I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 13 The Mentality of the Rich

Chapter 13 The Mentality of the Rich

"40! That's 40!"

On the way back, Guo Xiaoshi next to Su Chen kept muttering in a low voice, like a chatterbox.

Previously, I spent 35 yuan on Wenwan and [-] yuan on pets. I bought two puppet cats, two pastoral dogs and a starling.

Behind the two, there are a few younger brothers who are all pet shop buddies, responsible for helping to deliver Su Chen's pets and a lot of various equipment needed by pets to the car.

"Okay, isn't it just 40? Anyway, you are also the secretary of the president of a company worth tens of millions. Don't act like you have never seen the world."

Guo Xiaoshi stuck out her tongue. "Oh, I just couldn't get used to it for a while! This is 40 yuan! I just saw so much money by accident when I was saving money in the bank!"

Su Chen suddenly laughed.I also felt a little emotional in my heart. Speaking of which, a few hours ago, he was not much more promising than Guo Xiaoshi, but in the blink of an eye, he has become treating money like dung.

It has to be said that the goddess of fate is definitely the most fickle woman in the world.

Joking with the little secretary all the way, the group quickly left the market and arrived at the parking space.

"Boss, which one is your car?"

Guo Xiaoshi looked around curiously, and the little secretary was a little excited at the thought of being able to ride in the legendary luxury car in a short while.

Su Chen took out the key and pressed it, and a black monster not far away barked twice.

Needless to say, Su Chen, the group found the King SUV directly.

Guo Xiaoshi looked at the technologically-savvy black monster in front of her, her small mouth opened into an O-shape!
"What an ugly car!"

When Su Chen heard it, his head was covered with black lines.

"How domineering? How ugly?"

Guo Xiaoshi wrinkled her nose and said, "It's just kind of ugly, like an iron box!"

However, Guo Xiaoshi didn't see the pet shop assistants whose eyes burst out with excitement and envy.

Su Chen shook his head and sighed in his heart, it seems that only men can appreciate this car.

"Boss, what kind of car is this? Why don't I recognize this car logo? It can't be a brand-name car, right?"

Su Chen rolled his eyes at Guo Xiaoshi, didn't bother to explain, and stretched out his hand to open the car door.

Guo Xiaoshi looked inside, her disgusted eyes instantly turned into surprise.

"Ah! So beautiful!"

Guo Xiaoshi stared at the luxurious interior with her big eyes shining brightly.

Su Chen smiled, and finally regained some dignity as a local tyrant.

Greeted the little buddies to load pets, cat litter, kennel, cat food and other things into the car, and then sent away the little brothers who were reluctant to look at the luxury car.

"Are you sitting in the front or the back?"

The king car has six seats, and there is a lot of space in the rear row, but the kennels, cat kennels and other things are not small, filling up the entire rear space. If Guo Xiaoshi wants to do it, it will be a bit crowded.

Seeing Su Chen's behavior of using a luxury car as a truck, Guo Xiaoshi secretly clicked her tongue.

"If I sit in the front, those pets will be fine!"

"Just a few 10 minutes away, what can I do? Let's go, go to the front!"

Pushing Guo Xiaoshi into the co-pilot, Su Chen returned to the driver's seat, and the two drove back.

On the way, Guo Xiaoshi called a few of her girlfriends and asked them to help her pack up and salute, and then find a car to bring her over.

Most of her luggage has been packed, and there are only a few bits and pieces left, which can be simply packed. The best friend is her roommate, which is very reliable.

As for moving, she and her girlfriends, as the beauties of the University of Finance and Economics, will lack free labor?
But even though they were girlfriends, they were not so easy to ask for help. After Guo Xiaoshi promised a lot of snacks and invited them to come over for dinner together, several of her girlfriends "reluctantly" agreed.

Of course, Su Chen agreed.

"Well, thank you boss, you are the best!"

Su Chen agreed to invite her to have dinner with her girlfriends, Guo Xiaoshi felt that she had more face, so she was excited and blew a kiss to Su Chen.

Su Chen smiled. "Don't be too happy, we have conditions. I'll save face for you today, and then you can't let me down. You have to be my little follower and don't be half-hearted. Otherwise, don't think I'm not short of money, but I will also deduct your wages!"

"Oh, I got it! Don't worry, handsome boss, I will obey your orders from now on. If you tell me to go east, I will never go west. If you tell me to beat a dog, I will never kill a chicken!"

"Okay! Remember what you said!"

In fact, the so-called conditions are just a joke.As for treating guests to dinner, speaking of it, this is also Su Chen's own fault, and it is also a fault of a system reward he discovered.

Ever since he had master-level skills, he always wanted to show off his skills from time to time, which is commonly known as a skill itch.

In fact, this is also normal. If it is not from the love from the heart, how can it be possible to practice a handcraft to the level of a master?Although Su Chen is a master of the system, if he wants to play at the level of a master, he must have a love for these skills, and because of this, he will often be itchy.

Just like on the way to the market just now, Su Chen would subconsciously watch the faces of passers-by to judge their physical condition.

Just walking by, Su Chen found ten people with kidney deficiency, five with irregular menstruation, and three with yin and yang disorders.
This is the skill stemming from his master-level Chinese medicine skills.

As for treating guests to dinner, it is derived from the skills of a master-level chef.Moreover, Su Chen also wanted to taste how unnatural his master-level craftsmanship was. No one would believe it. He hadn't eaten the dishes he cooked before, because Liu Yun didn't let him taste the dishes when he was at Liu Yun's house.

So Su Chen happily agreed to invite Guo Xiaoshi's best friend to dinner, it was nothing more than a few more mouths.

In addition, Su Chen didn't think cooking for others would be a loss!
Although he became a rich man, Su Chen didn't have any idea that he was superior. Su Chen felt that it must be a good thing to be rich. It could improve his quality of life by countless steps, and he could do what he liked freely, but And that's all.

If you restrain yourself into a superior person because you have money, that is a failure.Only after you have money, you can still not forget your original intention, you can go to the upper class to overwhelm the rivers and seas, and you can also chat nonsense in ordinary life, this is the truly meaningful life of the rich.

Just like the legendary Boss Ma, after he became famous, he took off his luxurious uniform and put on ordinary half-sleeve cloth shoes.

Some people may say sourly that they are just putting on a show, but only after they have truly achieved fame will they know that the life state that can be freely switched between rich and ordinary is the most commendable.

On the way, passing by the vegetable market, Su Chen got out of the car by himself, bought a lot of ingredients, found a delivery truck, left the address, and asked him to deliver the food to the door.

There is no way, it's not that Su Chen is distressed about the car, but that the king's car is already full, and there is really no place for it.

After buying vegetables, Su Chen drove back to his courtyard, and drove directly into the small garden garage next to the main courtyard.

(End of this chapter)

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