Chapter 130
"I'm better at remote control." Su Chen was not ashamed, waved his hand and said: "You don't understand business, people at my level basically don't take care of things in person, just leave things to the people below. Otherwise, why should I spend money to support them?"

Yu Yu nodded. "You are really worthy of recognition for this. Your opponents are generous and willing to spend money. Only such people can accomplish great things!"

"Hehe, those who work hard will rule others, and those who work hard will rule others. Brother Yuer, I understand this truth!"

Yu Qiang nodded, and didn't say anything deeply. They were not in the same industry. If they talked too much, they would point fingers. What they said before was just a joke.

The three of them have a tacit understanding with each other and don't interfere with each other's careers, because if some things get mixed up too much, the relationship between each other will change.

"I said, where's your kid's tea? Why is it still Pu'er? Do you have green tea or oolong tea? I remember that you have quite a variety of tea here!"

On the cabinet shelf, Yi Zhou searched for a long time, but only found one type of tea, and said.

"Okay, second brother, don't look for it. I cleaned up the house yesterday. My family took my tea to the study. Huh? Don't say it. When you talk about green tea, I really have a good tea here. It must be you. The best tea I've ever had!"

Su Chen thought of the products in the mall yesterday, and said brightly.

Upon hearing this, Yi Zhou turned his head with a smile.Around Yi Zhou's mouth was a well-groomed goatee. His face was slightly round, his eyes were small, but he was very energetic.When Yi Zhou smiled, he had a special aura. It had both the scent of a scholar and the calm and sophisticated temperament of a businessman. However, his smile was very warm, which made people feel very comfortable.

"Your words are too big. Your second brother, apart from cultural and antiques, my favorite thing in my life is tea. I have drunk all kinds of tea in these years, even the tea from the mother tree of Dahongpao. Fortunately, I had a cup of tea, and I really can’t believe there is any tea that I haven’t drunk.”

"Huh?" Su Chen blinked. "Second brother, have you ever drank Dahongpao mother tree tea?"

Yu Qiang also looked at Yi Zhou with burning eyes.

As the emperor-like mother tree of the tea industry, Dahongpao, it goes without saying that it is well-known, not to mention well-known.

But only those who really love tea know how rare this tea is. It is a good tea that even money can't buy. Let alone a pot, even a cup is a blessing.

Of course, this is only for others, but for Su Chen, the price is clearly marked in the system mall, the mother tree Dahongpao, 1 yuan per gram, as long as you have money, you can have as much as you want, even if you use it to make tea eggs It will be all right.

Huh?What's the taste of tea eggs made from the mother tree Dahongpao?Try it another day.

Su Chen was stunned, but Yi Zhou was lost in memory.

"I only drank it once, and that was when I went to visit an old senior with my master. Hey! The taste is really, endless aftertaste!"

Su Chen pouted. "Second brother, tell the truth? It's really as evil as you said, and the tea is really delicious. It's not because it's expensive?"

The corner of Yi Zhou's mouth twitched, he looked at Su Chen, and cursed with a smile. "You boy, you smell of copper. But don't say it, what you said is really reasonable, the tea must be delicious, but after tasting it, I really don't think he is worth much!"

Yu Yang laughed. "That's because you are too real. You are the real tea. What other people drink tastes like money!"

Su Chen and Yi Zhou couldn't help but laugh immediately.

"Brother 慊'er, you're telling the truth!" Su Chen gave a thumbs up to 慊, then stood up and said, "Okay, I'll go get the tea, second brother, my tea is no worse than Dahongpao, I don't know if you drink it I haven't drank it, but it shouldn't disappoint you."

Yi Zhou's eyes lit up when he heard the words, he knew that Su Chen's vision would be better than Su Chen's, and it would definitely not be worse.

But Yi Zhou stopped Su Chen.

"Okay, this horse has lunch, there is no one to drink tea before dinner, you go and get us something delicious first, Brother Ke'er and I have been obsessed with your craftsmanship for several days!"

Su Chen rolled his eyes. "Hey guys, I'll just say why you guys just came now, the relationship came after lunch!"

Yu Qian drank beer and said with a smile: "What do you think? You must eat here, or you will lose a lot?"

Su Chen smiled helplessly, but it was all a joke, for someone willing to eat the dishes he cooked, it was a happy thing for him to be proud of.

"By the way, I almost forgot." Yi Yi Zhou patted his head and said, "Don't you want top-quality literature and play materials? I went to the south this time and spent a lot of effort to find a batch for you. It's in the courtyard. , you go to see if you are satisfied?"

When Su Chen heard it, he immediately showed a pleasant expression, and hurriedly ran to the courtyard, where Gao Qing brought all the things over, Su Chen ran over to have a look, and immediately exclaimed. "Ah! This is the top-quality little water hyacinth Bodhi? Good thing, the shape is so uniform in size, it's one in a million, not bad.

Um?This is agarwood?No, this is Qinan wood?Good guy, such a big piece of Chinan wood?This is baby.

Tsk tsk, is this southern red agate?And turquoise?The best beeswax?Emma, ​​they are all superb! "

Su Chen kept exclaiming in surprise.

However, Su Chen's surprise was real, but his shock was staged.After all, there is a system, so he doesn't take these things so seriously, because for Su Chen, these high-quality products that are priceless but not marketable are just a string of numbers in the bank card. How much do you want? as much as possible.

It's just that Yi Zhou bought these carefully for him, and Su Chen could tell that Yi Zhou wanted to return the gift.Both Yi Zhou and Yu Qiang took advantage of Su Chen before, not to mention anything else, but those monkey wines are priceless treasures, let alone others?

So Yi Zhou and Yu Qian have always wanted to return the gift to Su Chen, otherwise they must feel uncomfortable.

So even though he wasn't very surprised, Su Chen readily accepted Yi Zhou's wishes.

"Good guy, second brother, you are greedy for me! Well, since you sent it, I will accept it with the cheek, and let me tell you, I got it for nothing! I am poor recently and have no money!"

Sure enough, when Yi Zhou heard this, not only was he not angry, but he was relieved from the bottom of his heart, and then he laughed and scolded Su Chen: "I knew that the richer you are, the more picky you are, you boy don't know how to be considerate of your second brother, you Second brother, I have lost a lot this time!"

"Oh, my family, hurt your feelings in advance!" Su Chen rolled his eyes and replied, then pulled Yu Qiang and Yi Zhou back to the house, but said tightly: "Old Gao, store these things in my backyard Storehouse, keep it well!"

Seeing that Su Chen valued the things he brought so much, Yi Zhou also laughed from the bottom of his heart. When he returned to the house, he walked a lot more naturally!

 Emma, ​​I only saw it when I uploaded it. Yesterday’s Chapter 2 was not uploaded successfully. I always thought it was successful, so I saw it. It’s so messed up. Let’s upload it again now. Well, there will be another chapter in a while. Now it’s small I can guarantee at least two cards a day. As for adding more, it will be soon. I will work hard and strive to add more

(End of this chapter)

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