I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 12 Wen Wan Old Dzi Beads

Chapter 12 Wen Wan Old Dzi Beads

Su Chen found that he had really changed a lot, and quickly.

A few hours ago, everyone looked like a thief, for fear that someone would miss his beauty, ahem, wealth.

However, Su Chen's heart became more and more swollen under the repeated money attacks by the system.

It stands to reason that we all know each other well, how can you bring someone home when you meet for the first time?Also hand over tens of millions of bank cards to others?This is too silly!

If it was Su Chen in the past, he would never do this.

But now, Su Chen didn't have any psychological burden.With the system in place, is he still afraid of lack of money?It is extravagant to use tens of millions to test the secretary, but so what?We are not short of money!
After getting rich, Su Chen became more and more free-wheeling.

"Boss, how do you sell this dzi bracelet?"

In the Wenwan shop next to the pet shop, Su Chen pointed to a pile of dzi beads and asked casually.

The boss glanced at Su Chen and said, "[-] pieces!"

"Tsk!" Su Chen shook his head. "Boss, you are bullying me for not knowing how to do it! This appearance is not very good!"

Although Su Chen is not from Wenwan, he also knows to leave three points behind when he speaks, and he is not too straightforward.

As for why he knows so much about Wenwan, it has to be attributed to the system's mission bug.

Yes, it has appeared again.

"Ding! It is detected that the host is appreciating Wenwan, trigger the temporary luck skill halo, and reward the host's master-level Wenwan appreciation ability!"

"Ding! It is detected that the host has a desire to play, trigger a temporary lucky skill aura, and reward the host with the ability to play Wenwan buff. The host plays Wenwan for one hour a day, which is comparable to a year of uninterrupted playing. effect, and can improve the quality of Wenwan.”

Being favored by system bugs continuously, Su Chen has become a little numb.Of course, being happy is definitely super happy.

Especially the second ability is simply against the sky.You must know that the biggest enemy of Pan Wen Wan is time, and every Pan Wen Wan player does not wish that the Chinese game in his hands can be filled quickly.However, it takes at least several years or even decades of hard work for a piece of Wenwan to achieve results. It can be said that endurance and character are what make Wenwan play.

However, now, Su Chen's one hour of hand-playing every day is equivalent to a year's effect, and this efficiency can make those literary fans explode in place.

Of course, this will definitely reduce the fun of playing Panwen, but Su Chen feels that he prefers to go straight with a single gun and make a quick decision compared to grinding a needle with an iron pestle!

Therefore, Su Chen, who originally just wanted to take a look at it casually, really decided to pick some Wenwan this time and go back to the end.

As an upstart, Su Chen would definitely choose the most expensive Wenwan, and the leader of the Wenwan circle must be Tianzhu.

The owner of the Wenwan store originally thought that Su Chen was just a stunned young man who pretended to understand, but after hearing what Su Chen said, he also regained his energy.

"Brother, do you know the origin of this dzi bead?"

Su Chen shook his head with a smile, and pointed to a tree on the left front of the booth.

The boss's eyes lit up instantly.

If you are an outsider, you may not understand it, but now that Su Chen is an insider, you can tell at a glance that these so-called dzi beads are all made of resin.

So when Su Chen pointed at the tree, the owner of the Wenwan shop understood.

"Sure! I didn't expect my little brother to be an expert, so I lost my mind today. It seems that I really have to get some good things out!"

After finishing speaking, the owner of the Wenwan shop turned and left. After a while, he took out a wooden box.

After opening, the boss pushed the wooden box to Su Chen.

Su Chen's eyes lit up instantly.

"It's actually a natural old dzi bead?"

Su Chen picked up one and looked at it carefully for a while, then praised: "Yes, it's a natural old dzi bead, and its appearance is quite good, but it's a pity that there are no eyes on it, it's just the most common old dzi bead."

"Brother has good eyesight!" After the boss praised him, he shook his head and said, "Pure old dzi beads with eyes are more expensive than gold these days. Got it by accident."

