Chapter 152
Dali is the old city of the ancient Dali Kingdom. Although it is not the capital, it has inherited the cultural heritage of the ancient Dali Kingdom.

Most of the ancient buildings in Dali are in the style of the Bai nationality, and the Bai nationality was the main ethnic group in Dali at that time. Even the royal family was born in the Bai nationality. Therefore, the architectural culture of the Bai nationality is of great historical research value, and it is extremely exquisite.

In fact, the buildings of the Bai nationality are mainly distributed in Xizhou and Haidong, but there are also some ancient houses in the ancient city of Dali, and there are many wealthy mansions.

People basically don't know much about the architecture of the Bai nationality, so when they first saw it, they were both curious and surprised.

First of all, the outer courtyard wall and the main entrance opened the eyes of everyone.

There are many marble heads, and most of the Bai people's houses are made of local materials, and stones are widely used as the main building materials.There is a folk saying in Dali that "Dali has three treasures, and walls built with stones will not fall down".Moreover, the Bai people advocate white, and the exterior walls of their buildings are all white. From the perspective of courtyard layout, building structure, and interior and exterior decoration, the Bai people's houses are traditionally inherited from the Central Plains houses.

However, due to the fact that most of the styles of the Bai people have a history of more than a hundred years, some of them are less maintained and dilapidated. Obviously.

The exterior wall of the entire house is gray and white, but it is very tall, much higher than the courtyard wall of the courtyard, and
The foot of the wall, the head of the door, the head of the window, the eaves and other parts are decorated with stones engraved with geometric lines and pitted patterns, and the walls are often built with cobblestones.The walls are painted with lime, and the white walls and blue tiles are especially eye-catching.The corners of the gable walls are all decorated with ink patterns, and the overall appearance is extremely elegant and generous.

"Zhang Huan, you came here early, do you know anything about Bai nationality architecture?"

Suddenly, Su Chen picked up Zhang Huan with great interest.

When Zhang Huan heard this, her first reaction was not nervousness, but excitement. In order to complete the task perfectly today, she really made a lot of preparations, just to meet all of Su Chen's needs. At first, she thought it was a waste of time. Didn't expect the opportunity to show up so soon.

Gathering his mind, Zhang Huan forced himself to calm down, and then temporarily acted as a tour guide with a smile on his face.

"Boss, I don't know much, I can only briefly say something!"

"It's okay, you can say as much as you want."

Su Chen encouraged, he was just a temporary idea, so naturally he couldn't ask for too much.

Other people also looked at it with great interest. They were really curious. To be honest, if there was no explanation, they would only know that the building is beautiful and beautiful, but they would not be able to tell how beautiful and beautiful it is. , Even if you finish reading it, you won't be able to leave a deep impression, and it will be useless after reading it, which will not achieve the purpose of tourism.

Zhang Huan was a little nervous to be in the spotlight, but more excited. The little girl's pretty face turned red when she got excited.

"Boss, brothers, sisters-in-law, and children, then I will temporarily act as an unreliable tour guide for a while.

The house you see now is actually an authentic ancient building with the style of the Bai people, and the Bai people."

Zhang Huan led the crowd inside, talking eloquently while walking, his words were completely unscripted, and his expressions were clear and fluent. It could be seen that he really worked hard in advance.

". The Bai people are a very enthusiastic nation. In the past, there was a common saying: the Bai people are 'big tile-roofed houses, hollow cavity', while the Hakka people are 'thatched houses, oily fragrance', which means that the Bai people are stingy and frugal. All of them need to build strong and comfortable houses, and even if the tourists live in simple thatched houses, they eat without carelessness, and the thatched houses often smell of oil.

The architectural style of the Bai people is also very regular, known as 'one front and two ears', 'two rooms and one ear', 'three squares and one screen wall', 'four in five patios', 'six contract spring' and 'Zoumajiaojiaolou' And so on.

Our house is a typical four-in-five courtyard and six-in-one spring style.The so-called four-in-five courtyard is a courtyard mainly composed of four buildings. A small side room and a small courtyard are built at the junction of the two buildings, plus a large courtyard in the middle, and there are five courtyards in total.

Liutongchun is two courtyards connected back and forth, and there are corridors between each building, as well as upstairs and downstairs, which are all connected, so it is also called "Zoumazhuanjiaolou".

While listening to the introduction, everyone walked into the first courtyard, which was different from the courtyard in the imperial capital. The courtyard was surrounded by tall two-story buildings, surrounded on all sides, and the courtyard in the middle was surrounded like a patio. Looking up, You can not only feel the majesty and wonder of nature, but also have a different emotion in your heart. The guests will feel the shock and admiration of the host’s mansion, and the host will feel a kind of superiority. feel.

This house has obviously been refurbished. Based on the old house, it has been modernized and rebuilt. While protecting the original old building, the interior design of the room, the matching of furniture, the consideration of lighting, etc. have been carried out. Sophisticated modern design.

But if you look closely, the whole house has retained its original antique charm after modernization. All kinds of carvings, wood carvings, stone carvings, paintings, whitewashing, and clay sculptures are all exquisite, and even the marble floor tiles on each piece There are exquisite dark eight immortals and auspicious pattern line engravings, which preserve the architecture and art of the Bai nationality very well.

With Zhang Huan's explanation, everyone had a deeper understanding of this ancient house, and at the same time they were amazed and liked from the bottom of their hearts.

After walking around for more than half an hour, the crowd came to an end.Then they hurriedly chose their own room, this was their den during this time, and they might even come here often in the future, so everyone paid attention to it.

Su Chen doesn't need to choose, his room will naturally be arranged by someone.

Zhang Huan left after explaining, she still had a lot of things to do, Su Chen didn't say anything, so the little girl was still a little nervous, but her face was expressionless.

As soon as Zhang Huan left, Guo Xiaoshi's indifferent expression changed, she ran to the front with a smile, and hugged Su Chen's arm, well, after the incident in the car just now, the little girl is becoming more and more bold now.

"Boss, what's the matter? Are you happy with my family?"

Su Chen rolled Guo Xiaoshi's eyes, but let Guo Xiaoshi hold her arms without refusing.

"What do you want to ask? Why? Afraid she will take your place?"

Guo Xiaoshi pouted. "Tch, what do I have to be afraid of? As long as you don't hate me, your boss, then my ass will be stable. If you hate me that day, then it's useless for me to be afraid. So jealousy is something I do here It doesn't exist anymore, my mission is to please my little boss to the fullest, so that you will never hate me!"

Su Chen suddenly stopped, turned his head, looked at Guo Xiaoshi's delicate pretty face, and suddenly smiled. "I just said, you girl is the best at pretending to be confused!"

"Hee hee!" Guo Xiaoshi responded with a cute smile, but her eyes were bright.

Su Chen shook his head, then walked forward, and said at the same time: "Zhang Huan has a good talent, you can find out later to see what she is good at, and then vigorously cultivate her, she will become your good helper in the future."

"Yeah, boss, don't worry, I understand!"

"You! I guess my words are in vain. You must have thought of it long ago, right?"

"No, it's because the boss taught me well!"

"Go! Don't sycophant, I don't take this kind of thing."

"But boss, you laughed!"

"I do not have!"

"I saw!"

"If you say no, there will be no."

(End of this chapter)

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