I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 144 Rent Collector?

Chapter 144 Rent Collector?

"Boss, shall we go home?"

Gao Qing's voice came from the microphone.

Su Chen raised his hand and looked at his watch, the sparkling diamonds shook his heart.

"Hey! It's almost six o'clock in a blink of an eye? Lao Gao is going to Jinyue Restaurant, drive slowly!"

"Roger that!"

"Tell me about tomorrow!" Su Chen stretched his waist. "Tomorrow, Xiaoshi and I will go to Dali, and we will rely on you at home, Old Wen!"

"Don't worry, boss!"

Wen Liangdong is a person who can't be idle. For him, he is not afraid of heavy tasks, but he is afraid of having nothing to do. Su Chen's approach is exactly in line with his wishes.

"Boss, how many of us are going? What time do we book the air tickets?"

Guo Xiaoshi took out her small notebook out of habit.

"Air ticket?" Su Chen smiled slightly. "No, just find me three stewardesses who are charge d'affaires before tomorrow morning. The higher the quality, the better!"

"Stewardess?" Guo Xiaoshi was dumbfounded. "Boss, have you bought a private jet?"

"Well, we are also billionaires anyway, so we should be more cautious when going out, private jets are definitely safer!"

Guo Xiaoshi was in a daze, it was not accidental that Su Chen bought the plane, in fact, with Su Chen's current worth, buying a private jet is nothing more than a trivial matter.

What Guo Xiaoshi cares about is that she doesn't know that Su Chen bought a private jet. She is Su Chen's personal secretary. She usually knows what Su Chen does, but what about now?Su Chen actually bought a private jet without going through her. Does this mean that Su Chen has another little milk dog?

For a while, Guo Xiaoshi was thinking wildly, with a trace of resentment in her eyes.

Su Chen is too familiar with Guo Xiaoshi, and he can guess her little thoughts at a glance. He wanted to explain it, but he immediately withdrew his idea.

Guo Xiaoshi is still too innocent now, and his favor for Guo Xiaoshi is too much, which is not a good thing, he doesn't like fighting, and he doesn't need any intrigue around him, but basic human sophistication, IQ and EQ are still needed, Guo Xiaoshi still lacks training in this aspect, so Su Chen has to take back some of his good temper. Sometimes, excessive indulgence is not a good thing.

Seeing that Su Chen was expressionless and silent, Guo Xiaoshi's heart sank, her nerves that had been a little relaxed instantly tensed up, and her little hands hurriedly wrote down in the notebook.

"Boss, what else do you need?" Guo Xiaoshi said with a tense voice.

Wen Liangdong saw this scene in his eyes, and he agreed with Su Chen's approach. He thought that Guo Xiaoshi received too much favor, which was not good for both of them. Originally, he wanted to find time to spend time with Su Chen. They chatted on the sidelines, but Su Chen did not expect that he would reflect on himself.

This made Wen Liangdong secretly heave a sigh of relief, if it wasn't necessary, if he wasn't loyal, he really didn't want to get involved in the boss's "family affairs".But immediately, he was both surprised and admired by Su Chen's progress in all aspects.The longer he gets along with Su Chen, the more he feels that his little boss is not simple.

Su Chen was silent for a moment, after thinking for a while, he said: "It's nothing, you just need to arrange our itinerary along the way, it's best to buy some accommodation in Dali, Lijiang and other places, I may go there often in the future, and have my own The landing is still good."

"Okay, Xiao Shi wrote it down!"

Guo Xiaoshi carefully wrote Su Chen's words in a small notebook.

However, Wen Liangdong suddenly interjected: "Boss, there is no need to buy a house."

"Huh?" Su Chen looked at Wen Liangdong suspiciously.

Wen Liangdong said with a smile: "Didn't our plan to spend money before buy land? One of my juniors happened to work in a real estate company, and I bought the land for our science and technology park and museum through him. Then I saw that their company is in the real estate industry The alligator company has a good brand reputation, especially in tourism real estate, so I bought a lot of houses and shops in their company, and they are basically located near major tourist attractions in the country! Dali Lijiang is A famous tourist attraction, if I remember correctly, there are more than a dozen sets of our real estate shops there!"

"Huh?" Su Chen was a little surprised. He didn't expect Wen Liangdong to do so many things in silence. No wonder he spent so much money on his business. "You mean, I have a lot of properties under my name now?"

Wen Liangdong nodded with a smile.

Mom!Accidentally embarked on the road of rent collectors?

Su Chen scratched his head. "It looks like it's time to set up a real estate company. No, we don't resell real estate. It's not appropriate to set up a real estate company. It's better to start a catering and entertainment company! Old Wen, you should do this, and then sell all the properties under my name. Put it all in, well, I now know that I have a private kitchen, a resort, and a villa and a hotel in every first-tier city in the country. These information are all in Xiaoshi. You can hand over to him when the time comes! "

Wen Liangdong took a deep breath, he didn't know that Su Chen actually had such an industry, one villa and one hotel in each of the first-tier cities across the country, plus resorts, the value of this part would be worth at least 34 billion, right?In addition to the real estate I bought, the sum is tens of billions. An unestablished company already has tens of billions of real estate, which is simply unbelievable.

"Okay, don't worry boss, I'll fix it."

Su Chen rubbed his head, and then said: "At first, I wanted to hand over these things to Xiao Shi Guan, but now it seems that I can't do it, she can't do it. How about this, old Wen, help me find a CEO of hotel management, Take charge of the company's daily routine, and then you, Xiaoshi, will be in charge of the liaison!"

The two nodded, Wen Liangdong looked at Guo Xiaoshi with meaningful eyes, Su Chen's meaning was obvious, if Guo Xiaoshi could grow, then this company should be left to Guo Xiaoshi's management in the future, after all, catering and entertainment and Su Chen's daily life Life is very close, it is normal to give it to Guo Xiaoshi, but this kind of favor is really too much!

Guo Xiaoshi also seemed to have realized something, looking at Su Chen with admiration and trepidation.I didn't feel anything before, but after today's words, Guo Xiaoshi finally felt the heavy burden on her body. This burden made her a little breathless, but she had to hold on, otherwise she would be really sorry for Su Chen's treatment of her. She will not even forgive herself for her cultivation!

"Guo Xiaoshi, you have to work hard!" Guo Xiaoshi whispered in her heart.

"Boss, have you invited the captain? This is the top priority!"

Wen Liangdong kindly reminded them that Su Chen is their future now, so they are absolutely super concerned about Su Chen's safety.

Su Chen nodded. "Don't worry, I've already found him, he's the ace pilot of the airline, absolutely reliable!"

In fact, these were all done for him by the system mall, including airplanes, routes, and captains, which were all arranged by the system. Su Chen directly bought a big package, which cost a total of [-] million yuan. It is really expensive, but Produced by the system, it must be worth the money.

It's a pity that for some reason, there is no stewardess in the package, so Su Chen asked Guo Xiaoshi to recruit temporarily.

(End of this chapter)

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