Chapter 125
An hour and a half later, Su Chen, Guo Xiaoshi, and Wen Liangdong met at the entrance of the CCB head office. Hundreds of billions of funds were involved, so it was still reliable to come to the head office, and Wen Liangdong also had some contacts in the head office.

At the door, Wen Liangdong held Su Chen back.

"Boss, what are you going to do? Tell me the truth!"

Wen Liangdong's whole body is empty now, feeling particularly unsteady.

Su Chen patted Wen Liangdong's shoulder, in order to comfort Wen Liangdong, Su Chen really thought of an excuse when he came, and said: "Old Wen, I can't tell you the specifics, I'll just say some basic things, you I also know that I have a large amount of inheritance abroad to inherit, but there are many rules for the inheritance of this inheritance, and it is not given to me all at once, but in batches.

And the rules this time, in simple terms, you can understand that the other party asked me to spend money.That is to say, they will reimburse me how much I spend, and then the property derived from the money spent will become my inheritance.

That is, the more money I spend within seven days, the more money I will inherit.It's less than two days before the end date, so I'm asking you to spend as much money as you can.Because what you spend now is our future capital! "

Su Chen's excuse is actually quite reliable, because the source of a large amount of funds set for him by the system is unknown foreign inheritance. Of course, these inheritances are completely reasonable and legal, but if someone wants to check, they will definitely not find it. Because all the relevant laws and confidentiality measures behind this have been processed by the system, Su Chen doesn't need anyone to worry at all, he just needs to have an explanation to the outside world, as for how to explain, it all depends on Su Chen The ability to tell a story.

Anyway, no one else can verify it.

As soon as Su Chen explained, Wen Liangdong understood without any doubt.Because apart from Su Chen's excuse, Wen Liangdong really couldn't think of any reason for Su Chen to spend money so frantically.

After understanding the situation, Wen Liangdong breathed a sigh of relief, not only that, he was also faintly excited.

He didn't know the situation before, so his statement was relatively conservative, but now.
"Boss, did you say in your will whether there is an upper limit for the amount of money in this rule?"

Su Chen shook his head. "No, as I said, do what you can, let alone 2000 billion, even if it is 2000 trillion, I will reimburse you!

When I came to the bank this time, I came to entrust them to set up a special fund supervision account, so I need you to give me a quota, and I will give you as much as you want, but the premise is that you must spend it all. We not only have to return the money to others, but also pay double the amount of liquidated damages! "

This is Su Chen's conclusion after reviewing the system description in detail.That is, Su Chen can set up a third-party account in the bank, and then Su Chen deposits money in it. Even if Su Chen spends money by default in the system, the double crit buff will be triggered immediately.

For example, if Su Chen deposits 50 billion in this account now, the system will assume that Su Chen spent 50 billion, and after the buff is triggered, his card will immediately increase by 100 billion.By analogy, he will be able to obtain hundreds of billions of crit cashback in advance.

But the premise is that all the money in this account must be spent before 2 o'clock tomorrow night, and there will be no cent left, if there is one yuan left.Then Su Chen will pay back three yuan to the system with interest!
This is a special service provided by the system to Su Chen. Otherwise, it would be too troublesome if Su Chen transfers all the money to the partner one by one. It would not take a day or two to go through the bank's procedures.

Wen Liangdong doesn't know these things, he only has one thought in his mind now, and that is how to spend money desperately.

"So, Old Wen, think about it carefully and give me a quota! In addition, the emperor does not send evil soldiers. I promise you now that your reward for this mission will be one-thousandth of the money you spent!

If you have the ability to spend [-] billion, then I will give you [-] million as a bonus, and I will never break my promise!

But the premise is that there should be no surplus in the quota you applied for, and you must spend all of the amount you applied for, otherwise, I will greatly reduce the bonus! "

When Wen Liangdong heard this, his brain buzzed instantly.

Rao was someone he didn't like much about money, and this time his face flushed with surprise.

That's a bonus of at least [-] million!

Just three or four days of hard work, there will be hundreds of millions of rewards, such a good thing, let alone encountering it, he didn't even dare to think about it before, but now this opportunity is right in front of him!
Needless to say, even for the sake of food and clothing for the rest of his life, Wen Liangdong will do his best.

"Boss, I've made up my mind, give me [-] billion!"

"5000 billion?" Su Chen looked at Wen Liangdong in surprise. "Are you sure? If you can't spend it all, it's a big deal!"

"Huh! Boss, don't worry, I have no confidence in earning 5000 billion, but if I can't do it with 5000 billion, then I will have no face to do it with you!"

Su Chen pondered for a moment when he heard the words.He is willing to trust Wen Liangdong, but he also has to be promoted. After all, if there is any remaining funds, it will have to be repaid three times, otherwise there will be big troubles.

"Well, old Wen, I will give you the 5000 billion quota, but I will give it to you in three batches. I will transfer 1000 billion to the account in a while, and I will transfer 2000 billion to you tomorrow morning, and then at noon tomorrow, we will Let’s make the last lottery, how much will be drawn, how about we discuss it at that time?”

When Wen Liangdong heard this, he nodded repeatedly, this way he was more confident.

"Boss, don't worry, I'll have a good talk with CCB in a while to ensure that they can transfer the money as soon as you use it, and I will prepare all kinds of contracts."

"Well, tell them well. After all, this is related to our future, and don't be afraid to spend money. Give them the maximum profit and let them guarantee efficiency. Anyway, the money will be included in the inheritance and reimbursed. In addition, you tell them, this If they do a good job this time, I can apply for a savings card with their company afterwards, and there will be at least 100 billion dead deposits in it, and no less than 500 billion current deposits!"


Wen Liangdong took a deep breath in shock. "Boss, if you do this, the entire CCB will go crazy! To them, this is like a golden mountain from the sky! If they can't guarantee the efficiency, then they will close down!"

Su Chen was happy. "Remember, you must keep a low profile. Don't let other banks know about this. Otherwise, once other banks come in to compete, it will be a waste of time. Remember, what we need now is not money, but time!"

"Boss, don't worry, leave this matter to me!"

"Well! You handle things, I don't worry! I thought things were simple before, and I was going to Guangdong tomorrow, but now I put it off. After the account is transferred, I will go back to the company. Since then I will stay at the company until Lingchen tomorrow night, and you can bring someone to me to sign at any time!"

"it is good!"

Wen Liangdong instantly felt his blood boil!

(End of this chapter)

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