I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 142 Decentralization

Chapter 142 Decentralization
This money is a drop in the bucket for Su Chen, but for Wen Liangdong and Guo Xiaoshi, it must be a huge sum of money.

Wen Liangdong worked in the old company for such a long time before, and created tens of billions of profits for the company, but the rewards he got in the end were only tens of millions.

But now, after only helping Su Chen for five or six days, he got 58 billion in return. Such a huge sum of money, even Wen Liangdong with a big heart, was stunned and numb for a while.

The same goes for Guo Xiaoshi, she is just a college student who has just graduated, if there is no Su Chen, her best state now is to work as an intern clerk in a high-end company, and her monthly salary can be [-]. Smoke.

And now, she hasn't worked here for a month, and it's less than 20 days. However, in such a short period of time, he has received 600 million rewards. Don't say such a good thing. I heard that it is estimated that I dare not even dream about it.

To put it bluntly, even if Guo Xiaoshi sold herself as a performer, she wouldn't be able to make so much money in a month.

So at this moment, Guo Xiaoshi is completely dumbfounded, and the whole person is stupid.

As for the others, that is blatant envy and jealousy.

Zhang Huan looked at Guo Xiaoshi with a complicated face, and was really envious of Guo Xiaoshi's good luck. To be honest, in terms of figure and appearance, Zhang Huan was not inferior to Guo Xiaoshi at all, and her figure was even slimmer than Guo Xiaoshi's, but the two of them Guo Xiaoshi has a cute and cute beauty, while Zhang Huan has a pure and somewhat coquettish beauty.

But no matter what, both of them are one-in-a-million beauties.

In terms of appearance and figure, the two are indistinguishable.In terms of knowledge, Guo Xiaoshi is not much better than Zhang Huan, and she is even worse than Zhang Huan in some aspects.In terms of character and character, Zhang Huan is also smart, reliable, kind-hearted, and has principles in doing things.

It can be said that Zhang Huan is not inferior to Guo Xiaoshi in any aspect. The only thing she can't compare to Guo Xiaoshi is that she is not as lucky as Guo Xiaoshi, and she didn't know Su Chen in advance.

Zhao Hui is not as sentimental as Zhang Huan, and now her mind is completely full of the future "power minister".

As for the rest of the bank, it was pure envy and jealousy.Men envy Wen Liangdong, women envy Guo Xiaoshi.A few female staff who thought they had good looks and figure even tried every means to get close to Su Chen, but Su Chen didn't pay attention to them at all, and didn't even take a second look at them.

It's not that Su Chen is pure-hearted and ascetic, but that the current Su Chen has been tempered by the beauties around him.What he values ​​more now is eye contact and friendship.

Without eyes, he doesn't care no matter how beautiful he is, but with eyes, it's not his favorite character, and he won't take a second look. It can be said that Su Chen is extremely picky now, but with Su Chen's current status, It can be said that he has the qualifications to be picky.

After a long while, Wen Liangdong came to his senses, and the first sentence was about to decline.It's not hypocrisy, but Wen Liangdong really thinks that Su Chen gave too much. He is not a greedy person. What he seeks is career and stability. He doesn't want to ruin the development of Su Chen because of the money. Road, so although 58 billion is very tempting, he still shirks it without hesitation.

Immediately afterwards, Guo Xiaoshi also declined, the girl was simply frightened.Like Wen Liangdong, she was also afraid that Su Chen would think of her because of this matter. Although Guo Xiaoshi is cute, she is very smart. She clearly knows that compared with 600 million people, she can always stay by Su Chen's side and be his best friend. Trusted assistant, this little money is nothing.

Seeing the sincere expressions of the two, Su Chen was relieved in his heart, but he waved his hands seriously on the surface. "Transfer the money first, and talk back if you have something to say!"

Seeing this, the two fell silent.This was outside, in front of outsiders, they must have completely listened to Su Chen, and Su Chen did whatever he said.

The bank cards of the two were quickly completed, both of which are the most prestigious diamond cards of CCB, and they can enjoy countless privileges.Now the manager of CCB has made up his mind to curry favor with Su Chen. With such a big financial backer, they will definitely spare no effort to curry favor with him.

In the end, Su Chen asked Wen Liangdong to inject 100 billion into the future company as the future development funds of the future company. When the future company takes the road of scientific research, it can create countless wealth by itself. The 100 billion does not even need to be used at all. It's just that Su Chen left it to the company for emergency.

Finally, Su Chen thought about it, and asked the bank to re-open a card in Guo Xiaoshi's name. Su Chen deposited 100 billion in it. When Guo Xiaoshi filled in the information, her little hands trembled, but she didn't ask a word.

So far, the transaction has been successfully completed.

In the end, Su Chen still had more than 8000 billion in his system account, and more than 3000 billion in his bank card. Together, he had a total of 1000 billion in liquidity, which was enough for him to spend for decades. This is still a system mall. If there is no system mall, he will not be able to spend all this money in a few lifetimes.

After finishing their work, they drove away under the complicated eyes of the bank staff.

In the King Behemoth car, HD drove in the front row, silently.

In the back row, there were only Su Chen, Wen Liangdong and Guo Xiaoshi in the car. Zhang Huan and Zhao Hui were sent away by him and went home after get off work.

In the car, Su Chen bought a bottle of cold beer for the three of them, and took a big gulp, feeling extremely refreshed.

Wen Liangdong and Guo Xiaoshi held their beers in silence and looked confused.

Seeing this, Su Chen smiled slightly.

"What? Are you not happy to give you money?"

Hearing this, Wen Liangdong raised his head and wanted to speak, but was stopped by Su Chen raising his hand.

"Okay, I know what you are going to say. In your eyes, am I, Su Chen, the kind of scheming boss who uses money to test your loyalty?"

Hearing this, the two hurriedly shook their heads.

Su Chen pouted. "Come on, dare you say you haven't thought about it that way?"

Hearing this, the two lowered their heads in embarrassment.

Su Chen smiled. "You guys, although you have only been with me for a few days, you should be able to see who I am. I have always done things quickly and neatly, and I am what I should be, and I never play tricks.

I didn't say anything about this time, and you don't know about it. I can only tell you that through this incident, I have gained a lot of wealth far beyond your imagination, so just accept these rewards for you. It's what you deserve, don't have a psychological burden.

And the money is not all from you, you have entrusted a lot of connections to this matter, and hired a lot of people, right?The money is for you to return favors, including your subordinates.

In other words, for this matter, I will only reward you two, and the rest of the people, including the employees of the future company and your assistant Xiaoshi, I will not give extra rewards. How to repay favors is your business, I said Are you clear? "

The two nodded, expressing their understanding.At the same time, I am grateful from the bottom of my heart for Su Chen's generosity and trust.

You know, this time it's all for Su Chen. If the job is done, there must be a reward, but it's mentioned in how to reward.

If Su Chen distributes the money himself, then everyone will remember Su Chen's kindness.But if it was Wen Liangdong and Guo Xiaoshi who handed out the money, then others would definitely remember their kindness.

What Su Chen meant was actually to want them to win people's hearts and develop his direct subordinates.

To put it simply, it’s just two words – decentralization!
(End of this chapter)

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