I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 153 Gu Qingya's Change

Chapter 153 Gu Qingya's Change
The house only has two courtyards, but it is surrounded by small two-story buildings. In terms of the number of rooms, it is almost the same as the quadrangle courtyards in the imperial capital.

In terms of area, the houses here are definitely incomparable to the homes in the imperial capital. The courtyard houses in the imperial capital are not only courtyards with five entrances, but also two gardens, several garages, and warehouses.

However, the rooms here are enough, and behind the house, there is a separate small courtyard. This small courtyard does not belong to the internal structure of the house. Zhang Huan bought it on purpose yesterday. Zhang Huan knows that Su Chen likes to keep some pets. Like, I bought an extra yard on purpose.

Su Chen was very happy to hear this, and it is rare to exaggerate Zhang Huan. I have to say that this little girl is really meticulous in her work, and she is even better than Guo Xiaoshi in some aspects.

With the yard, Su Chen was really satisfied with the environment here, so he came up with the idea of ​​staying here for a while, so he called the captain of the private jet, Zhao Ming, and asked him to return to the imperial capital, and help him keep the pets at home. And some things he needs to bring over.

Not to mention, there have always been pets at home, and I am not used to living in a quiet yard all of a sudden.

Su Chen, Guo Xiaoshi, and Gao Qing lived in one courtyard, while Yu Qiang and the other three and several female nursing homes lived in another courtyard.

Su Chen occupies the two floors of the main building alone. Unlike the courtyard of the Imperial Capital, the architectural style of the courtyard of the Imperial Capital likes to sit north and south, while the houses here generally like to sit west and east, so the two sides are the south building and the north building.

Gao Qing and others lived in the north building, while Guo Xiaoshi and Gu Qingya lived in the south building.

Thinking of Gu Qingya, Su Chen slapped his head violently, came back to watch it, and actually forgot about Gu Qingya.

After inquiring and knowing that Gu Qingya was in the south building, Su Chen was in no hurry to go, he had been waiting for so long, so it's not too late.

Taking advantage of this time, Su Chen changed into casual clothes, a black half-sleeved shirt with auspicious clouds patterned on it.Wearing slacks on his lower body, a pair of casual leather shoes under his feet, he still wears his diamond watch on his left hand, a string of golden diamond bracelets that are perfectly wrapped in brown and red on his right hand, and a Erlong opera on his left index finger. Zhu space ring, holding the top-quality tortoise asparagus folding fan given by Wu Jing, coupled with Su Chen's own perfect figure and appearance and indifferent and elegant temperament, he is really a handsome guy.

After tidying up, Su Chen went to the south building. At this moment, Guo Xiaoshi and Gu Qingya were chatting on the first floor.

When the two women saw Su Chen, Qi Qi was startled in surprise.

Su Chen must have been handsome in the past, but Su Chen used to be very casual when he was at home. Even if he was dressed up, his demeanor was very lazy, and he looked like a dandy.

But I didn't expect that as soon as I left the capital, this picturesque Dali seemed to activate the active factors in Su Chen's whole body, and his whole temperament changed drastically, becoming more attractive and attractive.

At least the two women are dumbfounded at the moment.

The eyes of the two women were amazed, and Su Chen looked at the two women, also very amazed.

Not to mention Guo Xiaoshi, she was already super cute and cute, but today she dressed up a little more sexy, making her look super cute.And Gu Qingya is even more terrible. Today's Gu Qingya seems to have released herself, dressed very boldly, wearing a black ultra-short one-piece skirt, wearing a seductive black silk high-heeled lower body, coupled with a waterfall-like With long hair like hair and a pair of eyes like autumn water, the demeanor of a proper royal sister makes people unable to look away at first sight.

Su Chen paused, and then stepped forward to say hello. "Sister Qingya, sorry for being late, are you still used to living here?"

Gu Qingya stood up and greeted Su Chen, smiled at Su Chen, and said softly: "Of course I'm used to such a luxurious house. I have to say, Xiao Chen is still better than you, and I have been to Dali once, but I have to go to Dali once." I stayed in a hotel this time, but without your financial resources, I can buy this house wherever I go!"

Su Chen shrugged. "Sister Qingya, just say that I am a prodigal. I don't believe that you can't afford a house with your wealth?"

Gu Qingya shook her head. "How can this be a prodigal? Buying a house is also an investment, and it won't depreciate after buying it. As for me, it's not that I can't afford it, but I just can't bear it. Unlike you, I don't have any worries. Even if I have money, I can't bear to spend it!"

"Hahaha, don't you also have such a big group? I don't even have a group, just a small company, and it's just started!"

"Your company is still small?" Gu Qingya looked at Su Chen inexplicably, and said, "I've heard that your company has been very active in the past two days. It is said that dozens of contracts were signed in one day, involving With hundreds of billions of funds, such a large amount of money really shocked the entire business world!"

Su Chen laughed. "Hey, I'm just fooling around, I can't take it seriously. Well, it's getting late, it's past twelve o'clock, haven't you eaten?"

Guo Xiaoshi stood up at the right time and quickly shook her head. "No, boss, I'm hungry!"

"Okay, let's go out to eat!"

"Okay! I'll call!"

Guo Xiaoshi agreed and ran out in a hurry.

Gu Qingya stared at Su Chen, and said softly: "You changed the subject quite bluntly. Why, do you think I'm worried about your hundreds of billions of funds?"

Su Chen didn't expect Gu Qingya to ask such a direct question. After pondering for a moment, Su Chen said truthfully: "Yes! No! I just don't want our relationship to be mixed with interests!"

Gu Qingya gave Su Chen a charming white look, and said, "Okay, you're telling the truth. Don't worry, I've already stepped down as the president of the group. Even if the group cares about your money in the future, it won't be me!"

Su Chen was shocked in an instant, and he said that Gu Qingya, as the president of a large group company, was in the period of such an important event as the company's jewelry fair, how could she come to Dali alone to play, it turned out that something happened.

Frowning, Su Chen asked, "What's going on?"

Gu Qingya waved her hand. "It's nothing more than a rich family fighting for power and profit. It's nothing new. Do you really want to hear it?"

Su Chen paused and said, "Do you need my help?"

Gu Qingya shook her head. "Forget it, it's actually a good thing for me. I didn't like power disputes at first. I was kicked out of the market as the president before. Now it's a relief. And I have a lot of compensation over there. Count crossing the river and tearing down the bridge!"

Su Chen nodded, and after pondering for a moment, he said seriously: "If you need it, you can tell me!"

Gu Qingya smiled. "Don't worry, I finally recognized such a wealthy brother like you, I will definitely not be polite to you if I need it. No, when you talk about traveling, I don't need to spend money. I'm just going to come here gone?"

Su Chen also smiled, looking at Gu Qingya at this moment, he felt an indescribable comfort.

In the past, he was very moved when he saw Gu Qingya, otherwise he would not have "love at first sight".It's just that at that time he was still a little inexplicably wary of Gu Qingya, and he always felt that he couldn't see through Gu Qingya.

But it's different now. The Gu Qingya he sees now is very real. At this moment, he seems to have shed his disguise and released his true nature. He looks more real and is also extraordinarily moving.

"Success! I promise to let sister Qingya have fun, and in the next few months, you can rest assured that you will be handed over to me!"

What Su Chen said was ambiguous, and Gu Qingya's heart trembled after hearing it.But he didn't show it, just nodded slightly, and didn't speak anymore!
(End of this chapter)

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