Chapter 119
"Hey! These rough stones are not small!"

"I just don't know how many emeralds are in it!"

"The first block has been solved!"

"Huh? These moves are quite professional! Looking at it, I really think that's the case!"

In the East Garden, Su Chen was sitting in the gazebo waiting for the results of the stone solution. Su Pan and Fatty Yu were like two sports commentators, chattering non-stop.

But the others didn't find it annoying. Except for Su Chen, the others were both looking forward to and feeling anxious, and the conversation between Su Yu and Su Yu could relieve their nervousness.

Gao Qing and the others were very fast, and within a short while, the first stone was opened.

"Yes, yes, let's go and have a look!"

Su Pan was the most impatient, couldn't sit still at all, and ran forward with his legs raised.

Seeing this, the others hurriedly followed.

Looking closer, Su Pan suddenly exclaimed, then took out a flashlight and shone it.

"Ah! The first piece came out green! Huh? This color is very positive, it must be sunny green? It's just that the water is a little bit wrong, and it can barely reach the level of waxy seeds!"

Fatty Yu also came up and rolled his eyes angrily when he heard Su Pan's words. "Get lost! Nuozhong, you actually told me it's a pity? Your eyes and brain are on top, right?"

Now that jadeite resources are scarce, glutinous seeds are considered high-end and luxury items, and as for the glass varieties that are better than the ice varieties, they are already considered the best of the best.

It is not an exaggeration to say that even waxy jadeite can be regarded as a super high-end item in a jewelry store.

Fatty Yu pushed Su Pan away, took out the flashlight, and looked carefully.

Su Pan knew that his skills were shallow, so he didn't say anything, and took the initiative to get out of the way.

Later, Su Chen was calm and composed. After all, he knew the result, so there was nothing to be excited about.

On the other hand, Gu Qingya looked at Su Chen frequently, the meaning in her eyes was unclear.

After a while, Fatty Yu stood up, and concluded: "It's a good stone, it's a waxy sungreen, and there's not much cotton. It seems that the amount is not small. At least a dozen kilograms of material can be taken out!"

"A dozen kilograms?" Su Pan exclaimed, "Isn't that a big profit?"

"What do you think?" Fatty Yu gave Su Pan a blank look, and then the way he looked at Su Chen also changed. He had always suspected that Su Chen's appreciation of stones was probably luck, but now, no matter how stubborn he was, he had to admit that Su Chen Chen relies on real skills.

Su Chen nodded at Gao Qing and said, "Change another piece!"

It is enough to know what kind of emerald it is, there is no need to untie it all, it takes a lot of time to untangle the stone.

As soon as Gao Qing heard this, he immediately directed everyone to start solving the second piece!
Fatty Yu and Su Pan were already a little excited, they stood aside and chattered non-stop, looking very nervous.

"Come out again, come out again!"

"Water, wipe it off!"

"Hey! Oh my god, it's green again?"

"Let me see? Hiss? This time it's actually an ice seed?"

Su Pan is excited!

Fatty Yu was shocked!
Gu Qingya looked sideways frequently!
Su Chen coughed dryly, and calmly shook his hand. "Next piece!"

Everyone: "."

"Fatty, do you dare to bet? I think this piece will be green again!"

"Don't gamble, do you really think I'm stupid?"

"You think you're smart?"


"Then have you taken it?"

"I don't accept it! If I was there at that time, I could pick out these stones!"

"But you can't hit 100%, not even 50.00%!"

"That's better than you. Besides, it's only two stones. How do you know that Brother Su's hit rate will be 100%?"

"So, you still don't understand!"

"Get out! Huh? It's good again? These people's movements are still very quick, take a look!"

"Damn it! Is this the Ice Seed Floating Flower?"


Everyone: Shocked question mark face.

Su Chen: "Next!"

"Mo Cui? Is this Mo Cui? Is it from the ice species? Zha Pan, pinch me, am I dreaming?"

"This is Huang Fei?"

"My dear, I must be dreaming!"

"Is this still Huang Fei? No! This is actually a glass-type Huang Fei!!!!"

