I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 124 It's time to spend money

Chapter 124 It's time to spend money
"Boss! Crazy, crazy!"

Early in the morning, when Su Chen was exercising, he heard Guo Xiaoshi rushing in, yelling at the same time, Su Chen's whole body was unwell after hearing the hustle and bustle.

"Go! Are you crazy? You can't expect me to order!" Su Chen rolled his eyes at Guo Xiaoshi, stood up, turned around and washed his face in the sink in the courtyard, and said while washing: "You girl, yesterday Where did you go crazy? How dare you stay out at night?"

Guo Xiaoshi ran out yesterday morning, and Su Chen didn't see her all day.

"No way!" Guo Xiaoshi felt aggrieved when she heard the words. "Did you sleep well when you came back last night? It's just that you came back too late and you didn't see it!"

"Really? Then why did you go there so early in the morning?"

"It's Boss Wen. I've been too busy these two days. He told me to get up early today, so I got up early and went out to have a meal. As a result, I got a call from Boss Wen right after I finished eating!"

"That's it! I blamed you wrongly, and I apologize to you!"

Su Chen scratched his head, this matter is indeed his dishonesty, temporarily entrusting such a heavy task to Wen Liangdong and Guo Xiaoshi, it is estimated that the two must be very busy these two days.

"By the way, what did you just say crazy?"

Guo Xiaoshi didn't care about Su Chen's reprimand at all. My boss, what's the matter with the reprimand?How normal is that?It was Su Chen's apology that caught her by surprise. After she realized it, her heart warmed up, and she smiled sweetly: "Oh, that's right, because we have thrown a lot of money, it has already alarmed the entire business circle of the imperial capital, and even faintly It has spread to business districts across the country, especially the real estate circle. After a day of fermentation yesterday, the entire real estate circle is now crazy. I contacted Boss Wen through various relationships. This morning, Boss Wen was blocked at home. If it wasn’t for Boss Wen Clever, he can't even come out, and now Boss Wen is hiding and afraid to see anyone!"

Su Chen was a little surprised at first, but soon he figured it out. After all, he designed a project worth tens of billions of dollars, and Su Chen still paid the full amount in advance. This means that any real estate group that takes this project will get more out of thin air. A liquid fund in the billions.

The billions of liquidity in the real estate industry is terrible. Companies with better means can easily rely on these billions of funds to leverage a large project worth tens of billions. Profit billions or even tens of billions.

This is simply more violent than robbing a bank, and it's no wonder the real estate industry is so crazy.

Su Chen nodded, and didn't ask in detail. Regarding these matters, he believed that Wen Liangdong must know better than him, and he must be better than him. He just needs to ensure Wen Liangdong's loyalty.

"By the way, how much have you spent these days?"

When Guo Xiaoshi heard this, she hurriedly took out her small notebook and looked at it. After a rough calculation, she said, "Boss Ewen has only talked about projects these two days, but he has already negotiated a lot of intentional contracts, and most of them can be signed today. The combined budget is almost [-] billion!"

"Hiss?" Su Chen was stunned. "so much?"

Guo Xiaoshi's small face turned pale immediately. "Boss, do we not have enough money?"

When she asked this question, Guo Xiaoshi's heart trembled. In fact, this was the issue she was most concerned about these two days, including Wen Liangdong. The main reason was that this was a bit too outrageous, it was [-] billion!

If the Su family has a company or a group, it’s okay to say, the key is that Su Chen doesn’t have any companies, and only a future technology is still an empty shell. In such a situation, if he can come up with 800 billion, no one will doubt it.

This is why Wen Liangdong has a strong heart, so he talked about these things under pressure.However, he quickly called Su Chen, because Wen Liangdong couldn't just negotiate a contract with someone because he couldn't see the money.

Seeing Guo Xiaoshi's reaction, Su Chen immediately understood.He slapped his head and knew that he was too hasty in this matter. He should take out the money first, mainly because Su Chen was a novice before and didn't understand anything, so he did things like this.

"Don't worry, the money must be enough. Tell me first, what did Lao Wen do these two days? Why did you spend so much money?"

Guo Xiaoshi stared with big eyes and said a little anxiously: "Boss Wen has been doing what you ordered, the company park, museum, etc. These budgets are almost 400 billion, and the remaining [-] billion is used by Boss Wen to buy stocks. Mainly to sell the stocks of Ali Group, Tongxun Group and other groups!"

Su Chen slapped his head!
I drop mom!How stupid is he to think of such a simple way to spend money?You deserve it because you were a dick before you had a system, you are nothing!Pooh!

Su Chen scorned himself fiercely in his heart, and then hurriedly took out his mobile phone to call Wen Liangdong!
After a while, the call was connected.

"Hello? Boss?"

Wen Liangdong's side was quite noisy, Wen Liangdong seemed to be looking for a quiet place, and after a while, the phone was quiet.

"Well! Old Wen, are you okay?"

"It's okay, I've seen this scene a lot before, don't worry, boss!"

Su Chen nodded, secretly admired in his heart, as expected of the talent he chose, that is, Niu.

Su Chen didn't waste time and went straight to the point.

"Old Wen, I heard from Xiaoshi that you bought a lot of stocks?"

"Yes, boss, you said before that you want to spend as much money as possible, so I chose to speculate in stocks. Because of time constraints, I called you and you didn't answer, so I made the decision on my own, but I haven't signed a contract yet."

The voice over there was a little weak, obviously Wen Liangdong thought Su Chen was blaming him.

Su Chen couldn't laugh or cry. "Old Wen, you misunderstood me. It's my fault that I didn't think carefully about this matter. In this way, let's not talk about other things. I still say that. I don't care what you do, as long as it doesn't break the law and doesn't cause too much impact. It doesn't matter if you lose money. , It doesn’t matter what stocks or something, I just want you to say, how much money can you spend on me before twelve o’clock tomorrow night?”

Wen Liangdong was silent for a long while, obviously digesting what Su Chen said.

Wen Liangdong was completely dumbfounded!

Does the boss mean that he hasn't spent enough money?Hey, he hasn't talked about a deal in the past two days and his heart is trembling. The main reason is that the time is too short and the money is spent too fast. If you let him take it easy, let alone 100 billion, he dares to spend even 1000 billion , because of too much time, he was afraid that he would be cheated and let Su Chen down.

But now hearing Su Chen's words, he was really confused.

However, based on the principle that the boss is God, after Wen Liangdong stabilized his mind, he pondered for a while, gritted his teeth, and said slowly: "Boss, if there is no limit, I can spend at least 2000 billion before tomorrow night! "

Su Chen thought for a while, and said: "Well, old Wen, you find a reliable bank and tell them that I want to open a regulatory account involving hundreds of billions of funds in their bank, and then you find a good team of lawyers, I will transfer the money to you!"

Wen Liang: "!!!!!!"

 and also.
(End of this chapter)

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