised her eyebrows, nodded and said: "If you ask, I will definitely have it!"

This word?What's wrong?

"Then what, Miss Gu, I want to invite you to my house tomorrow, and I'll be at home to resolve stones tomorrow!"

Hearing this, Gu Qingya finally showed a smile. "In that case, I'll be there on time tomorrow!"

Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief. "Then I'll wait for Sister Gu's arrival at home!"

Gu Qingya frowned slightly. "Do you have to be so reserved when you talk to me?"

Su Chen's expression froze, but before he could react, Gu Qingya took a deep look at Su Chen with her charming eyes, then waved her hand decisively and said, "Okay, it's getting late, I'm going first ,See you tomorrow!"

After speaking, he turned and left!
Seeing Gu Qingya's leaving figure, Su Chen's eyes gradually returned to deep.

This woman is not easy!

Although Su Chen was a little swollen, he was not so narcissistic that he thought he could fall in love with a beautiful CEO at first sight.

There is no simple woman who can become the president, and it is impossible to "fall in love at first sight and deeply in love" with him in just one day.

But before parting, Gu Qingya treated Su Chen as if she were distant, and her words were ambiguous.If someone is a little bit narcissistic or a person with a sperm in his head, he may be captured by Gu Qingya, and he will interfere and manipulate him even if he doesn't say he will listen to him from now on.

As for the benefits to Gu Qingya of getting Su Chen done, needless to say, there are too many to count.

A casual look and a few words can firmly grasp a man's heart. It has to be said that this kind of deal is very cost-effective.

But the difference is that Su Chen is not a narcissistic person, he still has the most basic sense, so Gu Qingya's plan is doomed to fail.

And more importantly, Su Chen always felt that Gu Qingya was not the kind of courtesan who would use her beauty for her own benefit, Su Chen believed in her own judgment.

Of course, the most important thing is that no matter how rational he is or how he analyzes it, he is horrified to find that this woman, Gu Qingya, actually fascinates him!

Thinking of this, Su Chen showed a smile, which is interesting, and the most charming is only if you can't see through it!
"Boss, everyone is gone, why don't we go?"

Suddenly, the faint voice of the little secretary Guo Xiaoshi sounded from behind.

Su Chen suddenly recovered and smiled. "Old Gao, did you find a sour smell?"

Lao Gao is also a wonderful person. He sniffed it a few times in cooperation, and then said with a smile: "Well, sour! Really sour! At least the sauerkraut pickled in a hundred-year-old vat can achieve this level of acidity."

Guo Xiaoshi couldn't tell that the two were teasing her, the little girl's ears turned red, she pouted her red mouth, stomped her feet, and snorted coquettishly, "You're dead!"


Su Chen and Gao Qing laughed together.

The three of them talked and laughed all the way to the parking lot, but they heard the sound of quarreling from a long distance away.

"Zha Pan, where are you? Are you reliable or not?"

"What's the rush? Fatty, don't bite Lu Dong, I'm here to help you, it's you who have been nagging to see the Great God!"

"Although I said it, I really don't believe it. There are young people in the imperial capital who know more about rough jadeite than me? Zha Pan, is your stone really lucky?"

"What do you think? Do you think that just by luck, I will play so big with you, and I seem to be such an impulsive and brain-dead person?"


"Mud play Kai!"

"Okay, I admit that I am sour. Although I am a little unconvinced, if you lose, you lose!"

"Heh! You just have to be stubborn, you fat man, I can guarantee that you will shout 666 within three days if you are with Brother Su!"

"Pey coal! Zha Pan! What do you mean I'm with that brother Su? Let me tell you, although I'm male, my hobby is definitely female!"

"You think too much, just like you, even if you want to cut off your sleeves, I, Brother Su, don't even like it!"

"Hiss! What do you mean, that Brother Su of yours is a broken sleeve?"

Su Pan hurriedly opened his mouth to explain, but suddenly heard a voice that made his soul tremble suddenly.

"Zha Pan, so that's how you introduce me behind your back?"

Su Pan's heart skipped a beat, and there was only one voice in his head, holding the grass, being pissed off by the fat man.

Turning his head with difficulty, Su Pan forced a smile on his face. "Brother Su, would you believe me when I said it was an accident? It's all fat people who cheated on me!"

Su Chen gave Su Pan a blank look, too lazy to argue with him, then looked at Fatty Yu, looked him up and down for a moment, and said, "Hello! My name is Su Chen!"

"Su Chen?" Hearing the name, Fatty Yu was taken aback for a moment, and then reacted abruptly. "You are Su Chen. You are the one who beat Yan Quan violently this afternoon? You are also the brother Su that Zha Pan is talking about?"

Su Chen nodded, generously admitting.

Fatty Yu was immediately excited. He had been looking for Su Chen all afternoon. He really admired Su Chen's beating of Yan Quan from the bottom of his heart. He also wanted to make friends with Su Chen, a strong man. The big stone bettor behind Zha Pan was even more excited.

However, a thousand words came to his lips, and Fatty Yu, who is usually eloquent, was at a loss for words. After holding back for a long time, he only said: "Big brother 666!"

Su Pan completely forgot what happened just now, seeing Fatty Yu cooperating with him so much, he couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Su Chen turned his head, looked at Su Pan, and said quietly, "Is this funny?"

"Gah!" Su Pan's laughter stopped abruptly, thinking of the previous events again, he lowered his head in embarrassment, his small eyes dodged, not daring to look at Su Chen.

Su Chen rolled Su Pan's eyes again, this guy's mouth is too cheap, there is no hope.

"Aren't you going to drink? Why haven't you left yet?"

When Su Pan heard this, he didn't speak, but just looked at Su Chen flatteringly.

Su Chen frowned. "You don't want to eat again, do you?"

"Look at what you said, what is Cengfan? I miss Sister Han. I haven't seen you all afternoon. It's been like three autumns!"

"Really?" Su Chen turned his head, looked at Guo Xiaoshi, and said, "Write this down, and when you see your elder sister and Li Lin later, talk to them properly!"

Su Pan was suddenly dumbfounded. "No, Old Su, Brother Su, Uncle Su, can't I be wrong? Don't be so cruel, right?"

"With your mouth, if you don't be harsh, can you have a memory?"

"Hahaha, Su Pan, finally someone can cure you. It seems that you will have to find Brother Su to treat you in the future!"

It was Fatty Yu who spoke. Obviously, although he hadn't talked yet, just listening to his deeds, this man has become Su Chen's fanboy.

Su Chen shook his head. "Okay, I'm not poor anymore, let's go, go home and eat!"

It was time for dinner, and Su Chen was really hungry.

 It's late, it's late, there's another chapter

(End of this chapter)

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