Su Chen nodded, and admitted that the boss was right. Now the real natural and ordinary old dzi beads are worth tens of thousands. If you have eyes, the price will be at least 10,000+, and there is no market for the price.

Su Chen lowered his head and counted, there were nine dzi beads, one long, eight short, and nine dzi beads, which could just make a pair of bracelets.

"Boss, I want all these dzi beads, please make a price!"

The boss was a little hesitant, he got this dzi bead bracelet by chance, so he was really reluctant to sell it.Of course, the moment he took out the dzi bead, it meant that he was going to sell it, and with his current appearance, he just wanted to ask for more money.

Su Chen saw the boss's intentions at a glance, and said directly, "Buy it, 20!"

The boss gritted his teeth and said, "Less!"

Su Chen shook his head, since he became an upstart, he has become less and less interested in bargaining.

So he said directly: "30!"

"make a deal!"

Seeing that Su Chen was so forthright, the boss didn't even make a counter-offer, because he could see that Su Chen was not the kind of person who would be preoccupied. If he counter-offered, Su Chen might turn around and leave.

Of course, the most important thing is that Su Chen is young and rich, and spends money lavishly. It is more cost-effective to make friends with this kind of person than to spend an extra ten thousand or twenty thousand.

Sure enough, Su Chen was very satisfied with the boss's attitude, and also remembered the name of the store in his heart.

"Boss, I got it done!"

At this moment, Guo Xiaoshi suddenly ran over.

Su Chen looked at the blushing Guo Xiaoshi and smiled softly.

"Exactly, pay for me, 30!"

Guo Xiaoshi stared.

She left for a moment, and her little pig spent 30 yuan?This is too prodigal, right?
"30? Boss, you won't buy this store, will you?"

A black line appeared on Su Chen's forehead, he bent his index finger, and lightly tapped Guo Xiaoshi's forehead.

"What nonsense? Go and pay!"

"Oh!" Guo Xiaoshi agreed aggrievedly, this time without further words, she took out the card from her bag and asked the boss to pay.

Su Chen suddenly found that it was really interesting to tease his little secretary.

Glancing at the aggrieved Guo Xiaoshi, Su Chen smiled knowingly, then turned his eyes away, saw some special props, thought about it, and asked, "Boss, what are those knives of yours for?"

Guo Xiaoshi, who was paying, heard that the boss had a knife.Terrified, he ran back in a hurry, and said behind Su Chen.

The owner of the Wenwan shop was startled at first, then followed Su Chen's gaze and was amused.

"You said this, this is for carving core carvings!"

"Nuclear carving?" Su Chen's eyes lit up. As a master of literary and entertainment appraisal, Su Chen must be no stranger to nuclear carving.

Kernel carving is to carve all kinds of stones on walnut or olive stones, and then make Wenwan. The price of high-quality nuclear carved Wenwan is often hundreds or thousands of times more expensive than ordinary Wenwan.

Su Chen borrowed the knife from the boss to have a look. He didn't really want to see the knife, but wanted to see if he could still trigger the system bug.

Sure enough, he was expected.

"Ding! It is detected that the host has the desire to carve nuclear carvings, trigger a temporary lucky skill aura, and reward the host with master-level nuclear carving skills!"

"Tsk! I made money again!" Fang Chen, who was in a good mood, once again had the desire to spend money.

"Boss, do you have all the tools for nuclear carving? Can you sell me a set?"

"Yes! I just bought this set of knives, and I haven't had time to make them. I wanted to use them myself, but today I want to make you my friend. I'm giving you this set of knives!"

"Hey! It's not appropriate to give it away for free. How about this, you find me ten pairs of Wenwan walnuts suitable for carving." Then Su Chen turned to look at Guo Xiaoshi and said, "Xiaoshi, transfer 35 to the boss!"

Guo Xiaoshi's heart twitched immediately.

With a miser's personality, she was really stimulated today!
(End of this chapter)

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