I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 137 Everyone is happy

Chapter 137 Everyone is happy
"Chen'er, is this the real price?"

Yu Qiang asked directly without ambiguity.

The price Su Chen said was too low, unbelievably low.Yu Qian thought that Su Chen would lose money by making up the price difference for them.

Su Chen smiled helplessly.

"Brother Chen, you're overthinking. It's not a life-saving thing. Should I put money into it? If it's a life-saving medicine, I'm afraid you can't afford it. It's normal for me to make up the difference secretly, but luxury goods are Do what you can, and enjoy as much blessing as you can. And there is only a difference of tens of thousands of yuan. You are not poor, nor can you afford it. I don’t need to do these things.

It’s not that you don’t understand me. If I can tell you, I will definitely not lie, and if I can’t, I will definitely not tell.Let me explain a bit more, I just mastered a channel, and this channel is very special, I don’t know why they sell it so cheaply and what their purpose is, I can only assure you that the things I buy from there are absolutely reliable, Absolutely healthy, it has the function of what it says it has, no exaggeration, no fake.In addition, as a friend, I will not strive for benefits for you, nor will I earn the middle price difference. If you are not short of this money, I will be even worse.

Oh, I still want to tell you that this matter is only for you to know, it cannot be expanded, and you cannot buy things from me for resale. You can give gifts, but the amount should not be too large. If you have friends who need it, you’d better tell them first. Me, normally, I don't say no!

Well, that's the thing, that's the situation!Then, it's up to you. "

After listening, everyone looked at each other, feeling a little excited.

For Su Chen, this is just a matter of convenience, but for them, it really means a lot.

Leaving aside the extravagant enjoyment, the actual benefits of this matter to them are immeasurable.Like Yu Qiang, needless to say, a harmless cigarette, and a body-strengthening wine, these two treasures are tailor-made for him, and they not only keep his hobbies, but also keep his body, from this aspect It can be said that this favor is definitely hard to measure in money.In the middle and old age, everything is secondary, and the eternal theme is physical health and future generations. Su Chen's convenience solved half of Yu Qian's hidden dangers.

Besides, Wu Jing, he can be regarded as successful and famous now. At his stage, the most important thing is two things, one is to be grateful for the past and lay a solid foundation; the other is to focus on the present and stabilize the future.It's a bit false to say, but it's nothing more than the four words of human feelings and worldly sophistication, and these four words are inseparable from courtesy and reciprocity.

In the past, when it was not time to give gifts, it was the time when Wu Jing had the most headaches. Now, he only needs to find out
The other party's hobbies are enough, and Su Chen will take care of the rest for him. Anyway, what he needs most now is money, a copy of "Wolf Warrior 2", plus a future small broken ball. There will definitely be no shortage of money.

As for the others, the same.On the premise of not being short of money, having a source of goods like Su Chen will definitely have immeasurable benefits.

After everyone was excited, there was a burst of emotion in their hearts. Originally, they wanted to take this opportunity to repay Su Chen a little favor, but they didn't expect that Su Chen's convenience made them owe a favor that was even more difficult to repay.

But everyone is not hypocritical. Favor is something that can only be deepened by constant communication. As for how to repay Su Chen's favor, there is still a long way to go in the future, and there will always be opportunities.

Yu Qian was emotional for a moment, then patted the table, and said with a hammer: "Okay, since Chen'er has already said that, then let's not be hypocritical, just take the initiative to say what is lacking. Chen'er, you look at me here." , cigarettes and alcohol, give me more at a time. Other than that, I haven't figured it out yet, I'll tell you when I think about it!"

Su Chen nodded. "Don't worry, bro, I've bought all yours for you. I know you'll want them. I've stocked up a lot of alcohol and tobacco. What flavor do you want?"

Yu Qiang thought for a while and said, "Give me some of the three flavors of strong fragrance, mellow fragrance and national wine fragrance."

"Okay, although harmless cigarettes are harmless to the body, you can't smoke too much. You can't smoke more than one pack a day. Half a pack is best. How about this, Brother Yuer, I'll get you [-] cigarettes, and then strengthen your bones and strengthen your bones with wine and monkeys." One hundred catties each of wine, how about it, these are enough for you to use for two or three months!"

Yu Qiang was immediately surprised.He definitely won't be able to use these things in two or three months, even in general. Su Chen must have set aside a share of gifts for him by giving him so much.

From Yu Qian's point of view, the large supply that Su Chen mentioned must be relative. After all, these are good things with a price but no market. How can there be an unlimited supply?Giving him so much at one time must have taken up a lot of shares. Yu Qian knew that Su Chen was taking care of him, and he must keep this love in his heart.

With so many good things, Yu Qiang couldn't bear to shirk them at all, so he accepted them all, and nodded to Su Chen, not being too polite, just saying something. "Okay, just give the money to that girl Xiaoshi, right? I'll get someone to send money to him later."

Su Chen nodded indifferently. "The money is not in a hurry, you can pay it at any time, but you can find a car now, and you can take it away later!"

"Can you take it away later?" Yu Qiang took out his mobile phone excitedly, and went to the side to contact the car.

Seeing this, the others couldn't sit still.Wu Jing took out his mobile phone and said something to Su Chen. "I'll go out and make a phone call!"

Seeing this, the others lost their restraint and took out their phones one after another.

After a while, everyone replied and spoke one after another.

Like Yu Qiang, Wu Jing ordered a batch of cigarettes and wine.

Yi Zhou ordered a batch of top quality tea.

Yue Yunpeng also ordered a batch of tea, but what he wanted was health-preserving tea, and he bought it for Lao Guo, who has diabetes, so Yue Yunpeng specifically asked Su Chen what to buy, and Su Chen recommended him a system-recommended one. Herbal tea has a miraculous effect on treating diabetes.

The last one was Sun Yue, who hesitated for a long time and said that he wanted to lose weight.

Su Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry and bought him a batch of slimming tea. This is not the slimming tea advertised in reality. This is the slimming tea recommended by the system. Drinking it for a long time can really reduce fat, and it is harmless to the body.

As a result, after Sun Yue finished buying, Yue Yunpeng couldn't sit still anymore, and ordered a batch of slimming tea.

It can be seen that the two of them value their looks very much. As for whether it will affect their cheap, cute and fat people after losing weight, that is not something Su Chen considers.

In the end, everyone bought what they wanted, everyone was happy, and the atmosphere at the scene relaxed.

Then Yue Yunpeng jokingly brought up a topic.

"Uncle, this channel of yours is too invincible. If you use it to do business, let alone other things, you can make a lot of money with just harmless cigarettes and slimming tea!"

Like Su Chen, first his eyes brightened, and then his whole body turned cold!
 and also

(End of this chapter)

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