I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 120 The Scary Yan Family

Chapter 120 The Scary Yan Family

On the second floor of Xianyun Pavilion in the West Garden, Su Chen and Gu Qingya sat facing each other, Su Chen made tea while Gu Qingya sat and enjoyed it.

There are only the two of them in Xianyun Pavilion, Guo Xiaoshi has work to do, as Su Chen's life secretary, when Su Chen is lazy, all the burdens are on Guo Xiaoshi.

And Guo Xiaoshi did not disappoint Su Chen. After Su Chen's short training, Guo Xiaoshi also quickly adapted to her work, because Su Chen's career started from scratch, and Guo Xiaoshi also participated in it from scratch, so Although Guo Xiaoshi is young and inexperienced, but because she works hard to learn and improve, she really keeps up with Su Chen's rhythm.

So it is not without reason that Su Chen dotes on Guo Xiaoshi, she is indeed worthy of Su Chen's love, with Guo Xiaoshi around, at least [-]% of Su Chen's troubles and trifles are reduced.

Just like the tea that Su Chen is brewing now, Jianghuai Taiping Monkey King, it is said that it is more than 100 million one kilogram, and Guo Xiaoshi entrusted someone to buy it.The most clever thing about Guo Xiaoshi is that she is very good at making use of interpersonal relationships.

Guo Xiaoshi’s family life is mediocre, but she knows many elites from all walks of life. After all, she studied finance. In addition, Guo Xiaoshi is extremely beautiful and has a very good personality, so she is very popular. During the four years of university, she has accumulated countless It is precisely these contacts that allow Guo Xiaoshi to adapt to various jobs as soon as possible and do it with ease.

For example, Su Chen likes to drink tea, so he entrusted him with the help of a senior who was two years older than him. After graduation, this senior specialized in tea sales. In addition, Su Chen was not short of money, so in a short time, Guo Xiaoshi passed As a senior, he got a large amount of premium tea.

Of course, a lot of money must have been wasted. After all, seniors also want to make money. Guo Xiaoshi asked Su Chen for instructions on this matter. Su Chen must have no problem. He even encouraged Guo Xiaoshi to spend money boldly. For what it's worth, Guo Xiaoshi can cut it first and play it later, and Su Chen will reimburse her afterwards.

With this golden token arrow, Guo Xiaoshi is naturally like a duck to water.

Smelling the fragrance of tea, Su Chen could think of Guo Xiaoshi. It can be said that he can live so comfortably now, whether it is food, clothing, housing and transportation are properly arranged, Guo Xiaoshi takes [-]% of the credit.

Withdrawing his mind, Su Chen raised his head, looked at Gu Qingya who was a little absent-minded, and asked, "I thought you would ask!"

"Ask what?" Gu Qingya snapped back to her senses and said casually.

"Of course it's the biggest rough emerald stone!"

When Gu Qingya heard this, she looked at Su Chen and smiled wryly.

"What are you talking about? Sigh! If it wasn't for yesterday's incident, I would definitely try my best to get a batch of rough stones from you. But yesterday you and Yan Quan fell out completely. I know it must not be all because of me, but you treat me Grace is for sure, and now you call me Sister Qing Ya again, do you think I can bear to plot against you again?"

Su Chen stopped making tea, raised his head, and looked at Gu Qingya in surprise.

In fact, she thought that the purpose of Gu Qingya's visit today was for tea.Su Chen does not deny that he is also testing Gu Qingya. He has feelings for Gu Qingya, but he is not a pervert, nor is he a brainless licking dog. He still has the reason he should have. Before deciding to pursue Gu Qingya, he must To figure out Gu Qingya's personality, what he needs is a daughter-in-law who can be with him for a lifetime, not a poisonous woman who looks beautiful but has a heart like a snake. This is very important.

Su Chen originally thought that Gu Qingya would try every means to get jadeite from him, but he didn't expect that Gu Qingya came here today just to thank him.

"So, are you worried that I will be retaliated by the Yan family?"

Gu Qingya looked at Su Chen and nodded seriously. "Brother Su, I'll call you brother, so I'll just say what I have to say. I don't know how much you know about the Yan family. What I want to remind you is that what happened yesterday is absolutely nothing, and the Yan family will definitely take revenge on you." !"

Su Chen was stunned.

"You mean the Yan family will retaliate against me? Isn't Yan Quan alone?"

"No!" Gu Qingya sighed. "Hey! My silly brother, it seems that you don't know anything about the Yan family!"

Su Chen lowered his head and pondered for a moment without refuting. Gu Qingya was right. He really didn't know much about the Yan family. At that time, he also knew that he was a little impulsive, but he managed to live again, and he had such a powerful golden finger. Su Chen looks down on himself even when he does things with forethought, so Su Chen never regrets what happened yesterday.

It's just that if you don't regret it or not, you have to think about things that should be considered, so Su Chen is not arrogant, but pours a cup of tea for Gu Qingya, and humbly asks: "I also ask sister Qingya to explain my doubts."

Gu Qingya took the tea, and hurriedly said: "Oh, why are you so polite? I should be the one thanking you, this is what I should say, I'm afraid you think I'm long-winded!"

Su Chen laughed. "How come? I do things impulsively, but I'm not a person who doesn't know what to expect. Sister Gu is doing my best. It's too late for me to be grateful. I will definitely accept it with humility."

Gu Qingya breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the words, she was really afraid that Su Chen would refuse her help because of her pride, then she would really be powerless, now seeing Su Chen so modest, Gu Qingya was really happy, and at the same time Su Chen's impression was much better again.

People like Su Chen who are young, rich, and capable are basically conceited and rarely listen to other people's opinions. She really didn't expect Su Chen to have such a good personality!

"Okay, since that's the case, I'll tell you about the Yan family."

Su Chen was sitting upright, with his head slightly lowered, looking at Gu Qingya, with an appearance of listening carefully.

Gu Qingya enjoyed it very much, she took a sip of the tea with her vermilion lips, leaving a faint sexy trace on the teacup, which made people feel hot.

"The Yan family is considered to be a century-old family that is rare in the imperial capital! The Yan family lived in the imperial capital at the beginning of the last century, but at that time the Yan family was not outstanding, and could only be regarded as a small family. After decades of turmoil, the Yan family miraculously The reason for the rise is that the Yan family can always take the pulse of the times and make the most correct choice when facing major events. In the past 100 years, the Yan family has never missed the team in matters of right and wrong. This time it became a legend in the capital. It's a good story, and it's also the most amazing secret of the Yan family so far."

After Su Chen heard this, his pupils dilated and he gasped.

If what Gu Qingya said is true, then the Yan family is really exaggerating.

Think about thousands of years of history, ancient and modern, countless families have sprung up, but how many of them can not make mistakes for 100 consecutive years in the face of big right and wrong?I am afraid that such families are definitely one of the few.

Such a comparison, then the Yan family is really terrifying, not to mention anything else, just talking about the accumulation of the family for 100 years, it is definitely not comparable to a nouveau riche like Su Chen!
Su Chen is not even at the same level as others. The gap is too big!
(End of this chapter)

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