"My God, this is simply priceless!"

"Fatty man, are you convinced?"

"I do!"

As each piece of stone was released, everyone's expressions changed from surprise at the beginning, then to shock, and finally to numbness. The changes were so fast that it can be called a change of face in Peking Opera.

Especially Su Pan and Fatty Yu, the two wished to put their eyes on the stones, and they were startled from time to time.

As for Gu Qingya, she was very calm at first, but gradually, her expression became uncontrollably shocked, and she looked at Su Chen with incredible eyes.

"how did you do it?"

Gu Qingya looked at Su Chen in shock.

Su Chen touched his nose, pretended to be calm and said, "Feel it!"

"Feeling?" It's nonsense when you hear it here.It's just that after thinking about it for a long time, Gu Qingya realized that this explanation seems to be the most reliable.

When a matter cannot be explained by scientific principles, it can only be pinned on metaphysics.

Just like in the strongest brain, Brother Shui's microcosmic identification of water with the eyes of ghosts is so powerful that it makes no sense at all, and the final explanation is also the word "feeling"!
"Your feeling is really enviable." Gu Qingya said sincerely!
Su Chen smiled and shook his head again. "Perhaps, but this kind of feeling also makes me lose a little bit of the fun of betting on stones. If there is a gain, there must be a loss!"

Hearing this, Gu Qingya was so angry that she couldn't laugh or cry. "You are showing off naked!"

"Hahaha, that's enough, the stone is almost solved, let's go back!"


Fatty Yu and the two have been paying attention to Su Chen and Gu Qingya. After all, they have a bet on the two of them. From the current point of view, Fatty Yu feels that his chances of winning are extremely small.Su Chen is so tough that he is inhumane. Which woman can stand up to such a man?
"No! Boss, isn't there a big rock here?"

Convinced, Fatty Yu changed his address to Su Chen very easily. Anyway, no matter what the outcome of his bet with Su Pan, he would make Su Chen the boss.

After hearing Fatty Yu's address, Su Chen was startled, and then smiled knowingly.

"That piece is puzzling!"

"I don't understand? Why?"

"If there is no reason, I don't understand!"

The last piece is the top-grade red jadeite, and there are so many of them. Su Chen may be very busy recently and has no time to carve, so even if he solves it, he will not need it. Once the news is leaked, it is likely to attract a large number of jadeites. Lovers come to ask for goods, he is not afraid of any trouble, but he does not want to be disturbed.

Everyone present was talking a lot, especially the six people except Gao Qing and Gao Cheng. They were all high-ranking employees, and their loyalty was only around [-]. They might rebel at any time. Su Chen felt that it was better to be cautious.

The others were puzzled after hearing this, but they didn't say anything more.

On the other hand, Gu Qingya's expression was a little moved, because Su Chen had promised that he could sell part of the stone that was freed from the biggest stone, and she came here today entirely for this matter.

It's just that I didn't expect that the target jadeite didn't come out, but I saw some other top-quality jadeites. Seeing those pieces of material, Gu Qingya felt a little numb!

 I was suddenly notified that it was on the shelves, and I was not prepared at all.

  I just settled down after moving. I can only say that this period of time is too chaotic, my life is chaotic, my writing is also chaotic, and my whole being is chaotic.

  I don't know how the novel is written, but I feel that the number of people reading it is getting smaller and smaller, and my enthusiasm and heart are gradually cooling down.

  I was expecting a wave of subscriptions, at least to see the past, but now, I feel like I'm going to be cold.

  There is no explosive update on the shelves, no testimonials, and I am considered a weird one.

  Hey, that’s the only way to go. I can only say that I will continue to write this book, and I will try my best to write it. As for how it will be written, I can’t guarantee it, because I suddenly feel that my ability to control long novels is very poor. It needs to be practiced, and this should be practiced.

  But if it is possible, I still have the cheek to ask everyone to read the original version and subscribe as much as possible. After all, this is my job, and the author also has to eat. No matter what, if I don’t earn a penny, I don’t know if I can. Stick to how much you write.
(End of this chapter)

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