Chapter 121
"My dear, it's really amazing!" Su Chen clicked his tongue, and his expression finally became serious. "Sister Qingya, can you tell me about the specific strength of the Yan family?"

Gu Qingya nodded, then shook her head again.

Su Chen was stunned, not understanding what it meant.

Gu Qingya explained: "I can tell you everything I know, but what I know is not necessarily accurate. The Yan family is a century-old family, and its strength is beyond my guess. I can only tell you Some superficial forces of the Yan family."

Su Chen nodded. "I understand that. For a century-old family, it's normal to have a hole card."

Seeing that Su Chen understood, Gu Qingya nodded and said, "Then I'll tell you something well known to the Yan family."

Su Chen immediately sat up straight and listened attentively.

Gu Qingya took a sip of tea and said seriously: "The history of the Yan family rose at the end of the 19th century. According to the ancestor of the fortune, it is said that he was a scholar in the Guangxu period. By chance, he caught the tail of the Westernization Movement and started to rise.
However, the Yan family at that time could only be regarded as a low-level family, with a small family and no worries about food and clothing, but it was at this time that the Yan family began to gain a foothold in the capital.

Later, the Yan family experienced several ups and downs in the imperial capital, and experienced several great joys and sorrows. Not only did it not destroy the Yan family, but it made the Yan family even stronger and more well-established.

The Yan family really began to rise in the 40s, perhaps because of God’s blessing, at the end of the 30s, the Yan family rose together with two arrogances, one literary and one military, and after 20 years of hard work, this literary and military One became a general and the other a high-ranking official. So far, the Yan family has officially risen in the imperial capital.

After more than 60 years of development, the current Yan family has a profound heritage, and it has spread all over China and even the world.

Now the Yan family mainly has two parts, one part is after the original civil servants, most of the descendants of their descendants are also officials and businessmen, and they have great influence in China. Now in the capital, at least ten officials with real power belong to the Yan family. Several of the top [-] companies in the market today are also owned by the Yan family. The Yan family's industries cover energy, insurance, real estate, Internet, jewelry and jade, and some of them are industry leaders.

This is only the line of the Yan family's civil servants. In addition, the strength of the Yan family's military officers should not be underestimated. However, almost all the forces of the Yan family's military officers are in the army, and the Yan family of this line is extremely low-key Less known to outsiders!
More importantly, it is said that the relationship between the Wen and Wu lines of the Yan family seems to be very bad. It is said that there have been great conflicts since the generation of his ancestor Wen Wu Shuangjiao. The meaning of intercourse.But one pen can't write two Yan characters. These are all rumors from the outside world. The specific situation is beyond the knowledge of outsiders! "

Su Chen's scalp felt a little numb when he heard that, even though he has an infinite expansion of the system, after hearing about the influence of the Yan family, he also clicked his tongue a little.

It has to be said that the Yan family is really terrifying, no wonder Yan Quan dares to be so arrogant in the capital, a century-old family is indeed not to be underestimated.

As for Gu Qingya's inference, Su Chen completely agrees.Compared with the contradictory remarks of the two Yan families, Su Chen is more willing to believe that they are avoiding suspicion. After all, if the two Yan families merge together, the power will be too great. From ancient times to the present, no force can escape the prosperity. The law of extremes and decay.

If the civil and military Yan families had no conflicts from the beginning, then Su Chen believes that the Yan family must have ceased to exist by now, and such a family has exceeded the limit that the world can accommodate.

But even if you don't count the Wu Yan family's lineage, it's quite terrifying to just take Wen Wen's Yan family's lineage alone. It can take both the official and business paths and still be safe so far.

Su Chen really admires that a family that can last for a hundred years is not a small miracle, even in ancient and modern times, after all, this is the modern age of rapid technological development.

These 100 years in modern times are comparable to hundreds of years in ancient times!
Su Chen was very surprised and admired, of course, that's all.For the Yan family, he only admired, but not afraid.At least he didn't think the Yan family could do anything to him.

He is not in politics, he is not in the army, and he is not short of money. Even if he is in business, he is to promote social development. Even if the Yan family attacks his business group, Su Chen will quit. Anyway, there is a system, and he will never know it in his life. Lack of money, coupled with his martial arts, strong body, and all kinds of strange skills, almost invulnerable to all poisons, no matter how powerful the Yan family is, they can't handle Su Chen.

But Su Chen is different. If he is determined to take revenge on the Yan family, then the Yan family may not be able to survive. I believe that in a few days, his assets will reach tens of billions. It is not impossible, and this hundreds of billions is not the virtual market value of the stock market, but real cash. If Su Chen spends all the 1000 billion on the Yan family, no matter how strong the Yan family is, then Su Chen It can break a hole in it.

Moreover, Su Chen also has the blessing of the heavenly official, which transcends technology and has some fantasy skills. If he uses the master-level computer skills to assist the master-level hacking skills, he will be even more invincible.

Black technology can be used to find out that the people in Yan's family are scum, and then find a way to give him a heavenly official token, it may have a miraculous effect.

So it's fine if the Yan family doesn't bother him, if the Yan family doesn't know the general idea, then they can't blame Su Chen for being cruel.

"Brother Su, what are you thinking?"

Seeing Su Chen stunned, Gu Qingya stretched out her hand and shook Su Chen's eyes, saying.

"Ah?" Su Chen woke up, and after recovering, he scratched his head and smiled, "It's nothing, I just remembered something!"

Gu Qingya looked worried, looked at Su Chen, thought for a while, and asked softly, "Brother Su, are you afraid?"

Su Chen was taken aback when he heard the words, and then said with a smile: "Sister Qing Ya, you think too much. Although the Yan family is powerful, they still can't scare me."

Gu Qingya shook her head helplessly. "You, what time is it, you're still stubborn!"

"I'm not being stubborn, but self-confident. Sister Qingya, tell me, I'm not in politics, and I'm not in the army. I'm just making games to pass the time. Besides, I have no old age, I'm young in the afternoon, and I'm alone. Concern, good health, not short of money, good conduct, and not breaking the law, what do you think the Yan family can do to me?"

Hearing this, Gu Qingya opened her mouth, her face flushed from holding back, and after a while, he was surprised to find that it seemed that the Yan family really couldn't do anything to Su Chen unless they used some shady means.

But the Yan family is a big family after all, unless they have to, they will not take this step.

"Okay, okay! Are you good enough?" Gu Qingya gave Su Chen an angry look. "But you can't really take it lightly. After all, the Yan family is a century-old family. It's okay if only Yan Quan deals with you, but if you really anger the entire Yan family, then you are really in danger.

The methods of this century-old family are beyond our guess! "

 Disclaimer in advance, this book is not very strict!

  This book is currently doing very well, and I will write it even for full attendance.

  The lack of updating these days is a special situation, or this period of time is a special situation, but they are all rushed together, there is no way, I really try my best, the update of these two days is in the middle of the night every day, it is all I stayed up all night trying to write.

  Fortunately, the matter is really over this time. I promise to resume the double update tomorrow, and I will find time to start making up the update later. The chapters owed in the past few days will also be made up. The update is not good, and I have no face to ask for a monthly ticket recommendation ticket. , I just ask you to subscribe, this is the source of motivation for me to keep writing.

  In addition, I have been actively thinking about the plot in the past few days. I will write this book well. No matter what the grades are, I will do my best to make it as exciting as possible. Insufficient strength, there is really no way!
(End of this chapter)

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