I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 151 Love is about to break out?

Chapter 151 Love is about to break out?
A group of people were driving the car, the speed was not very fast, rolled down the windows, and enjoyed the scenery along the way, the unobstructed view of the rice fields and flowers and the refreshing fragrance in the air, all of which made everyone feel refreshed, because of the remaining memories of flying. Tiredness was swept away.

Four luxury cars passed by, attracting many people's attention.

Everyone was in a good mood, only Yu Qiang was a bit regretful that he didn't experience the self-driving tour.No way, who made him drink alcohol on the plane.Speaking of it, it has to be Uncle Ji. In just a short while, Uncle Ji drank three bottles of wine, and he still didn’t feel anything at all. Su Chen even forgot. If it wasn’t for Sun Yue’s reminder, something serious might happen .

Uncle Ke'er is not in a good mood. It's not that he's depressed because he's stopped from driving, but because he's depressed. Why can't drinking and driving be done at the same time?The ancients liked to sing songs about wine and run wildly on horses, that is the pride of men. Unfortunately, in modern times, if you want to sing songs about wine and run wildly on cars, what is waiting is not the pride of men, but the prison situation!
But it's a trivial matter after all, twenty miles is not far away, even if the speed of the car is not fast, the group of people finally entered the city near noon.

As soon as they entered the ancient city of Dali, everyone felt in a trance for a moment, as if they had traveled through a happy time and space, entering the ancient city from the modern society.

The main reason is that everyone is used to life in the metropolis, and they are used to feasting and feasting. Now when they suddenly see the simple and unsophisticated architectural style, they all have a sense of freshness.

Guo Xiaoshi lay on the car window, looking out at the street curiously with her big eyes.

The girl is wearing a very simple dress today. Her lower body is wearing a panty skirt, a pair of strappy sandals on her feet, and a white cartoon short-sleeved upper body. The hem of the clothes is tucked into the skirt. Outside, under the sunlight, Ye Ye shines brightly!
Coupled with the girl's handsome face, fair skin, big eyes and eyebrows, red lips and white teeth, the motorcade passing by the street frequently attracted people's attention, and it was unclear whether they were looking at the car or the girl.


Su Chen patted casually, but unexpectedly landed on Guo Xiaoshi's leg.

When her thigh was attacked, Guo Xiaoshi was shocked, and immediately realized that it was Su Chen, and smiled again, but there was a little blush on her fair and pretty face.


Su Chen coughed lightly, pretending to be calm and said: "Don't look, there will be opportunities for you to play in the future, hurry up and show the way!"

"Oh!" Guo Xiaoshi hurriedly took out her mobile phone, opened the map, entered the address of the house, turned on the navigation, and then clamped the mobile phone to the car's central control.

With the map, Su Chen also has the direction, so there is no need for Guo Xiaoshi.But Guo Xiaoshi didn't look outside, but looked at Su Chen, licked her lips with her small tongue, and suddenly said: "Boss, did you feel comfortable shooting just now?"

"Huh?" Su Chen was stunned for a moment.

Good guy, he was molested?
Looking at Guo Xiaoshi's cute and charming face, Su Chen's heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

He forced himself to calm down, and gave Guo Xiaoshi an angry look. "What nonsense? Lao Gao is still here!"

Guo Xiaoshi's pretty face turned red, and when she looked back, she found that Lao Gao had fallen asleep with her arms around her shoulders at some point, and the baseball cap she was wearing on her head was put on her face at some point, sitting I was motionless in the back, as if I was asleep and didn't know anything.

Guo Xiaoshi's pretty face turned even redder. He knew Lao Gao. Gao Qing was a soldier. He was extremely vigilant. As long as he was by Su Chen's side, Gao Qing would be vigilant anytime and anywhere, and it was impossible to fall asleep. made.

Guo Xiaoshi pouted her nose at HD, then turned around with her head drooping, sat on her back, and stopped talking, the little courage she had managed just now was all gone now.

Looking at Guo Xiaoshi's appearance, Su Chen couldn't help being amused, but also sighed.

Guo Xiaoshi has feelings for him, he has already seen it.This is too obvious, but he dare not agree easily, he is not a pervert, nor is he a lover, he will not be promiscuous, but he may not be able to be single-minded, the only thing he can do is to try not to deceive any girl , and don't let any girl get hurt.

So whether it's the ignorant Guo Xiaoshi or Gu Qingya who makes him a little bit excited, he won't be in a hurry to develop a relationship, because now before he has some biological exchanges, let each other have a sufficient understanding of each other, so that In the future, at least both parties will not regret it.

Looking at the shy Guo Xiaoshi, Su Chen rarely showed a strange tenderness on his face. He stretched out his hand and rubbed Guo Xiaoshi's little head, and said softly, "Don't worry, it's still a long time!"

Being touched on the head by Su Chen, Guo Xiaoshi was instantly elated, this was the first time Su Chen made such an intimate gesture towards her.

Then listening to Su Chen's words, he became even happier.Immediately, he might think that he was a little immodest, and hurriedly blushed to argue. "Who's in a hurry? I don't!"

Su Chen laughed and said, "No?"

"No!" Guo Xiaoshi covered her face with her hands and said firmly.

Seeing Guo Xiaoshi's cute appearance, Su Chen couldn't help but smile knowingly.

"Okay, if you don't have one, then you don't. Anyway, I'm not the one who is in a hurry. It's time to get out of the car?"

After finishing speaking, Su Chen found a parking space and parked the car, then opened the door and got out of the car.

Guo Xiaoshi was too shy and angry at the moment, secretly scolding Su Chen as a villain, but didn't dare to get out of the car, her face was flushed now, she needed to slow down.

Suddenly, Gao Qing in the back seat had a reaction, as if he had just woken up, and muttered: "Ahem, what, oops, it's here, so fast!"

Before he finished speaking, he quickly opened the door and got out of the car.

Only Guo Xiaoshi was left alone, dumbfounded and upset!

The group of people got out of the car, and there were already people waiting at the door. The leader was Zhang Huan, and the housekeeper she invited stood behind.


Seeing Su Chen, Zhang Huan hurried up to meet him, with a serious expression, like an elite secretary.

"Well! Well done!"

Su Chen gave a soft compliment.

Zhang Huan smiled slightly, said modestly, and said nothing more.She knew that her boss was Guo Xiaoshi, and Su Chen didn't manage her vertically, so she didn't say much.

Seeing Zhang Huan's behavior like this, Su Chen gave Zhang Huan a high look in his heart. This girl doesn't leapfrog to cater to her boss, doesn't try her best to please her boss.

After looking at Zhang Huan one more time, Su Chen looked away and looked at his new home here in Dali, a courtyard compound combining ancient and modern!
Yes, it is still a courtyard house, but the courtyard house here is completely different from the courtyard house in the imperial capital. The courtyard house here has the characteristics of the Bai people's dwellings, looks simple and magnificent, and is full of beauty. But completely different!
(End of this chapter)

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