I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 122 Luxury Exhibition Activities

Chapter 122 Luxury Exhibition Activities

"Okay, let's not talk about him anymore. Soldiers come to block, water comes to soil, it's useless to think too much."

The main reason is that the Yan family's movements are unknown now. If the Yan family takes action against him, it's okay to say that he can prescribe the right medicine and fight back.

But he can't take the initiative to attack before people take action, otherwise he will be provoking trouble, and the nature is different.

Su Chen doesn't like to be passive, but he doesn't want to take the initiative to deceive others, not to mention that the other party is a century-old family. If the other party can not hold grudges, then he will naturally not take the initiative to seek trouble.

So it's useless to say anything now, we can only take one step at a time.

Gu Qingya opened her mouth, but stopped talking.She originally wanted the Gu family and the Su family to take the initiative to cooperate and fight against the enemy together. After all, the Gu family has completely opposed the Yan family because of her. Unless she compromises with Yan Quan, Yan Quan will not let her go.

But from the looks of it now, Su Chen didn't have that intention, and while Gu Qingya was helpless, she could only let go of this idea secretly.

"I hope you really have a way!"

Gu Qingya sighed, but the sadness in her brows couldn't go away.

Su Chen didn't seem to notice the grudge against Gu Qingya, so he changed the subject carelessly: "By the way, sister Qingya, do you really want my emeralds?"

Gu Qingya gave Su Chen an angry look. "I want it, can you give it?"

Su Chen rubbed his nose, what Gu Qingya said really made sense, if he didn't have the Heavenly Official Token Talisman, he really didn't care about these jadeites, but now he wants to make the Heavenly Official Token Talisman, he doesn't know how much jade he needs, so these jadeites He really couldn't give it to Gu Qingya.

"Okay. Then I'll use these emeralds first. As I said before, if I use the leftover scraps, I will definitely keep them for Sister Qingya."

When Gu Qingya heard this, her brows were filled with joy. "That's enough, some leftovers are enough. Now the best jadeite is a super luxury, as long as there are some shops."

"I see." Su Chen nodded. "By the way, sister Qingya, Zhao Yu told me that there will be a large-scale jade and jewelry trade fair in Yangcheng the day after tomorrow. It seems that the scale is not small. Will you go there then?"

"You also know about this?" Gu Qingya exclaimed, then nodded. "I will definitely go, but the members of this kind of jewelry fair are basically for major jewelry groups, this fair is actually a good opportunity for each group to develop their power.

At the trade fair, the most important thing is the final luxury exhibition. The participants of this event are almost all from various jewelry groups. Experts in the field of appraising treasures and various mass media appraised and finally selected the top three.Afterwards, the top three jewelry works will be promoted by major media in an all-round way, and the promotion of jewelry works is actually equivalent to promoting the jewelry group to which they belong.

The publicity expenses will be shared by all the jewelry groups participating in the meeting. Regardless, the top three jewelry groups will also receive all-round rewards such as jewelry resources, emerald resources, and store resources.

It can be said that this luxury exhibition is a gluttonous feast for the major jewelry groups in the country to divide the cake, and each time there are only three winners, or to be more precise, only one, because the reward of No.1 far exceeds that of No. .2 and No.3!
So compared to this exhibition, the rest of the stone gambling trade, carving forum and other activities are just subsidiary activities! "

After hearing this, Su Chen was a little surprised.He didn't expect that there would be so many things to say about a luxury trade fair. No wonder Zhao Yu gave him an invitation letter so happily. It was obvious that he knew that he didn't have a jewelry company under his name, so even if he had an invitation letter, he couldn't participate. He was just a spectator at most. .And this kind of audience invitation letter is really worthless, even if you have connections, you can get it without spending money.

Lao Zhao doesn't pay attention!Fortunately, he thinks this guy is a good person, and he will find a way to make up for this guy in the future.now!

he! tui!
This guy is really bad!
Su Chen felt emotional in his heart, but he was not angry at all. After all, he was not asked for anything, and the invitation letter was given for nothing. Without Zhao Yu, he would not have known about it at all, so he still had to accept what should be accepted.

With a change of mind, Su Chen turned his mind to this activity again.

After thinking for a while, Su Chen asked doubtfully: "Sister Qingya, no matter how you look at it, this event is prepared for those top jewelry companies, and they are the only ones who can produce top-level works, right? Those small companies probably don't have many opportunities, why? Will you be willing to participate in the show?"

Gu Qingya smiled and shook her head.

"Brother Su, jadeite is one of the most popular luxury goods in the jewelry industry, and stone betting is naturally a high-profile business activity in the jewelry industry. You also know that betting on stones has always been a heaven with a sword, and a hell with a sword. Why do you think there are so many people throwing money into it like crazy?"

Su Chen thought for a while, then suddenly came to a sudden. "Using small to gain big?"

"That's right, small business has always been the top topic in business, and it has lasted for a long time. People are gamblers, especially businessmen. That's why the exhibition attracts most companies in the jewelry industry to participate.

And the most important thing is that this event is entirely based on the works. A small company does not mean that you are not tempted. Those who can open a jewelry company in this era must have some background, so in this event, the chances of a small company counterattack are actually very high. In the previous events, many small companies took advantage of this counterattack to rise up and gained a firm foothold in the industry.

Speaking of it, this event is unfair to those top companies, because even if they don’t participate in the event, they are already the top jewelry company, and if they participate in the event, there is a risk of being counterattacked. It can be said that this event can be successfully held and persisted. For so many years, the initial event referee team contributed a lot! "

After hearing this, Su Chen understood. "In other words, this event referee team does not belong to any jewelry company?"

"Well! This is inevitable, otherwise it would be impossible to guarantee the fairness of the event, which is the prerequisite for the event to be held for a long time!"

Su Chen nodded. "Sister Qingya, how many times has your company won awards in this event?"

Hearing this, Gu Qingya blushed slightly. "Our company still has strength. We have won five awards in the past, but we have only won the first prize once."

Su Chen secretly clicked his tongue. "Five awards? Good guy, it seems that sister Qingya's company is not easy!"

Su Chen smiled, and then said: "Then your work is ready for this time?"

"It must be ready. The works are all prepared a month in advance, so there is no time to prepare now!"

When Su Chen heard this, he didn't ask any more questions, but he was more interested in this trade conference.

 There will be more later, two updates tonight, and the next day will gradually increase,

(End of this chapter)

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