Chapter 132
Instructing Gao Qing to feed the babies well, Su Chen returned to the living room of the main house with Yu Qiang and Yi Zhou.

The cats and dogs in the family are usually fed by Gao Qing. If he is not around, it means Gao Cheng, mainly because he is worried about others.Moreover, Gao Qing and Gao Cheng are mainly responsible for feeding the spiritual nourishment liquid, and the housekeepers are responsible for the normal diet.

As the courtyard house develops better and better, there are more and more people in the family.

At present, the basic members of the family have been determined. There are ten housekeepers and ten nurses.

Housekeeping is led by Han Yun. Besides her, there are three cooks, two housekeepers, one gardener, one breeder, one daily shopping guide, and an alumnus hired by Guo Xiaoshi as her assistant.

These people are all resident staff of the courtyard, and they have signed long-term employee contracts with Su Chen. Their food and accommodation are also in the courtyard, and basically everyone manages a mess.

Of course, these are all members of the Su family, but the courtyard is so big and there are so many things to do, they must be busy alone, so the Su family has established a long-term cooperative relationship with a world-renowned Deyi housekeeping company, and signed a contract Annual contract up to 20 years.

In these 20 years, the Deyi Housekeeping must ensure that if the Su family needs it, they must send someone to help at any time. For example, if Su Chen temporarily decides to entertain guests, the Deyi Housekeeping must immediately send someone to help , and these people sent can't be fake, they must meet certain skill standards.

This kind of contract is actually the first time Deyi Home Economics has encountered it. They didn't want to agree to it. After all, there are too many uncertainties in it, and they need to bear too many obligations. This contract is not very beneficial to them.

However, Su Chen was so generous that he directly offered an annual subscription price of 3000 million yuan, and all expenses were paid in one lump sum in advance, and then the boss of Deyi Housekeeping made a decision and signed the contract without saying anything. For fear that Su Chen would regret it.

It's no wonder that the manager of Deyi Housekeeping is too excited, the main reason is that he has made a lot of money from this deal, and he has taken advantage of it.

3000 million a year, the average price is 20 a day.Housekeeping costs [-] a day, unless the Su family holds banquets every day, Deyi Housekeeping can earn at least half of the money.What's more, Su Chen paid [-] million yuan for [-] years in one lump sum. With this cash flow alone, Deyi's housekeeping can make a lot of money.

Therefore, Deyi Housekeeping has no reason to repent. On the contrary, they have to confess the Su family as their ancestors. This is a big client, and they are very generous, so a good relationship is a must.Therefore, as soon as the contract was signed, this Deyi housekeeping specially set up a housekeeping team dedicated to serving Su's house, which can absolutely guarantee any needs of the Su family.

So despite the small number of housekeepers in the Su family, the work is extremely easy. Anyone with a bit of brains can sit and make money, and even people with a little more thought can reap countless benefits from it.So to be able to become a member of the Su family, character is definitely the most important thing.

As for the nursing home, Su Chen continued the old name and called it nicer, mainly because Su Chen felt that the word bodyguard was too bold and did not fit his low-key personality.

At present, the Su family has a total of ten permanent residents in the nursing home. They are mainly responsible for Su Chen's personal safety, daily security guards for the Su family, storage of the warehouse, and maintenance and maintenance of various equipment for the Su family. Like the housekeeping team, one person is responsible It was a mess, and then signed a 20-year contract with Dingdun Company, requiring the same as Deyi Housekeeping to provide all-round services and guarantee on-call.

These are all contacted by Guo Xiaoshi, and he is busy with this matter these days, not only the courtyard house, but also the hot spring resorts in the suburbs of Beijing, private kitchens, and the previously discussed courtyard house dormitory group.

Su Chen gave Guo Xiaoshi a total of 300 billion funds to spend as she pleases, but this girl is still not brave enough. So far, Guo Xiaoshi has only spent half of the money. Fortunately, the basic tasks are almost completed. I am quite satisfied, especially regarding his daily life, Guo Xiaoshi has considered almost everything, and Su Chen hardly needs to worry about any trivial matters.

In the current Su family, the basic leadership team has been formally determined.

Guo Xiaoshi is a well-deserved big housekeeper, responsible for all matters inside and outside of Su Chen, and he has the right to intervene in everything around Su Chen, and he also controls part of the financial power of the Su family.However, she is mainly responsible for the internal management of the Su family, and she mainly has the right to know about external affairs, and then formulate the necessary work schedule for Su Chen based on various information.It can be said that in the Su family, no one dared to disobey Guo Xiaoshi's words except Gao Qing and Han Yun.

In addition to Guo Xiaoshi, Gao Qing is Su Chen's personal security guard and full-time assistant. Some things that Guo Xiaoshi is inconvenient or not good at are basically handled by Gao Qing. In the Su family, Gao Qing and Guo Xiaoshi have equal status. Each has its own responsibilities and does not interfere with each other.

Of course, Guo Xiaoshi and Gao Qing have a very good relationship. Last time, Gao Qing rescued Guo Xiaoshi when they were cooking in a private kitchen. When Guo Xiaoshi goes out, Gao Qing is also responsible for her safety, and has helped her solve several troubles. In terms of emotion and reason, Guo Xiaoshi is very grateful to Gao Qing, not to mention Gao Qing's boring and honest big brother character, few people will hate him, even if they don't meet him, they still like to make friends with him.

As for Han Yun, she is a special existence in the Su residence. In name, she is mainly responsible for Su Chen's daily diet, but if it is more serious, Su Chen should be regarded as Han Yun's mentor.Su Chen's cooking skills were basically passed on to Han Yun without reservation. Until now, Su Chen would teach Han Yun whenever he was free. Therefore, Han Yun is definitely Su Chen's pro-apprentice, but there is no That's all.

In fact, he is also in charge of all the food and beverages in the Su residence, including Su residence, resorts, private kitchens, and even all the chefs in the 19 hotels rewarded by the gift package system last time. She has the right to intervene.Normally, Han Yun's main task is to help Su Chen train chefs. For this reason, Su Chen specially set up a cooking training class for Han Yun, mainly responsible for leading the internal training of all chefs under the name of Su Chen's industry.

Therefore, although Han Yun's real power is far inferior to that of Guo Xiaoshi and Gao Qing, her status in the courtyard is not inferior to them at all. Chef is a popular profession everywhere.

Although Su Chen's temporary large-scale wealth distribution plan was hasty this time, he must have suffered a lot because of this, but the benefits he gained are innumerable.Apart from wealth, Su Chen's greatest achievement is to quickly bring the entire Su family and Su-style industry on the right track. Although it is a bit counterproductive, so far, the results are quite good.

(End of this chapter)

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