I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 141 The Trillionaire

Chapter 141 The Trillionaire
In more than an hour, more than 50 major contracts were all signed.

Then a group of people went to the head office of CCB non-stop. The CCB has been replaced by all staff, ready to go, everything is ready, and they are waiting for Su Chen and others to transfer the money.

This involves the transfer of hundreds of billions of funds. Although the money cannot be deposited into the bank account, Su Chen has promised a large amount of funds savings before, and there is even a death date of no less than 100 billion. The root cause of active enthusiasm.

Because of the preparation in advance, things went smoothly.

There are already 2000 billion funds in Su Chen's system account, and using the powerful power of the system, Su Chen doesn't need to pay a penny for handling fees, and the money is directly withdrawn to his CCB card account. The operation in this process is completely legal but There is no trace, even if the CCB goes all out to investigate, they will not be able to find any problems.

After that, Su Chen used this bank card to directly transfer five times to the special account that he handled before, 1000 billion each time.

Adding the 1000 billion already in the previous account, the total is 6000 billion, which is enough for this transaction.

There is no need for Su Chen to worry about the rest. Every company has its own finances, and they have already waited here in advance. After handing over to Wen Liangdong, they can directly handle the transfer, and then complete the follow-up contract. The transaction is complete.

These procedures are very complicated, but whether it is the finance of the bank or the major companies, they are all elites in accounting, and they move very quickly. In less than an hour, all the transfers are all successful. This also indicates that all cooperation projects this time Well done.

Everyone's face is full of joy. Everyone is the beneficiary of this cooperation.

Because Su Chen asked for a tight schedule, he would suffer a bit in terms of cooperation, and he paid in full in such a fast manner. These big bosses not only took advantage of it, but also solved their own troubles. They must be in a super good mood.

The employees of these bosses have not only gained work experience after this exercise, but they will definitely be rewarded when they go back.

The bank is not at a disadvantage here, and there will be even bigger surprises waiting for them later.

As for Su Chen, let alone, now his system account has more than 1000 billion deposits, which is all he has gained this time. Compared with Su Chen's income, other people's income is not worth mentioning at all .

After the cooperation was completed, the big bosses were very excited, and they all wanted to invite Su Chen to have dinner together. Su Chen did not refuse. The more he experienced, the more Su Chen understood the importance of connections. Left and right are just a meal, and he is now the big sponsor , everyone flatters him to some extent, so he is in the active position, he doesn't need to look at other people's faces, and it's okay to eat a meal.

But he still has a lot of things to do here, so he made an appointment with these people to meet again at seven o'clock in the evening.

Everyone was very keen to see that Su Chen must be super busy just after completing such a large business, so they all left in a hurry.

Once these people leave, the rest will be with the bank.

Su Chen was also unambiguous, and directly withdrew 3000 billion from the system account, 100 billion was stored for a three-year death period, which was regarded as fulfilling the promise to the bank, and the other 900 billion had a full survival period.

When the CCB heard that Su Chen was going to save 3000 billion yuan at a time, everyone was excited and happy. They didn't know how much of their mission goals they had accomplished.

These days, those who have a little savings, either to manage money, or to speculate in stocks, or to do business, basically all of them want to get loans from the bank. How can anyone foolishly deposit money in the bank?Not to mention a one-time deposit of more than 3000 billion, this is simply a super-supreme customer. For this reason, CCB took special measures and directly issued a super-supreme card to Su Chen. This card is currently the only one in CCB. That is to say, CCB believes that Su Chen is the most honored customer of CCB. With this card, Su Chen will enjoy countless privileges. Of course, these privileges may be dispensable to Su Chen.

Wen Liangdong was on the sidelines all the time hesitating to speak, he really wanted to persuade Su Chen, telling him that the money was not spent like this, but Su Chen's operation every time made Wen Liangdong unable to understand, and afterwards Su Chen always It gave people a feeling of strategizing, so Wen Liangdong thought that Su Chen had other schemes, so he didn't hold back his mouth all the time.

As for Guo Xiaoshi, this girl is already numb. Although she spent a lot of money during this period, seeing Su Chen spend nearly one trillion yuan in a few hours today, let alone her, even someone like Zhao Hui The elite talents were also stunned in shock.

Originally, Zhao Hui didn't care much about this job. If she hadn't been busy and the salary was high, she would never have stayed to serve my aunt.

Yes, in Zhao Hui's eyes, Guo Xiaoshi is just a little aunt who doesn't understand anything. Her current status is entirely due to Su Chen's favor.

But now, Zhao Hui changed her mind in an instant. It was the first time she knew that Su Chen was actually a real billionaire. Being with such a rich man, let alone being an assistant, even if he was just a small clerk, It's also a huge opportunity.

Moreover, Guo Xiaoshi doesn't understand anything now, and Zhang Huan is even more disregarded by her, so Zhao Hui, Su Chen's assistant team, can do everything in one word, and even slowly evade Guo Xiaoshi.

She would not think about seeking to usurp the throne, because she knew that Guo Xiaoshi and Su Chen were friends even if they were masters and slaves. It would be too opportunistic to seek the court and usurp the throne, and this approach would be too stupid.She just needs to take Guo Xiaoshi out of the way slowly, and when the time comes, she will control everything, and she will get all the benefits, and Guo Xiaoshi will be responsible for giving her a thunderbolt. This is the smartest way.

Thinking of her good times in the future, Zhao Hui's eyes began to light up slightly.

And Guo Xiaoshi beside her, didn't know that her right-hand assistant had already started thinking about how to use her, and now her little head was completely filled with symbols of coins.

As for Su Chen's thoughts, he has no idea at all, mainly because he is lazy. Investing in financial management and stock trading is too troublesome, and he can't earn much. With that time, he might as well keep two more pets. Give him cash back. If you build a zoo like Brother Ji, you can earn tens of millions every day, which is not as much as investing in financial management, and you are not tired. Just feed each pet a little spiritual nourishment every day. .

In addition, his future consumption will mainly be concentrated in the system mall. The 3000 billion proposed this time is mainly for real consumption, even if he spends his life desperately, he will not be able to spend it all.

After applying for the Supreme Card, Su Chen asked the staff to issue a card for each of Wen Liangdong and Guo Xiaoshi.

Then transfer 58 billion and 600 million to them respectively.

This is a promise given to them in advance.

Su Chen promised before that as long as they can spend the money, he will give them one-thousandth return.

Wen Liangdong and Guo Xiaoshi spent 800 billion and 160 billion respectively, so this is what he promised.

(End of this chapter)

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