Chapter 145 Ready to go
Had a meal with a group of bosses who pretended to be snakes.

Su Chen didn't bring Guo Xiaoshi with him, so the taste of bringing her on this occasion changed, and it was just him and Gao Qing.The little girl was ready, but was stopped by Su Chen.

Guo Xiaoshi didn't know what Su Chen thought, but the little girl must be happy. Su Chen didn't let her drink with her, which meant that he cared about her. This must have made Guo Xiaoshi both happy and moved.

Su Chen definitely didn't eat well this meal, being held up by a bunch of people and speaking insincerely would definitely affect his mood while eating.Fortunately, Su Chen has a thick skin, and he ate a lot of food and wine. After returning home, he was dizzy and comfortable. To be honest, after being poor for more than 20 years, he was suddenly flattered by a bunch of big bosses. Su Chen said no Enjoy that is a lie.

He enjoyed it very much, but he knew better that he just listened to some words, and if he believed them, he would be stupid.

The next day, Su Chen got up very early as usual, but someone was earlier than him. At just six o'clock, Su Chen saw Yue Yunpeng and Sun Yuetuo's family, each with their wives and children, in the living room waiting.

This was agreed yesterday. Since we are going out to play, we must bring our family with us. Otherwise, what is the point of playing?
But after the past, it is often divided into two parts, the children and the female relatives play alone, and the old men play alone, and only get together when eating and sleeping.This can not only entertain the body and mind, but also do not interfere with each other.

Su Chen greeted Yue Yunpeng's and Sun Yue's daughter-in-law and children. Regarding Yue Yunpeng's daughter-in-law, Su Chen didn't hold back, and called Yue Sister-in-law. After all, he was much younger than Yue Yunpeng in terms of age.But Yue Yunpeng didn't do it, he was talking about cross talk, the rules are as big as the sky, he should be what he should be, and the seniority can't be messed up, so he insisted on letting his wife call him uncle.

Yue Yunpeng's daughter-in-law is surnamed Zheng, named Zheng Rui. She is a very smart and capable woman, she is also very easy-going, very good at dealing with affairs, and behaves well in the world. It can be said that Yue Yunpeng's success today is at least half of the credit for his daughter-in-law.

Zheng Rui was very supportive of Yue Yunpeng, and what he said to him was usually like a husband and wife, so she insisted on calling him uncle. Su Chen had no choice but to bite the bullet and call him Xiao Li. Yue Yunpeng didn't even dare to call Sister Li.

As for Sun Yue, it's very simple, he is the same generation as Yu Qiang, so Su Chen can just call him his wife and sister-in-law.

After getting to know each other for a while, Su Chen held Yue Yunpeng's daughter in his arms, glanced at Yue Yunpeng, and said, "I said Yue Yue, it's impossible that I didn't get up so early!"

Knowing that Su Chen was joking, Yue Yunpeng didn't care at all, and waved his hands indifferently: "Oh, isn't this for breakfast? I'm afraid I won't be able to eat it if I come late. Uncle, is sister Yun up? Girl, tell me what you want to eat quickly, Your grandpa Su can do anything?"


Su Chen felt unrequited love for an instant.

Sun Yue also joined in the fun. "That's right, son, you don't have to be polite when you come to your Uncle Su's. Let me tell you, the food here is the best in the world!"

"Yeah, tell uncle what you want to eat, and uncle will make it for you."

Su Chen held Yue Yunpeng's daughter in his arms, and said kindly.Uncle has reached his limit, and he is determined not to let this child be called grandpa.

Yue Yunpeng opened his mouth, but was slapped secretly by Zheng Rui, and then closed his mouth resentfully.

Yue Yunpeng's daughter rolled her eyes, and said crisply: "I want to eat hot and dry noodles!"

Su Chen was taken aback. "Hey! All right! Can eat! Looks like your father!"

Yue Yunpeng raised his head proudly, and said with a smile, "That's right, my daughter must be like me!"

"I hope our daughter will not inherit your body shape in the future!"

