I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 14 Making money is really easy

Chapter 14 Making money is really easy
"Er Di Niang! Is it the legendary courtyard house?"

Looking at the ridiculously large and beautiful courtyard in front of her, Guo Xiaoshi was really shocked at this moment.It was also at this moment that she fully understood what Su Chen meant when he said that they live together but not live together.

"Yes, what do you think?"

"How many yards is this? How big is it?" Guo Xiaoshi asked curiously.

"If you don't count the garden warehouse, you can count it as five yards, and the total area is almost less than [-] square meters!"

"Four thousand square meters?" Guo Xiaoshi exclaimed, "Hey, four thousand square meters, that means six acres of land, right? It's almost as large as my family's arable land! It's too extravagant!"

Su Chen couldn't laugh or cry, what kind of metaphors are these?

"Boss, I'm going to live here too?"

Guo Xiaoshi asked with bright eyes.

"What do you think? Come on, move things, I'll show you where you live later!"

The two tossed and turned four or five times before moving everything to the main courtyard.

The location of the main building in the main courtyard is Su Chen's site. The left wing room is an auxiliary study, a side room, and a living room. The right wing room has two rooms and two connected independent bathrooms, which are connected to the two wing rooms.

"There are five courtyards here. Except for the main courtyard and the inner courtyard, you can choose the rest of the rooms yourself!"

Guo Xiaoshi walked around, feeling her eyes were blurred.

Hearing Su Chen's words, Guo Xiaoshi asked casually, "Is there someone in the inner courtyard?"

"No! The entire courtyard is just the two of us for the time being!"

Lonely?Guo Xiaoshi's face turned red.But the strange thing is that even though she is a widow, she is not afraid at all.

"Then why are you not allowed to live in the inner courtyard?"

Su Chen cast a glance at Guo Xiaoshi. "That's where my future wife lives. Are you sure you want to live?"

Guo Xiaoshi's face turned completely red.

"Ahem, then I want to live in the west wing of the main courtyard. I dare not live in a courtyard by myself!"

Su Chen nodded, in fact, this is what he hoped for.

Because he didn't dare!

Otherwise, no matter how clean and honest the ancient officials were, they would find a bunch of servants. Taking care of life is one aspect, and fear is also real.

In this kind of yard, if one person lives alone, no matter how luxuriously it is built, it will still be like a haunted house.

Guo Xiaoshi chose the side room near the main room. Now she has made up her mind to follow Su Chen. After all, regardless of other factors, such a good job is definitely rare.

So in a sense, this house will definitely be lived in for a long time in the future, maybe even for a lifetime, no, this is impossible!
Guo Xiaoshi glanced at the direction of the inner courtyard, blushed and ran into No. [-] West Wing Room.

After the transformation of the system drawings, all the rooms in the courtyard have been redecorated. The decoration of each room is comparable to that of a five-star hotel, and all kinds of facilities are available, even the bedding and bedding. new.

Guo Xiaoshi looked around inside, almost fainted from happiness.

She didn't even think that after graduating, she would find such a good job.

Not only is the boss handsome, but he also lives in such a luxurious place. How can this be the life of a white-collar worker?This is simply the life of the rich!

The more she watched, the more determined Guo Xiaoshi was to stay.She felt that she had to hug her boss's thigh, even for this living environment, she had to go up the mountain of swords and into the sea of ​​fire, whatever she wanted.

"It's almost enough to see, come out and settle the little guys, and it's time to cook in a while!"

Su Chen's voice came from outside the door.

"Here we come!" Guo Xiaoshi was taken aback for a moment, and ran out hastily, ignoring her appreciation of her little home.

In the yard, Su Chen had already released a few small things.

Two tortoiseshell color-changing puppet cats, both female, are considered a rare breed among puppet cats, which is why they are so expensive. These two little things cost a total of 4 yuan to get them.

But there is one thing to say, the puppet cat is really beautiful, walking, sitting and lying are beautiful and elegant, which makes people tremble.

In addition to the two fairy cats, there are also two Akita dogs, which are used to guard the home.And a pug used to be bullied as an honest dog.

Akita and mynah are normal breeds, nothing special.

The puppet cat is very obsessive, and very clingy to Su Chen.

Of course, this is not because of Su Chen's charm, but because of the system.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the temporary task, and reward the host with spiritual nourishment x infinite (can be extracted infinitely from the system)!"

"Spiritual Nourishing Liquid: It is suitable for feeding all kinds of pets. It can provide all kinds of nutrition that pets need. Taking it for a long time can strengthen the pet's system, improve the blood of the pet, increase the appearance of the pet, and even have a certain chance to enhance the pet's spirit. wisdom."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for triggering a permanent daily task: the host needs to name each pet, decide on its ownership, and feed it carefully every day.

Reward: After the host completes the daily task, the pet will earn (number of pets) x 24 yuan to the host every second for the next 1 hours! "

After finishing the task, Su Chen said "Fuck" three times.

Really, this task can't help but make people burst into foul language.

Not to mention the spiritual nourishing liquid, it is equivalent to the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir of the Taishang Laojun for pets. With it, Su Chen no longer has to worry about the birth, old age, illness and death of his pets.

The key is the second daily permanent quest.The task is that as long as Su Chen names each pet and feeds the pet once a day, his five pets can earn him 43 yuan a day, which is more than 2000 million yuan a month.

In other words, if he feeds his pets every day, he can earn a monthly salary of tens of millions.

It's so inhumane!
This is still because he only has five pets. If he has one hundred pets, then as long as he feeds the pets every day, his monthly salary can be over [-] million!
That's more than two billion, just thinking about it can make people tremble.

But Su Chen also thought about it, he didn't want his courtyard to become a zoo.

In fact, although Su Chen's cash reserve has not exceeded [-] million yuan, Su Chen has gradually lost interest in money. In his eyes, money is more and more like a number. To him, more money and less money , has no meaning.

In fact, making money is too easy for him!
At least for now, he has no interest in money.

So five pets are enough, no more, no less, cats can play with, dogs can watch the house, just right.

So Su Chen was very calm, took out the spiritual nourishment liquid from the system, gave each of the two fairy cats a small sip, and then, Su Chen was entangled by the two fairy cats.Su Chen couldn't even shake it off, the two cats occupied Su Chen's shoulders, one on the left and the other on the right, and used Su Chen's shoulders as a temporary bed for them.

After Guo Xiaoshi came out, she fell in love with the two fairy cats very much, and wanted to hug her, but the two fairy cats ignored her, and Guo Xiaoshi's big eyes immediately burst into tears.

(End of this chapter)

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