Chapter 143
After all, Guo Xiaoshi's knowledge is superficial, and she hasn't heard the voice-over yet.Wen Liangdong understood the meaning immediately, and hurriedly said: "Boss, this is not suitable!"

"Nothing inappropriate!" Su Chen waved his hand. "I told you that I invited you here just to be the hands-off shopkeeper. Before, because of the rush of time, everything was in the preparation stage, so I didn't explain many responsibilities very clearly. Now I just take this opportunity to make things clear. I have explained to you."

"Old Wen, I will give you a goal. If you can make the future company's profit exceed 5.00 billion within one year, I will give you [-]% of the company's shares. Of course, you only have the right to own this share and have no right to transfer it. , if you want to buy or sell the shares after you get them in the future, you must sell them to me at the market value at that time.

This can be regarded as the benefit I give you. Besides, you have an annual salary of 100 million.

And your role, is to take full charge of future technology companies, well, there may be more companies in the future.During the period when you are managing the company, I will not interfere in any matters and completely delegate power. I am only responsible for the year-end audit. You must also make decisions about the size of the company. No big things can bother me.

But if there is any problem in the company, I will only come to you.For you, I have a rule, reward for merit and punishment for demerit, can you accept it? "

Wen Liangdong nodded excitedly.

He never thought that the decentralization that Su Chen said would actually delegate power to such an extent that he would not interfere at all.Isn't this the career he has been looking forward to?
For Su Chen's trust, he was really moved beyond measure, and he really had the urge to die for his confidant.

At this moment, if Su Chen looked at Wen Liangdong with his heavenly eyes, he would find that his loyalty had reached [-], and he became a diehard loyalist!
Su Chen took a sip of wine, then turned to look at Guo Xiaoshi. "The same goes for you. From now on, you will be my full-time assistant, responsible for my basic necessities of life, the management of the courtyard house, and the management of dozens of hotels, resorts and restaurants under my name, and there may be more things in the future. And Like Old Wen, I also completely delegate power to you. I don't care how many assistants you hire, that's your business, as long as you can afford it.

I will give you an annual salary of 1000 million yuan every year, and you will be responsible for paying the salary of your assistant. If you have the ability to do everything by yourself, then the money will be yours.Of course, this is only preliminary and will increase in the future.

In addition, this card is for you, and the 100 billion in it is your management expenses. All the expenses of the courtyard house will be deducted from here in the future. You don’t need to apply to me for any expenses, as long as you make the accounts. I’m only responsible for checking the accounts at the end of the year, emmmmm , Don't worry about resorts and hotels, I'll explain this to you later.

Also like Old Wen, I will completely delegate power to you, but you must ensure that you do everything I explain and complete all the things in your work seriously.It is also the end-of-year summary, when the time comes to compare the merits and demerits, there will be rewards for merits and punishments for demerits, how about it?Do you feel up to it? "

Guo Xiaoshi's small waist was straight, her big moist eyes were staring round, her small face was a little numb, and she looked at a loss.

Seeing this, Su Chen didn't urge him. He took out a box of cigarettes from his pocket. There was no brand, and he bought them from the system. It was said that they were good cigarettes, and Su Chen couldn't smoke them. He only knew that the price of this cigarette was the most expensive, 100 yuan. In case, it is said that the tobacco inside is cultivated on the top of the snow-capped mountains. It has been irrigated with spiritual nourishment liquid since childhood and formed. It has both the chill of the snow-capped mountains and the pungentness of the tobacco itself. With one sip, you can experience the dual world of ice and fire. , the ultimate comfort.

Well said, but unfortunately Su Chen is not an old smoker, he is just a novice, smoking is purely for that kind of style, so the experience after smoking is greatly reduced.

But Su Chen didn't care, what he was smoking was not cigarettes, but the price!
Su Chen took out a cigarette, Wen Liangdong hurriedly took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and was about to light it for Su Chen.

Su Chen's hand holding the cigarette paused, looked at Wen Liangdong and smiled meaningfully. "Old Wen, you are a little quick to adapt!"

With that said, Su Chen took the lighter from Wen Liangdong and lit it himself.

Wen Liangdong was a little embarrassed.To be honest, he himself is also different. He is not a person who is good at flattering people, but at that moment just now, it was completely a coincidence. He didn't even know why he did that.

Seeing Wen Liangdong's expression turned several times, feeling a little uneasy, Su Chen breathed out the smoke to the side, then patted Wen Liangdong's thigh, and said gently: "Don't be nervous, I didn't say anything. This is normal for everyone. Response has nothing to do with character, it can only be said that money is touching. Love of money is the nature of human beings, which is nothing to be surprised about. The important thing is whether we can restrain our inner greed and desire, and be a person with ideals.

You old Wen is a person with ideals, I don't want you to be corrupted by money and become He Shen, I hope you can be Zhang Juzheng.Of course, we only need to learn their ideals and beliefs. There is no need to learn other things. We could have both wealth and ideals, but we have to do both. He himself feels that his soul has been sublimated, but he has never thought about his family. I don’t want it. You become such a person. "

Wen Liangdong didn't speak, but his eyes became brighter and brighter, as if he had realized something.

Su Chen was still talking to himself: "Actually, I'm the same. Suddenly getting rich and becoming a talent overnight, no matter how much I restrain myself, I feel that I have changed, become extravagant, and become in line with money in everything. Rustic, and a bit vulgar, but I think there is nothing wrong with it. Money is for spending. If I have so much money but don’t use it for enjoyment, then what is the purpose of my money? Spending money is not a crime, the important thing is whether you can keep your money Heart. I can use the money I earn to enjoy myself, but I can't infringe others because of it.

Just like this cigarette just now, if I accept that you light it for me, then I really have a problem! "

"Okay, the world has changed suddenly recently, and I have to constantly adjust myself, so I talk a lot, so don't pay too much attention to it, the most important thing is to live your own life well!"

Wen Liangdong looked at Su Chen, and after a long silence, he took a long breath, looked at Su Chen, and said sincerely: "Boss, I always thought you were on the third floor, but I thought you were on the second floor, but I didn't expect you to be on the second floor." You have already transcended the fifth level, what you said today, Liang Dong has been taught!"

Su Chen couldn't laugh or cry. "What's on the first and fifth floors? I'd rather be on the first floor, the fifth floor is too high, I'm afraid of the cold!"

Wen Liangdong didn't speak, but looked at Su Chen with even more respect.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wen Liangdong slapped Guo Xiaoshi's arm beside him.

Guo Xiaoshi woke up suddenly, and said in a daze, "Ah? Boss, what are you talking about?"

Seeing this, Su Chen pointed at Guo Xiaoshi, looked at Wen Liangdong, and said helplessly: "Look, old Wen, we are both real people, this one is the master of pretending to be confused!"

Wen Liangdong also suddenly realized, looking at Guo Xiaoshi, his eyes changed again and again, and finally he gave a wry smile.

He figured out that there was no ordinary person in this car.

When Guo Xiaoshi heard the jokes between the two, she couldn't help sticking out her tongue and laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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