Yue Yunpeng was instantly dumbfounded. "No! You can't! Can't you, daughter-in-law? Can't you?"

Zheng Rui pursed her lips, and gave Yue Yunpeng an angry look, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

Su Chen turned his head and looked at Sun Yue's son. "Little Douzi, what do you want to eat?"

Xiaodouzi was very shy, with his little head lying in Sun Yue's arms, and it took him a long time to say a word. "I'm not picky eaters!"

"Hehe, it's a good thing not to be picky eaters, but a little introverted, Douzi, you guys speak loudly, you know? Come on, look at Uncle, and tell Uncle, what do you want to eat?"

Sun Yue hugged his son and echoed in his ear: "Did you hear what your uncle said? Come on, turn your head around."

However, Xiaodouzi didn't pay attention to the two of them at all, and his little head got into Sun Yue's arms, and he got into it hard.

Su Chen and Sun Yue didn't care, Sun Yue was used to it, and Su Chen had seen it too much.He was just joking, he must not be serious with children as a grown man, how serious is that?

"Hehe, this little guy is quite shy, it's fine, just get used to it!"

Sun Yue shook his head hating that iron could not be made into steel. "This kid is too introverted, it's over!"

"You've got it!" Su Chen gave Sun Yue a white look. "It's better to be introverted. Introverted people can do practical things. The child has such a personality, so don't force it! Okay, the two children are here, I can't be lazy as an uncle, I will cook!"

Yue Yunpeng stared in surprise, and said in surprise: "Wow! Uncle, you cook yourself? Girl, you are taking too much face, it seems that I have to take you with me when I come here in the future!"

Everyone laughed.

The small courtyard is full of cheerful atmosphere.

After a while, Yu Qiang also came over with his family.

Yu Qiang's daughter-in-law's surname is Zhou, and her child's name is Xiaobao. They also went to the kitchen to say hello to Su Chen.

"Why didn't you bring your second child?"

Yu Qiang also has a five-year-old son, who was not brought today.

"The second child is not on vacation yet, and his grandma is watching."

"Heh! You and your family come out to play without bringing others, won't you make trouble?"

"Why not make trouble?" Yu Qian shook his head helplessly. "His mother coaxed me for a long time, and agreed to be obedient when I promised to come back and buy gifts for me!"

In fact, it was Yu Qian who didn't want to take care of his second child. Five years old is too young, and it will be troublesome to bring it out. Once he cries, it will affect everyone's mood.And you have to take care of him, no one can play well.I don't want Xiaobao and Xiaodouzi to be in their teens anyway, and they are sensible, so they won't cause trouble if they bring them out.

Su Chen knew it well and didn't say anything.

A simple breakfast was made, with Han Yun helping the cook, and Su Chen moved very quickly. In more than half an hour, he cooked a table of delicious food, including buns, noodles, soy milk, tofu nao, and fried dough sticks, including Yue Yunpeng's daughter Xiaoyuan. Round hot dry noodles.

Because they had to go out, and it was morning, no one drank any alcohol, but simply had breakfast.But everyone was full, especially the third primary school, who was full. If the mother hadn't stopped her, she might have eaten as much as she could.They all shouted that the food at Uncle Su's house was too delicious.

In just one meal, the three little ones are familiar with Su Chen, and they are no strangers to Su Chen. Surrounding Uncle Su Chen's shouting, Su Chen is very happy. He didn't expect that he also has the instinct to like children. .

After dinner, the courtyard began to gather and tidy up. Yu Qiang and the others had finished tidying up, and they were waiting for Su Chen.

Su Chen's side is almost packed, Guo Xiaoshi has prepared everything in advance, as long as Su Chen packs up, he can leave at any time.

Su Chen didn't have anything to prepare, Guo Xiaoshi prepared clothes, shoes, etc. He just went back to the study, took out some of his treasures, put them in the ring, and then held an empty box to cover people's eyes and ears. :07, a group of people drove five cars from Su Chen's garage, and rushed to the airport in a hurry!

(End of this chapter)

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