I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 131 Yu Qian's Babies

Chapter 131 Yu Qian's Babies
"Hey! Wait, it's all out, take a look at what I brought!"

Suddenly, Yu Qiang stopped the two of them.

Su Chen paused, then turned around immediately, and said in surprise: "Did you also bring me a gift?"

"Of course!" Yu Qiang smiled and said, "Your second brother has already brought you something, if I don't bring it for you, why don't you pick it up?"

"That can't be! Am I that kind of person?" Su Chen pretended to be reserved, but after a while he couldn't wait to say: "Brother Yu, hurry up, don't be fooled, where are the things?"

Yu Qian pointed at Su Chen and smiled silently. Satisfied with Su Chen's reaction, he turned his head and shouted to the east. "Xiao Gao, where is the baby I brought?"

"Here we come!" Gao Qing's voice came from the East Garden.After a while, Gao Qing, Gao Cheng and several nurses came in with a bunch of animals.

When Su Chen saw it, he was taken aback for a moment, and immediately became pleasantly surprised.

This time I was really surprised. Like Yu Qiang, Su Chen also likes these pets very much.But I don't know why, although the system mall also buys living things, the price is ten times or even hundreds of times higher than the current market. This is what Su Chen has discovered so far. There are not many commodity categories in the mall that are not cost-effective.

That's why Su Chen was so pleasantly surprised when he saw these small animals sent by Yu Qiang.You don't need to look carefully to know that since it was sent by Yu Qian, it must not be ordinary.

In fact, this is also the case. The animals that Yu Qian brought him this time are not only large in number, but also rare.

Su Chen couldn't wait to move forward, and Yi Zhou followed curiously.

Yu Qiang followed and introduced to Su Chen: "These are the second generation raised in my garden. I picked some varieties with better talents, and brought some here for you."

Su Chen was surprised and said: "Brother Yu'er, you mean, these are the offspring of the animals in your garden?"

Yu Yu nodded. "Most of them are! I didn't get those adult ones for you. After all, keeping pets is enjoyable only when you are young, and it's easier for young pets to recognize their owners."

Su Chen nodded sharply, agreeing with what Qian said.

"Look at this pair of horses!"

Yu Qiang first brought Su Chen to a pair of ponies. The two ponies were not big in size. They seemed to have been born just a few days ago, their skeletons were still very thin, and their fur was very immature.

The two horses, one pure black and the other pure white, are both solid-colored horses, without a trace of variegation all over their bodies. Although they are still foals, Su Chen can tell at a glance that they are two good horses.

"These two horses are brothers and sisters who were born together, and they are a rare pair of foals, and their parents are both thousand-mile horses. The two little guys were born only two days ago. I went back these two days to deliver them. "

Su Chen heard the words and exclaimed: "Huh? One baby with two foals? Both parents are thousand-mile horses? Good guy, this is too precious!"

"What do you think?" Yu Qiang glanced at Su Chen. "This is you. Let me tell you. Qilin and Sun Yue have tortured me for a long time. Even Lao Wu asked me for it several times. I didn't give it to anyone. I wanted to keep it for myself, but I thought You like these too, so I reluctantly give them to you, let me tell you, you have to take good care of me, if something goes wrong with the two little guys, I'll take you as a questioner!"

After Su Chen listened, he nodded silently, without refusing.He understands what Yu Qiang and Yi Zhou are thinking, neither of them like to take advantage, so this is a different way to compensate Su Chen, although their compensation value may not be very high, but this is their heart, Su Chen must continue.

If he refuses, the two will be unhappy instead.

So Su Chen agreed very simply.

Just like when they took Su Chen's monkey wine back then, they didn't say anything to refuse, and sometimes they even "robbed" it themselves!This is the unspeakable tacit understanding between friends before, and it is also the way friends get along.

Of course, Su Chen also really likes these two foals. As for whether they can be fed, Su Chen is not worried at all. With the spiritual nourishment, let alone two healthy horses, they are two dying sick horses. Save them all!

Every time I see a few little creatures at home gain weight after eating the spiritual nourishment liquid, and their intelligence is getting higher and higher one by one. Now these little creatures can basically understand some simple commands given to them by others.

"Look at this!" Yu Qian pulled Su Chen to the side again. There were two cages on the stone table, and the cages contained two extremely handsome creatures.

The two little things are birds, one is white all over, only the back has some black spots like stars, the mouth is relatively long, and the eyes are extremely sharp, but the body is not big, it should belong to the falcon!
The second one looks mighty, and has a sturdy physique, covered with golden brown feathers, as mighty and domineering as a monarch.

As soon as Su Chen saw the second bird of prey, a word popped up in his mind instantly, and he blurted out: "Brother Ke'er, isn't this a golden eagle?"

Yu Yu nodded. "This is indeed a golden eagle, but the blood is not very pure. The main reason is that golden eagles are too difficult to raise and not easy to catch, so they are usually priced but not sold. I bought two through my relationship, and I gave you one. "

Su Chen looked at the golden eagle and was very excited. As a boy, few people can refuse the temptation of this large animal. When they were young, who didn't yearn to become a hero of the eagle?

Of course, the main ones are divine sculptures.And compared to heroes, it is estimated that many people are more envious of dragon knights, that is Su Chen's unresolved childhood pain.

"Then this one is." Su Chen pointed to the Snow White Falcon in the first cage, and after a moment of hesitation, he asked, "Is this Hai Dongqing?"

"Huh?" Yu Qiang looked up at Su Chen in surprise and said, "Yes, I thought you didn't understand anything!"

"It's really Hai Dongqing?" Su Chen took a breath, staring at Hai Dongqing in the cage, feeling very excited.

After a while, Su Chen raised his head, looked at Yu Qiang, and said seriously: "Brother Ji, your treasures are too precious!"

Yu Qian shook his head, and then said: "Actually, I don't want to give it to you. It's not because of anything else, but mainly because I'm afraid you won't be able to raise it well. If you can raise it well, then it doesn't matter. You know, I have more babies in my garden. , not bad for these few."

When Su Chen heard this, he stopped being pretentious, and said seriously: "Brother Ji'er, don't worry, I have a way to raise them, and I promise you, they will never have any problems with me!"

"Yes! Then I'm relieved!" Yu Qiang didn't say anything more, since he could send it to Su Chen, it meant that he had already thought it over, and naturally he would not be hypocritical. "Okay, that's all, you can keep them. The rest are small things, like grasshoppers, turtles, pigeons, etc. You can keep them. Just don't waste them. If you don't care about them , don’t throw it away, just bring it back to me!”

"Yes! Don't worry!" Su Chen looked at the pair of babies, and he was in a great mood!
(End of this chapter)

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