I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 139 The richest man in the world?

Chapter 139 The richest man in the world?

After seeing off Yu Qiang and his party, just as Su Chen entered the house, Wen Liangdong called and asked him if he was at home and if he had time to sign a contract. He had already gathered all the bosses who had negotiated contracts together.

Su Chen asked Wen Liangdong to bring him directly to the courtyard. He drank a lot of wine, and at this moment he was so dizzy that he didn't want to move.

Wen Liangdong didn't have any objections, anyway, we've finished talking about what needs to be discussed, and the rest is to sign the contract, it doesn't matter where it is signed.

Signing a contract is considered a major event, after all, it involves hundreds of billions of transactions.

On the phone, Wen Liangdong had already reported to Su Chen, this time he facilitated a total of about 5800 billion RMB transactions.

Among them, fixed asset investment accounted for more than 1600 billion, and the rest were stocks of major companies that were traded.

The most worth mentioning is that Wen Liangdong actually bought a 3.5% stake in Ali Group and a 5% stake in Xunteng, which cost more than 2000 billion.

When Wen Liangdong finished speaking, Su Chen was really stunned for a while.

Good guy, that's the shares of Ali and Xunteng, which is full of gold. At least in today's Internet age, don't care how many fakes there are in a certain treasure, and don't care how many teenagers are cheated by Xunteng's games. In a shopping mall where profits are paramount, this Both are well-deserved leading enterprises.If you can get the shares of these two groups, you will definitely not lose money if you spend the money.

According to Wen Liangdong, it is also lucky to be able to buy the shares of the two companies this time. The two companies have problems with the internal capital chain of the shareholder group and urgently need liquidity to relieve the pressure. Paying in cash, the two shareholders sold their shares without hesitation, making Su Chen a bargain.

In addition to these, Wen Liangdong also bought shares in other large and small listed conglomerates, totaling more than 2000 billion. Adding them up, he spent a total of more than 5800 billion.

This made Su Chen burst into ecstasy.

800 billion plus Guo Xiaoshihua's more than 100 billion, the total is 6000 billion.

6000 billion is spent, and the system can return 1 trillion in cash, and the 6000 billion is exchanged for equivalent real estate property and stocks.It is also fixed property.

So if the inside and outside are combined, once the contract is signed, Su Chen's net worth will be nearly two trillion yuan.

How much is the world's richest man worth now?It seems to be more than 1000 billion U.S. dollars, which is more than 9000 billion when converted into RMB, which is only half of Su Chen's net worth!
Mom!This accidentally became the invisible richest man in the world?

Su Chen clicked his tongue secretly, the world's richest man in his 20s, if this was exposed, it would probably scare a large number of people who eat melons to death.

Feeling a little excited, Su Chen first went to take a good bath, flushed the smell of alcohol, and then bought a decent suit from the system mall. The clothes in the system mall are not only of good quality, but also fashionable and decent. It is comfortable to wear, and the most important thing is that it can adjust the temperature and automatically remove dust. No matter where you go, it will not absorb peculiar smell. It is comfortable and worry-free to wear.

The style of the suit can be drawn by oneself, Su Chen copied the style of the suit that Guo Xiaoshi bought for him, otherwise the girl will definitely think too much when she comes back and sees that he is not wearing the suit she bought.

Thinking about it, Su Chen secretly sighed, a gentle, handsome, considerate and caring boss like him is a rare occurrence in a hundred years.

Instructed Gao Qing and Han Yun to tidy up the main hall in the front yard and prepare fruit drinks and snacks.And let a housekeeping girl who knows tea art make a few pots of the best West Lake Longjing.

Then Su Chen came to the main hall. The main hall in the front yard is divided into three parts. On both sides are side rooms, which can be used for guests to rest. In the middle is the main room, which is suitable for talking about things.

The furnishings in the living room must be extremely luxurious. Su Chen rarely came here before. After all, formal guests rarely come to the courtyard house, and they are usually Su Chen's drinking buddies.So I didn't pay much attention to this place, but looking at it now, Su Chen frowned.

The layout of the main hall is really good. The tables, chairs and benches are all high-quality mahogany, and the surrounding furnishings are also top-quality porcelain vases.But after Su Chen looked around, Su Chen was very dissatisfied.

Who is he?
He is Su's great antique master, great connoisseur, great writer, and great artist Chen!
He is such a handsome person, how can the main hall of the house display such rags?

Change!must be replaced!
Tell Gao Qing to go out and watch, don't let anyone in, Su Chen closes the door, as if waving his hand, puts all the melons, fruits, snacks and odds and ends in the golden dragon ring, then Su Chen calls out the system mall and asks the system to press The style of tables, chairs and benches that are currently placed in the hall is to create a set of hundred-year-old top-quality small-leaf rosewood furniture for him.

Then Su Chen bought a lot of top-quality porcelain from the Song, Yuan and Ming Dynasties and some emerald ornaments from the system space. Afterwards, Su Chen changed all the decorations in the two side rooms of the main hall step by step, and put the tattered pieces into the ring.

In the end, Su Chen set up two low tables of top-quality huanghuali wood in the two innermost corners of the main hall, and then exchanged them from the system space for two top-quality landscape jade ornaments worth over [-] million and more than half a meter high.

In this way, the whole main hall suddenly looks full of style (wealth and wealth are compelling)!

"Very good, this is worthy of the wealth of the richest man in Bensu!"

Su Chen muttered softly.

Then I took a look, and suddenly felt something was wrong. Although his furniture and decorations were all made according to the original furniture style, and you couldn’t tell if you didn’t look carefully, these emerald ornaments all appeared out of thin air. Gao Qing was a soldier Humans must be able to see it at a glance, so there is no way to explain it.

He can keep silent to Gao Qing and not explain, but if Gao Qing thinks wildly, something may go wrong.

Scratching his head, Su Chen thought of an unavoidable solution, opened the door, saw Gao Qing at the door, Su Chen coughed, and said: "Old Gao, you go to the front yard to call two new housekeepers, and then you Just go back to the backyard and tell your family that no one is allowed to take a step closer to the main hall today, you know!"

After Gao Qing listened, question marks filled his mind.Fortunately, Gao Qing has an honest personality. Basically, what Su Chen said was what he said. Although he didn't understand, he didn't ask what shouldn't be asked. Gao Qing nodded, raised his head and walked to the backyard.

Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

The matter of the space ring is really unbelievable and must not be leaked, so Su Chen should keep it as secret as possible.

It's depressing enough to think about it. He is obviously a good thing, but he has to be sneaky when using it. He makes up all kinds of excuses. Speaking of it, he is sometimes quite aggrieved as the richest man.

Just like Boss Ma often said, he is not interested in money. If possible, he would rather earn 100 million a month than billions a month.

Because the more money you earn, the more troubles you have.Although this may sound annoying, it is not without reason.

Of course, Su Chen is different from them. Although Su Chen is already the richest man, he should eat, drink, have fun, have fun, and don't waste anything!

If Boss Ma found out about his current state, he would definitely be envied and hated by all kinds of people.

(End of this chapter)

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