I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 138 Getting Ready to Travel

Chapter 138 Getting Ready to Travel


Yue Yunpeng's suggestion made Su Chen feel like a roller coaster.

In theory, Yue Yunpeng's proposal is absolutely feasible.Based on the function of harmless smoke, Su Chen can be sure that if he can launch it on the market and everything goes well, it is not impossible for Huaxia Tobacco Corporation to do business.

The only disadvantage of harmless cigarettes is that they are slightly expensive, but what Su Chen bought for Yu Qiang were top-quality cigarettes. If they were ordinary harmless cigarettes, the price was really not that expensive. It was about the same price as cigarettes of the same level on the market. It's three to five yuan more expensive, but compared to physical health, the three to five yuan is not a problem at all.

As for the profits of the tobacco industry, this is even more staggering.According to official leaks, the annual net profit of Tobacco Corporation last year was more than 1000 billion, and its absorption capacity was comparable to that of the country's four major banks.

If Su Chen can really replace Huaxia Tobacco Corporation with harmless smoke, it would definitely not be a dream to make a net profit of 1000 billion a year, because the market for harmless smoke must be several times larger than the market for harmful smoke.

But this is only in theory, and in practice, it is basically impossible.

Because Huaxia Tobacco Corporation is a real state-owned enterprise, if Su Chen launches harmless cigarettes, wouldn't he be competing with the state for profits?I don't know how many people's jobs will be moved. Once Su Chen really does this, he will face crazy blows and resistance from countless people. At that time, even if Su Chen has countless cards, he may not be able to withstand it. .

So Su Chen just thought about this idea and then turned off the flame in an instant.He is not short of money now, and when this matter is over, 1000 billion is not too much for him, so don't make his life uneasy for this "little money".

As for weight loss products, the same is true.The market related to weight loss is also extremely huge. If Su Chen sells weight loss tea, he will definitely offend countless people. He is not afraid of offending people, but he is really afraid of trouble. Thinking of the situation where he will be entangled in countless trivial matters in the future, Su Chen will decisively pinch these ideas.

Su Chen's mood is conflicted, and the mood of others is also ups and downs.It's like putting a mountain of gold in front of you, but you dare not take a single gold coin right in front of you. This kind of ambivalence makes even a bystander feel very worried.

"Selling cigarettes directly is definitely not acceptable." Yi Zhou shook his head and said, "This is too offensive. But San'er, if you can have a relationship and cooperate with the tobacco company, you will have a lot to do!"


When everyone heard the words, they suddenly became enlightened.

Yes, harmless cigarettes are not smoking cessation products. Although they are harmless to the body, they also have addictive side effects, so selling harmless cigarettes will not harm the tobacco market.And once the harmless smoke is certified by the market, it will definitely attract a large number of customers who have quit smoking or have always wanted to smoke but dare not smoke, and will definitely expand the market. In this way, the tobacco company will definitely not mind Su Chen's split Take a small portion of the cake.

But after a while, Yu Qiang shook his head. "No way, the source of Chen'er's goods should not be in the country, that is to say, all the goods he can get are finished cigarettes, and the tobacco planting and processing in our country also involves the interests of countless people, and it will still cause countless troubles !"

When everyone heard it, the heat rose and they relaxed again.

After discussing for a long time, I finally came to a conclusion. These days, if you want to make money, you have to offend others.Unless you can open up a new industry, this will also attract the envy and hatred of a large group of people.

Su Chen shook his head and let go of this topic.

If he wants to make money, there are many ways, there is no need to do this kind of business of stealing other people's cakes.

Su Chen smacked his lips, changed the subject and said, "Okay, let's not talk about this! By the way, Brother Ke'er, I heard that Qi Lin and Uncle Guo are filming a show in Lijiang?"

Yu Yu nodded. "There is such a thing, Lao Guo originally wanted me to go, but I was tired and pushed it away!"

Su Chen smacked his lips. "Filming shows must be tiring, but traveling is not tiring! July is coming soon, and July is a good time to escape the summer heat. It's just when traveling is relaxing. I've always wanted to go for a walk, so I took this opportunity. How about it? Do you have time? ?"

When Yu Qian heard it, he was the first one to be moved. He was fun. He was tempted when Lao Guo said that he went to Dali to shoot a show. Although the show was really tiring and he didn’t have much time to play, he refused. Yes, but now following Su Chen is different. Yu Qian knows Su Chen too well. The first purpose of this person must be to play, and it is impossible to talk about work. It is definitely a kind of enjoyment to follow Su Chen to Dali.

So after hesitating for a while, Yu Qiang agreed: "Success! I just happen to be idle recently, so I'll go back and pack my luggage later."

Su Chen snapped his fingers and looked at Yi Zhou.

Yi Zhou hesitated for a moment, then shook his head. "My store has been closed for several days, and I have a few business deals to deal with. In this way, you go first, and when I'm done, if you haven't come back, I'll look for you then."

Su Chen nodded without forcing.What Yi Zhou said was the truth. Since Yi Zhou closed the store last time when a few people begged for help, Yi Zhou has been busy around Su Chen. A few days ago, he also went to the south to buy materials for Su Chen, which caused his store to be closed. The door is not open now, we really need to deal with it.

Su Chen looked at Wu Jing again.

Wu Jing was also very depressed. "I want to make a movie, Xiao Poqiu still has a few scenes with me, I will try my best, to be honest, I haven't played for a long time!"

Su Chen smacked his lips regretfully, and turned to look at Sun Yue.Sun Yue scratched his head. "I have a few performances with Yue Yue!"

"Don't! Teacher Sun!" Yue Yunpeng was very excited at first, but when he heard Sun Yue's words, his face immediately wrinkled together. "Mr. Sun, we haven't set a time for our performance yet. We probably won't be able to start for a while. Why don't you discuss it with Brother Luan and ask him to help us arrange it later. At worst, we can work harder to make up for it when we come back. That's it!
Teacher Sun, the performance can be discussed, and there are not many opportunities to go out with Uncle Chen! "

Sun Yue is happy. "Then you are the first brother Deyun, so you must be in charge, I have no objection!"

Yue Yunpeng's face brightened, and he said cheerfully: "Alright, I'm going to call Brother Luan right now!"

After finishing speaking, he ran out in a hurry.

Yu Qiang clicked his tongue. "Hey, Xiao Yueyue has always been very diligent, and there are not many times when he is so playful!"

Sun Yue heard this, and hurriedly said: "Yue Yue is indeed a little tired during this time. From the year to now, he hasn't rested much for half a year. It's good to go out and relax!"

Yu Yu nodded. "That's right, his master also told me this. It's not a bad thing for Xiao Yueyue to take a rest occasionally and change his mind."

Su Chen listened on the sidelines without interjecting. This is a family matter of the Deyun Club, so it's hard for him to say anything.

After a while, Yue Yunpeng walked in with a happy face.

"Uncle, I have communicated with you here, and I will rely on you for a while!"

Seeing this, Su Chen was also happy. He was not afraid of too many people, but was afraid of few people. There were many people and it was still lively. Now that there are Yu Qiang, Sun Yue and Yue Yunpeng together, the journey will not be lonely.

Su Chen clapped his hands happily. "That's it. Go back and prepare now. Come to my meeting tomorrow morning!"

 It’s been raining all day again, and I don’t know when the weather will be normal. My brain hurts all day, and I barely coded two chapters. After a while, I will rest and see if I can write another chapter, but I can’t hold it. I can only write tomorrow.
(End of this chapter)

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