Chapter 118 Three Fatty

Fatty Yu paused, looking at Su Pan in surprise.

"Are you so confident?"

With an inexplicable smile on Su Pan's face, he said, "Don't worry about it, just say whether you want to bet or not?"

"Bet!" Fatty Yu said firmly: "I don't believe that Su Chen is omnipotent. I lost to him last time. I don't believe that I will lose again this time!"

"Hey? Obviously you lost to me, why did you lose to Lao Su?"

"How did you win yourself? You don't have any clues in your mind?"

"Ahem, okay, it's all the same anyway. But what's the bet this time?"

Fatty Yu stared at Su Pan. After a while, he gritted his teeth and said, "If you win, I will call you the second brother from now on. If I win, you will call me the third brother from now on!"

"Huh? Let me do it! Why can I only be the second child if I win?"

Fatty Yu looked at Su Pan with contempt. "If you think you can be Brother Su's boss, then I have no problem!"

"Hiss? Let me know! The second brother is the second brother! But I said third brother, have you longed to be my younger brother?"

"Get out!" Fatty Yu pushed his glasses, and said with contempt: "If it weren't for the fact that you have a little courage and a clean way of doing things, do you think I would like you? Besides, the outcome of the bet is yet to be known, you third brother Called too early."

Hearing this, Su Pan shook his head, looked at Fatty Yu sympathetically, and said, "Third brother, to be honest, if it comes to betting on stones, I can't compare with you, and I can't even compare with you in the way of inheriting the family business and doing business." There's no way to compare, but when it comes to people's vision and IQ, are you really far behind?"

Fatty Yu became angry when he heard it. If it was before, he would have had a fight with Su Pan before talking about it based on Su Pan's words, but now, although Fatty Yu was upset, he still held back his temper and said, "What are you talking about?" Meaning? Speak clearly?"

"Needless to say? You have lost this bet from the very beginning. Don't even think about it. Who were the people who chased after Sister Gu before? They are basically the second generation. Except for a few people, most of them have nothing outstanding. , and even most of the looks and figures are not good enough.

The remaining few may have both ability and good looks, and their family background is not bad, but most of these people are lustful, and there are countless women outside the family, such as Yan Quan and Young Master Yan.

Based on these people, Miss Gu can only see them if she is blind.

There are only one or two, who may have both ability, good looks, and good conduct.However, such people are basically candidates for the head of the family cultivated by the family. The family rules are extremely strict, and their marriages are basically marriages of interests, so there is no relationship.

Although Sister Gu is the helm of the family, she is the only child in the family, and the family property is destined to change her surname. In this case, Sister Gu will definitely not choose to marry, and will definitely pursue her own happiness.

So the failure of the previous ones was not because Sister Gu stabbed too much, but because the suitors were too rubbish!

But Lao Su is different. Lao Su needs to have a figure, appearance, ability and ability, and wealth and wealth. The most important thing is that Lao Su, like Sister Gu, is the only child in the family. Even the elders are gone, so the Su family doesn't have so many rules, and the two can fall in love freely.

Therefore, no matter how you look at it, both of them are the most suitable existence for each other, not to mention that Lao Su is still the one who takes the initiative. Come to think of it, counting the whole of China, it is really difficult to find someone with the same qualifications as Lao Su.

Unless Sister Gu never marries or finds an ordinary person, neither of these two situations is possible. The former is unrealistic, while the latter has too many problems. People with a large gap between rich and poor often do not end well together. Sister Gu is so sensible. No one can miss this.

So basically excluding all accidents, the conclusion is, Yu Shuiliang, you are doomed, you are destined to become the third fat man! "

After Fatty Yu heard it, his expression changed instantly. He was originally ambitious. Before, he just had an emotional dispute with Su Chen. He still refuses to admit defeat to Su Chen. That's why he agreed without hesitation. But now after listening to Su Pan's analysis, Yu Shuiliang himself felt that he was doomed.

However, Fatty Yu thought about it, according to normal rules, the more certain things seem to be, the more accident-prone they are, just like the match between the national football team and Silia, which is full of uncertainties.

Perhaps, he can turn the tables, but he is not sure.

Thinking of this, Fatty Yu squinted at Su Pan, and said calmly: "The most absolute thing in the world is that there is never an absolute thing. Everything has not yet been settled, and any accident may happen. You are too happy."

After finishing speaking, Fatty Yu ignored Su Pan and walked towards the main courtyard.

Su Pan shook his head emotionally from behind. "Third Fatty, you still don't understand Old Su!"

When Su Pan and Fatty Yu returned to the main courtyard, Su Chen also took Gu Qingya to finish the stroll. Seeing Fatty Yu and Fatty Yu coming over, Su Chen felt something was wrong, but he didn't ask much.He took a few people to the East Garden. Zhao Yu sent people to send the emerald rough stone and the stone-dissolving machine early in the morning, and put them there.

As soon as they arrived at East Garden, ten people were already waiting there.

These ten people were all selected by Gao Qing, five of them were his former comrades-in-arms, and nine of them signed a contract with Su Chen, promising to work for Su Chen for at least ten years, and during this period they could not take the initiative Leaving, loyalty is not a big problem.

Among the nine, the most outstanding one is Gao Cheng, Gao Qing's cousin, who is also a veteran of the Armed Police Force. Su Chen was appointed as the deputy captain of the Su Family Guard.

The current security system and the security rotation system at home are all created by Gao Cheng. For these things, Gao Cheng is better than Gao Qing.

So although Gao Qing is the captain, he is considered to be on the second line, and his main task is to follow Su Chen.

This is also Su Chen's idea. Compared with Gao Cheng, Su Chen believes in Gao Qing more. On the one hand, Gao Cheng is too smart. Such a person is too active and ambitious.

In comparison, Gao Qing, who is still thick-browed and big-eyed, is more worthy of his trust.

"It's all my family members, so you don't have to be polite, Lao Gao, let's start the three rock-dissolving machines at the same time. I will draw a line for you, and you can solve it!"

Dissolving stones is a physical effort. The lightest of Su Chen's rough stones weighs more than [-] kilograms, and the largest weighs hundreds of kilograms. It takes several people to work together to break the stone.

Anyway, with the Eye of Heaven, as long as they cut according to the line drawn by Su Chen, there will be no problem, and Su Chen is too lazy to do it himself.

Gao Qing and the others had already made preparations, knowing that they might be doing the job, so in the morning, they deliberately asked the people sent by Zhao Yu how to dissect the stone. They are not ordinary people, so they started to learn things. It is also very fast, and the stone removal is only laborious, and the operation is actually very simple.

So when Su Chen gave an order, several people started to work in a decent manner, without any panic!
(End of this chapter)

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